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Doc Daneeka

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Posts posted by Doc Daneeka

  1. 3 minutes ago, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:

    Not sure if posted before or if will post at cue (25:50), but Q Cosby talking Texas-OU and how Lendy Holmes doesn't talk to him at charity events. 


    I wonder if Lendy Holmes even remembers him or just remembers seeing the video. 

    • Haha 1
  2. 14 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    No, fuck ou.

    But, when the teams in question aren't the fucking anti-Christ, yeah, I root for whatever might later help Texas.  Because 12-1 Texas isn't guaranteed shit.  But, you do you.  And go Iron Maiden.

    If my rooting had effect, Texas would be working in its 56th consecutive unbeaten national championship. 

  3. 8 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    You don't know that.

    There's at least one undefeated team in every P5 conference right now.  If it ends with 2 undefeateds and three 1-loss teams, including us, or three undefeateds and two 1-loss teams, including us, then of course our resume will matter.

    Is that likely?  Not really.  But, if it's even a 1% chance that K State winning this game can help Texas, and a 0% chance that Okie St winning can help Texas, then go K St.

    I thought this was obvious?

    Also, be sure to root for OU against any conference opponent Texas doesn’t play, I guess. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  4. Just now, TexArcher said:

    You don't know that.

    There's at least one undefeated team in every P5 conference right now.  If it ends with 2 undefeateds and three 1-loss teams, including us, or three undefeateds and two 1-loss teams, including us, then of course our resume will matter.

    Is that likely?  Not really.  But, if it's even a 1% chance that K State winning this game can help Texas, and a 0% chance that Okie St winning can help Texas, then go K St.

    I thought this was obvious?

    What I do know: my fucking opinion on who I want to win this game has zero (0) impact. 

    I thought this was obvious. 

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, TexArcher said:



    Obviously, if we win out, we're in the playoff.  But, there is a non-zero chance that a 12-1 Texas team has to win a resume argument.  K State is on our schedule and Okie St is not.  It's better for Texas if K State wins this game.  The end.


    A 12-1 conference champion Texas is in, period. 

  6. 1 minute ago, ztejas said:

    I don't have steadfast rules like that but there are very firm boundaries I'll establish. We were visiting family friends in San Diego the weekend of the Bama game and the guy who we were staying with was like "oh yeah, we can get the game on here, or we can go somewhere and all watch" and I'm like... um... no offense but I need to be by myself. In that case I did wind up watching at a bar but that made by far the most sense. 

    There was a Texas/OU game in college that I watched at a buddy's lakehouse with girls and guys in attendance - maybe a couple of them casual Texas fans and the rest not Texas fans and I'm pretty sure I scared some people that day. 

    The Surly OU watch party last year was a ton of fun but that was in the company of 20 other very invested and very drunk fans and we sort of had our own room in the bar. And I still probably made too much noise. 

    A watch party like that would be a borderline possibility but, yeah, I would still have to focus on self-control. 

  7. 29 minutes ago, troph said:

    I think we all recognized his journey to sobriety and what that means in terms of self-reflection and personal accountability could be a tremendous asset to this program. It's clear that has come true. His ceiling remains unknown at this point, but he's done a remarkable job in 3 years. NIL has helped, Saban's tutelage has helped, but his personal journey is easily at the top of the list in what has made this possible. I'm hopeful for a strong showing tomorrow and we fuck shit up the rest of the way.  nothing like a second chance, grateful, humble person redeeming themselves for the benefit of what we love.  fuck yeah man, keep going!

    And it comes across as completely sincere. I could absolutely live with Texas kicking the stuffing out of people, Sarkisian directing and benefiting from it, and players/young men being developed via some of the stuff he’s learned the very damned hard way. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  8. 2 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    Same error. You talk about missing after the first ending the game. What exactly do you think missing after the second does? Would you rather know you need more points with 4 minutes left or 4 seconds left? 

    It’s not the “same error” because I don’t assume it fails. I acknowledge that it’s a possibility. 

    Failing to get it at some point ends the game, but you’ve kept your team in the game until/if you fail on the second one. 

    I’d rather not play out the clock knowing I can’t win any earlier than is necessary. 

  9. 12 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    Right here is where you make the logical error Beau Vine talked about. You are comparing missing the 2 pt if you try it first with making it if you save it. Saying that kicking the field goal makes it a one score game is assuming you succeed later. Kicking that field goal does not make it a one score game if the 2 pt conversion is unsuccessful. 

    Exact same logical error. 

    Similar error. Assuming the 2 pt is always missed if tried first.

    It’s not a logical error to want to keep the game alive longer, though. If you go on the first one, it’s do or die. A failure, and the game is over. A success, and there’s still a game.

    If there’s still a game, your hypothetical 4th down at the A&M would depend on the yardage with two minutes left. Fourth and short, maybe you go for it to get the needed TD while close, knowing you’re burning time but only needing a field goal since you get the two points. Fourth and long, you probably kick the field goal, knowing you need a TD anyway and preserving time. 

    Different coaches could easily make different decisions with reasonable justification. 

  10. 5 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    No to Johnson getting hurt. I want no excuses, just a physical ass beating that has echos for them the following week. 

    Oh, bullshit. Excuses are what gets the Aggies to keep Fisher longer while recruits choose other programs. Give them all the excuses. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, blutow said:

    McElroy's reaction here is priceless (about 2 minutes in) - 

    Nuno - "I don't think Texas has the same level of defense"

    McElroy "As A&M?" (thinking Nuno must be comparing Texas to Alabama or some other reasonable comparison)

    Nuno "Yeah" (without hesitation, it's not a lie if you believe it I guess).      




    Holy fuck, what a dumbass. 

    “In SEC play…”

    They’ve played fucking Auburn and Arkansas. It’s not like they were lighting up the world on offense before A&am rolled in. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  12. 34 minutes ago, markstanco said:

    sip is not who you think they are, or what the media tells you they are. Bama played terrible against them, there's no denying that. But if you saw last weekend they're back to being bama.

    It's unfortunate we don't get to play sip this year to expose them.

    I don’t know how to characterize cognitive dissonance in someone who clearly has no cognition, so I’ll go with that… this is some serious-ass anticipatory cognitive dissonance.

    He knows Texas beat Alabama’s ass and he’s anticipating that Alabama is going to kick A&M’s ass and he needs some way for his pea brain to keep believing that somehow A&M is still better than sip.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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