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Hammerin Hank

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Hammerin Hank

  1. 55 minutes ago, Machinator said:

    Maybe someone listening on the radio can confirm, but apparently the team got their second vaccine shots yesterday. Could explain some sluggishness.

    I heard this on the radio after the game in Craig Way’s interview with Pierce


  2. 6 hours ago, Beau Vine said:

    I'm sure if Hank Aaron were alive, he'd really appreciate that dumb bitch using his name for politics.

    Meanwhile, this is all Stacy Abrams' fault:


    As a life long fan of Hank Aaron it sickens me to see loefler invoke his name in an attempt at a political cheap shot. She really is an awful person 

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  3. 24 minutes ago, ClubWhatever said:

    On the TV sound, there was this ultra-obnoxious Sooner fan (in other words, a normal Sooner fan) yelling "I like it, I like it!" or some shit and "yeahhhh!!!!" every time a Texas pitcher threw a ball or a Texas batter swung and missed.  that guy eventually shut up when it was out of reach.  Just wondering if you could pick him out in the crowd and where he was sitting.

    I was at the game and didn’t hear it



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