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Posts posted by MH BEVO

  1. In the recruiting thread this tweet was shared. Item 2 had me curious about how much it would cost to fire Jimbo at the end of this season. Per the article below they’re looking at just south of $77 mil. It’ll take until 2026 for the buyout to reach levels commensurate to Dabo, the current #2 buyout.



    • Haha 2
  2. 10 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

    Have a feeling they are going to drop huge money on a few big time kids.  Getting passed over again and again far more embarrassing to them than having a good but not great class. 

    They’re going to promise to drop huge bags. With fingers crossed behind their back. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Randolph Duke said:

    I never personally had to involve myself with the PPP program and SBA loan forgiveness as our company saw revenues increase during the pandemic and we didn't need a government welfare bailout. No one in their right mind believes for a moment Gabe and Billy needed one either.

    Gabe and Billy run that site for two purposes, 1) to promote discussion of Texas A&M athletics and 2) to perpetuate white supremacy and racial hatred. Neither of those purposes suffered in the least due to the pandemic. In fact, they prospered.

    We all remember the example of a few days ago when yet another aggy insisted only white people work and Blacks cheat the system and live off government handouts. Well, Gabe and Billy seemingly also cheated the system and gladly took government handouts they did not need, showing that in aggyland one can be both a white supremacist and a hypocrite.

    While aggys bleat about "conservative values" and rail against "welfare cheats," they always point to others and never themselves. Their school was established under a federal government welfare program. They bleat about their "massive endowment" of some $13B, but completely fail to mention only 11% of that ($1.5B) was privately funded and the overwhelming majority (89%) is government welfare dollars directed to their use. I won't even go into how little of that they have shared with Prairie View over the past 150 years.

    The vaccine lab that was supposed to supply "50 million doses of pandemic influenza vaccine within four months of an outbreak" was another government welfare program where the aggys took the money and provided not a damned thing to show for it.

    So no one should be surprised that white supremacists cheat the system, taking government handouts and giving nothing in return. No one should be surprised that white supremacists who run racial hate websites take government handouts and give nothing of redeeming societal value in return. Despicable people do despicable and dishonorable things. That Gabe and Billy over at Texags took PPP loans when they probably didn't need them should surprise no one.

    They're aggys. It's who they are.

    And its just another example of why I say the people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.

    cash finger 3 by 5.jpeg

    Did I see in another thread that they’re in a tough spot with the AAU as well?


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