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Tree Fidy

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Tree Fidy

  1. 8 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    Half of those that can stand it after several pages of shit.

    1000 pages! Hoo boy! YeeHaw!

    A shit sandwich is not improved by increasing its size.


    In an effort to not clutter the recruiting board any further with non-recruiting posts, I will not point out that I increased the size of your mom last night.  You're welcome.

  2. 32 minutes ago, Katfid54 said:

    The thing that's awesome about this shit show is that it's all in response to me just legitimately not knowing where Kai Locksley was from.  I didn't intend to make any grandiose statements about whether/if Baltimore and DC were the same "area" or not.

    With that being said, fuck you Texifornia and Satyanash.  And fuck you CTJ.  And fuck you everyone else, too.

    Thought you would be busy fighting that crazy ass Aggy from yesterday.

  3. 7 minutes ago, DeAngelloBeige said:

    @Katfid54 you can get the beats too! @IDIOTsavant not sensitive at all but just because you have a keyboard doesn’t mean you can be reckless with what and who you say it too! I guarantee none of y’all would have the balls to say this stuff to me in person! Don’t let a keyboard embolden you

    Bro wants to fight all of Surly!  Bold move Cotton...Good luck with that. 

  4. Demas, Hornsby and Evans have all talked a lot about playing together. 
    Ive been saying for a while that Evans is our most important recruit since Vince because of his incredible skill level but he is even more important because of the above trio. That’s three top 20 players in the state that all want to play together.
    I see some people say we need to focus OOS. Fuck that. We are THE University of Texas. They are aggy. They don’t wirts bullshit. This is our state. We’re not going anywhere.

    Fuck off Aggy troll!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Cedar Park looked small. Their QB couldn't hit the broadside of a barn tonight. And they made tons of mistakes.

    So, they lit the dumpsters on fire already? Easily the fan base with the mist redneck and least class. Settle down Marble Falls, you are 1 or 1A.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. 5 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Somebody translate this for me . . . I don't follow this shit closely, but just sort of keep a high level view of things . . .

    24/7 has a composite ranking for 2019 where UT is #10, but at 15 recruits we have the smallest class in that top 10.

    That makes me inclined to look at the quality of the individuals as opposed to the overall cumulative ranking (given of course the complete crap shoot involved in the first place).  

    So if I look at average ranking, it appears that only tOSU below us is doing better, and we're both doing better than ~ 5 teams in that 3-9 group.

    I get it, this isn't an exact science.  Still, there is a "total" number pushing 300 at the top that clearly is not in any way proportional to some kind of additive rating for a bunch of guys each coming in just under 100.  How do they arrive at this total #?  (For instance, UT has 15 recruits at a 91.7 average for a total of 243.7, which makes no sense whatsoever.)

    Translation?  Did Ketch come up with this system?

    You divide the score by the number of graduating seniors on the team + anticipate NFL drafted players - expected attrition numbers x the number of crystal balls you have for the last player committed.  

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