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Posts posted by Overlord

  1. 21 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    I guess caught stealing isn't technically TOOTBLAN, but that's pretty much Tuve's nickname at this point, so . . . 

    I have seen TOOTBLAN in posts over many months and have been to lazy to look it up. 

    And I do have to say that Altuve certainly could obtain that moniker. 

    I’ve always been flummoxed by his baserunning accumen. 

    Although I do agree that getting thrown out may not add value to it. Historically, Altuve is TOOTBLAN, and TOOTBLAN is Altuve. 

  2. Does anybody else see characteristics of Bregman’s swing that looks like Abreus? I know Jose is 29 years older than Breggy. But it sure looks like when degenerative disk disease begins taking Alex’s back like it has with Abreu, then all of Breggy’s pop ups are going to be to the first baseman. 

  3. He got a hit. Of course it was opposite field. Not by design. He was late on the pitch. 

    I can't remember which of ya’ll said it, but I don't think he’s hit a ball to left field since his final year with Sox. 

    • Rage+1 2
  4. 12 hours ago, hornmpa96 said:

    Why the rush to bring Abreu back? 

    The team has been playing better since he left. At least make him get one god damn hit in AAA before bringing him back.

    This team is run by morons who think getting some soft-toss from Bagwell can turn back Father Time.

    I'm going to flip out if that cocksucker doesn't get at least 1 hit. 

    And if he has his shirt open and unbuttoned Im going to kill every….. I’ll leave it at that. 

    He better get a hit. 

    Singleton is going to struggle at DH. There is no doubt. He’s used to being on the field now. 

    • Rage+1 1
  5. I know it doesn't matter but I was just thinking.

    Tucker obviously should be starting in right field for the All Star game this year. 

    But we all know who’s going to be starting in right field. 

    Which is bull fucking shit. 

    His team mate will be in center. 

    I just think Tuck should be recognized more 

  6. Jesus. Corey Julks went 2-3 with a dinger. Against the Yankees. 

    Then he reached his glove well over the wall and saved a home run. 

    Good for him. No ill will. 

    Oh shit. He’s playing with Martin Rasputin Maldonado. Surely he had a part in the output.  

    Go get you some Corey. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Haha 2
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