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Posts posted by Spider2YBanana

  1. 10 minutes ago, DixonHur said:

    Yeah, you lost all credibility with line.  

    As for Lambo, I call bullshit on them seeing an ROI.  One, what investment are they making?  I understand they are getting a revenue boost from donors (IE the collective ) buying/ leasing cars for players, but how many non-university related cars did they sell based on player x driving one of their cars around Austin?

    In other words, that has nothing to do with said players name, image or likeness... Otherwise known as NIL.

    Jordan moved units for Nike because we wanted to be like Mike... That's an ROI that's easily calculated.  I can't imagine a scenario where some tech executive decides to buy a Lamborghini because he saw an 18 year old Longhorn football player driving one.

    It's all a sham.

    Stop the pedantic game of semantics.  These kids are professional athletes, not "student athletes", and it's time they were treated as such.  They need to become employees.

    The triplets gave away the ghost when one of them said the reason they picked Texas was because of the money.

    There's no loyalty anymore, which is fine, but quite pretending that nothing has changed.  It's all transactional and we'd be wise to recognize it.

    I recognize that you work in, or close to, Belmont but don't insult my intelligence by pretending you don't know where this is headed without guardrails being added.



    Man, you really bumming me out, fam. Stop. 

  2. 1 hour ago, DixonHur said:

    It is what's being discussed.  NIL is just code word for paying players, but you know that already.

    Actual NIL is just endorsements, and I'm not against any player making as much as they can from endorsements, but if you think that's how NIL is actually working, you're either insane or being disingenuous.  

    This is why I said I understand the "sentiment" of the LSU poster.  

    College football has jumped the "amateur" shark, so we should just stop pretending that these kids aren't professional athletes.  There needs to be revenue sharing and salary caps.  Hell, I don't even think they should be made to go to class.  I think they should have access to scholarships and be able to play school while playing if they choose to, but also allow them to postpone going to school until after their football careers are over.  

    College football is just an NFL development league and should be treated as such.... the NFL has a salary cap, and so should college football.  

    I recognize there are people who disagree, but that's my opinion.



  3. 11 hours ago, Longboard Horn said:

    As long as we quit fucking around drop the hammer on them this year and next. God give me back to back wins over Oklahoma(or get to where we can start beating them 3 or 4 times in a row and I can die a happy man.)

    Absolutely. Our roster is getting better and better and we should start taking over that rivalry as it should. Be I don't want to be on my death bed where we're still stepping on our dicks when we should put the game away. 

  4. 6 hours ago, Chooky said:

    This single game is a great display of what his homerun ability will provide. He's better than X at using hands to fend off jersey tugs and wrist pulls on contested balls. And holy shit at 1:44.


    Love how he uses his hands instead of body to catch passes. 

  5. Dudes, aggy will fuck this up. It's in their nature. What are they, 1-9 when Game Day is in town? Now it's fixing to be 1-10. Stop rubbing your pussies, you'll sound the @Pimphand alarm. 

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