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Posts posted by PGFrog

  1. 25 minutes ago, UncleSonny said:

    The rumors that he is a malcontent who had a huge blowup with his coaches and rage quit the team is more of a red flag than if he made a considered decision to skip his last year to protect his health for cfb.

    These are not a rumor and I told this board what I saw at that track meet. Kid is a headcase and a cancer, but go ahead and attack the high school coaches.

     Neg me into oblivion all you fucking want, don't care, but you don't want this kid on your team and it is fucking hilarious watching the experts on this board rationalize this decision.

    Time to find out if Sark learned from Saban or if he is going to be like Mensa.


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  2. 12 hours ago, Newy25 said:

    Did you get lost and  think you were on the Evans thread? 

    Only providing an answer to the poster who asked how Evans did, but I forgot you only care about Texas recruits so anyone have any thoughts about what happened with Blue at the track meet this past weekend?

  3. 11 hours ago, elfenix said:
    16 hours ago, PGFrog said:
    So Vettel wasn't at fault?  Okay, so why does Seb apologize to Ocon and why does Seb get the penalty is he wasn't at fault?

    No, dumbass. Vettel on the radio always bitches about every other driver and is god's gift to motorsports

    What the fuck is wrong with you?

  4. 4 minutes ago, elfenix said:

    so how did you like watching your first F1 race?

    So Vettel wasn't at fault?  Okay, so why does Seb apologize to Ocon and why does Seb get the penalty is he wasn't at fault?

  5. Realize it is very, very early with a new team and for the team itself in some ways, but thoughts on Vettel?

    He was bad in qualifying and was clearly at fault in the collision yet on the radio he is confident it is the other driver.  Reminds me of the guy driving 15 mph too slow in the left lane with his blinker on bitching about all the other dangerous drivers.


  6. Many got what they wanted which is Max with and equal if not better car and Lewis still pulls out the win.  Obviously they are the top two drivers, but the question I have is what happens with the Mercedes car.

    Heard and read multiple times since the new regs came out, testing, and in qualifying that the low rake cars were being negatively impacted by the changes while the higher rake cars were mostly unaffected.  Mercedes does what Mercedes does apparently and in less than a month's time they go from a car that is struggling to stay on the track let alone be competitive to 2 top 3 finishes.  

    Does anyone expect Merc to pull ahead of the field with their car as they continue to dial things in with adjustments or will Red Bull be able to find more from that car?



  7. Frogs split 220 carries between four backs this past season with Barlow getting the most carries.  Why Zach didn't get more carries sooner is something most of us won't know, but it wasn't because he was a true freshman.  Miller got more carries earlier and he was a lightly regarded recruit.

    The explanations for Evans were either he was out for Covid reasons or he was adjusting to the pace that TCU practices.  Both could be right, both could be total bull shit, and I think we will see this year if Evans has bought in a bit or if he is going to implode.  Frogs return those 4 backs and Foster who was injured and missed the last half of the season.  They don't have to have Evans, but he can be special.  


  8. 18 hours ago, Dr. Beeper said:

    I don’t have to tell myself anything. Common knowledge. If you wanna make an ass of yourself equating Texas & A&M, be my guest. And by all means, keep denigrating burnt orange on Surly Horns. 

    Common knowledge that is about as fucking right as most of the expertise on the internet that is completely fucking wrong, but keeping telling yourself you have a clue as the most common bonds the schools have are the color purple,  being near the interstate, and having christian in their name.

    I have nothing against burnt orange and think it is a unique and great color for the school. Damn shame Texas doesn't wear true burnt orange anymore.  



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  9. Glad to see Gasly with the solid effort and I think he might be the driver I pull for the most this year.  

    Interesting that even though the second driver for Red Bull changes,  the results don't seem to follow. I think Max can and will challenge Lewis this year I don't think Red Bull challenges Merc for the constructor title.  


  10. 17 hours ago, Dr. Beeper said:


    Disciples of Christ and Church of Christ. Everyone including grads (namely ACU) equates the schools. I know quite a bit about TCU. 

    No, no they don't, but keep telling yourself that and I guess I can equate Texas and ATM since both teams primary color is on the shit end of the color wheel. 


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  11. 8 hours ago, Dr. Beeper said:

    Agreed but ACU has always been considered TCU lil bro. I have no issue with their nod. Conference pride is goofy anyway. 

    And the Morris non-release is bush league. Totally bush league. 

    Why would a Church of Christ school be considered the "little bro" of a Disciple of Christ school?  TCU isn't nearly as close to be a "Church" school as ACU.  

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  12. On 3/22/2021 at 6:39 AM, LTtxfan said:

    Hang a 💯 on 'em SARK  🤘


    whomever handles social media for tcu sports does a trash job at it they are an embarrassment in a number of ways beyond this one


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  13. 20 hours ago, Machinator said:

    Curious to see what HOF voters do with Vince Wilfork. If he doesn't get in, Hampton sadly doesn't have much of a shot.

    Unfortunately it took a very long time for Curly Culp to get elected into the HOF and he is the OG of NFL nose guards.   Way, way too much emphasis on stats and not on the impact in the game.  

    He should be in, but does he get hurt by Steeler fatigue?  

  14. Am I am  terribly unwoke and bad person if I say that after watching Ma Rainey's Black Bottom I felt Davis and Boseman's characters felt more like stereotypes and I have yet to understand like most of those movies what the fuss was other than it being Boseman's final role.

    Other thing is if a good number of those movies were released on a streaming service will we continue to see this blurring between "theater" movies and "streaming" movies?


  15. 1 minute ago, utee94 said:

    True, it does look fairly immediate.  I'd guess that on close-up there's some graduation.  Either way, I don't love it.  But it's not nearly as bothersome as the GREEN!


    Agree on the green and the car looks like three different designers each were assigned a section of the car, talked about ideas, never worked together, and never saw the others work until the finished product was rolled out for the unveiling. 



  16. 8 minutes ago, utee94 said:

    So I'm not even sure where to begin.  

    Oh wait, yes I am.  When I think "Ferrari" I definitely think GREEN.  THIS CAR NEEDS MOOOOAAARRRR GREEEEEEN.  Heck,they shoulda made the entire thing green.

    Beyond that, I don't love the graduated red-to-burgundy, but it's certainly a lot more palatable after seeing that GREEN!

    And I'm also on record as never having liked the matte look over shiny.  Other teams can go matte and that's fine, but Ferraris should be shiny and red.

    SHINY AND RED, I tellz ya!



    Not sure that is even a graduated fading of red to burgundy.  Back part of the car looks like they ran out of red paint and grabbed whatever can of paint that was in the garage and close to red to finish the car. I also don't like the black edge on 80% or some of the bottom of the car.  

  17. 5 hours ago, texifornia said:


    Think the Frogs got the better end of that trade of offensive linemen on paper.  Austin at times looked like he was made of paper blocking last season which was a big letdown from how he looked 2-3 years ago. 


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  18. 32 minutes ago, Js1 said:



    Fuck no, his team lost to a shitty TCU team not once, but twice. Futhermore, their game management the last 5 minutes of each game was total dog shit.  Do you know how hard it is to get out coached by Dixon at the end of a game?


  19. 4 hours ago, d2o said:

    Shit they didnt have paved roads in Wakanda in Black Panther and that shit annoyed the hell out of me.  

    Very good point.  The scene with T'Challa and Nakia walking through a city with advanced technology, levitating train, and dirt streets. 

  20. 1 hour ago, jeevsie said:

    I was pleased - I think they pulled it off.  Put together a believable enough story to be able to bring in the old gang.  Good chuckles and the music bits were great.  And Morgan Freeman, dammit!

    The fact that Murphy's daughters, part of the royal family, had to defend themselves with sticks and table legs instead of having armed guards inside the palace must be part of this believable enough story. 

    Right up there with there being no paved roads leading to and from the palace of this prosperous African country.  Film school students could have done a better job of minding the details and it is interesting at the very end of the credits there is a thank you to Art Buchwald's family. 


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