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Posts posted by Evenkeel

  1. Every time I hear someone talk about how the free market is the solution (in the case of net neutrality, healthcare, etc.) I die a little inside. It truly pains me to listen to people earnestly talk about ethical (lol) capitalism and how people have the power to decide shit in these uber-consolidated sectors. These companies spread their message and goals vicariously through easily fooled, low information dullards-- the same dullards who carry Exxon and Shell and BP's water far and wide across the internet and in coffee shops where they hand you some elementary level pamphlet they mocked up in MS Paint. 

    Line up every telecom and insurance exec against the wall IMO

  2. I still can't believe that this guy hasn't been fully thrashed and thrown under the bus by every Republican operative and Trump circle member. I figured there would be a coordinated distancing happening 24/7 by all the usual suspects on TV/other garbage online conservative rags. I know Trump said something about him just doing a bit of legal work for him, but I'm envisioning a more thorough trashing coming soon. 

  3. What is it about the individual player threads that bring out the hottest takes and absolute worst posters? The last two pages showcase a pretty remarkable collection of terrible opinions 

  4. Seems we are on the precipice of new AD guys and gals. Both a remix of Season 4 and a new Season 5. Hurwitz seems displeased with Season 4 and probably heard the criticisms, here's hoping the linear plot remix works better than the original cut 

    I can't fucking wait for the new season. I'm on my 3000th rewatch now to prepare for the release. 


    Anyways- quote away and discuss. 





    E- Huh, that's weird, I posted the tweet link and it doesn't seem to want to appear inline. 

  5. New season of Trailer Park Boys is way better than any of the other netflix original seasons. It's way more contained and just has them up to their old shenanigans. The dialogue doesn't seem forced and they aren't caricatures of their old selves. And none of the famous person bullshit and ridiculous guest spots that ruined the flow. 


    No J-Roc though which is fucked up. And RIP Lahey

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