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Posts posted by MH BEVO

  1. 22 minutes ago, HtownHorn said:

    Interesting play with Pimpton and Robinson. Do you have room for both? You have Sanders for 1 more season. Helm and Davis are decent depth, but aren't game changers. Spencer is  going to play the Karic role, and Arch's future roommate is coming off major knee surgery and you could easily move him to FB. Pimpton is likely on a 2 year development path, so Robinson is ready to take over for Sanders in 2024.

    Sounds like you’re starting to worry about numbers. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  2. 16 minutes ago, BurntOrange&White said:

    I know a lot of people get lost in the 100m track times but I'm not a fan of the tiny guys we've been taking. Not saying we should go full Tom Herman/Bobby Kennedy at the position. But I prefer the 6' to 6'2 guys who can still run....may not be sub 10.5 but like 10.8 10.7 type with larger catch radius and aren't easily knocked off routes.

    Sark trying to catch lightning in a bottle again. Wants another DeVonta 

  3. 41 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    He runs one of the largest employers in Austin. He went to Texas. He's had opinions on sports with people over the years. Guys like that wind up contributing in most situations. If you're trying to make excuses for why a guy worth $25+B wouldn't put company largesse or his own for $500k to $1M that is tax deductible and negligible to his overall earnings, congrats, I guess. 

    Not making excuses. Just trying to take your previous advice and not spend other peoples money. 

  4. 1 hour ago, closetojumping said:

    To date, Hildebrand and Dell have provided a combined $0 to anything related to Texas NIL. 

    I get that we are the only school associated with Dell and that he has slapped his name on a few things… but didn’t he only attend UT for a year? 

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