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Radical Larry

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Radical Larry

  1. 21 hours ago, Ghost of LL said:

    So a few months ago, I started playing indoor soccer.  I figured I need some extra exercise.  I hate jogging for no purpose, but if I'm running after a ball, somehow it's fun.  And anyway, I played soccer when I was 7 and watch Premier League every weekend--obviously, I'm going to have no problem.

    This is obviously a recipe for injury.  I really don't know what I was thinking.  On my team, we've had one pulled hamstring, one pulled quad, a pulled groin, a busted knee, and more than a few hangovers.

    But we're all pretty much healthy for yesterday, when we've got two games.  Fortunately, they're not in a row--there's another game between our first game and our second.

    First game goes well.  I score a goal.  I'm unreasonably happy for a guy who just scored a powerfully unathletic goal in a rec league adult soccer game.  But so it goes.

    Next game gets ready, and one of the teams doesn't have enough players.  So I and another of my teammates volunteer to play for them--that way we'll have a full team plus a substitute.  So we'll be playing three games in a row.  But hey, no problem, right?  After all, I'm a goal-scorer!

    I never got off the bench.

    About seven minutes into the game, there's a 50/50 ball to our (i.e., my adopted team's) keeper, who slides to get it.  The other team's forward goes hard for it, and collides with the keeper.  The keeper goes right over his foot as the foot and ankle twist.  The guy goes down in a heap and starts screaming.  Like really screaming.  I look down at his leg at about the same time everyone else looks at the leg, and we all see the same thing--a compound fracture of the tibia and fibula.  The leg below the break is twisted at a 90* angle and broken at a 45* angle to the rest of the leg.  And there's blood, but actually not as much as you would think given the size of the laceration.

    I've played a lot of sports as a kid and as an adult, but that's the first time I've ever seen that in person.  That was just horrifying to watch.

    Is this a sequel to your "My shoulder really hurts" thread on Shaggy? 

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