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Posts posted by WgnBrnr

  1. 8 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Spot on, especially the last para.
    I suffered under some delusion that this country had a shot. I was a naive, stupid fucker. No longer. We have no shot not because of Trump, but because Trumpism - an orgiastic celebration of ignorance and cruelty - took root so easily and spread deeply and broadly. Too many Americans actively oppose objective truth, intelligence, and evidence-based-reasoning, and take active joy in demonizing and hurting others. They literally work themselves into a frenzy for these things. Maybe the country is only 1/3 occupied by that cancer...but that’s more than enough to kill the country.

    Took root so easily and spread deeply and broadly? Brisket, I venture to say and have always said, this is what our country was founded on! This is our country from birth. Lying, cheating, stealing, murder, greed and rascism. American exceptionalism....laughable. Let us be known by our fruit... This is our fruit! Who we are, who we ALWAYS have been. Hate to be so negative but it looks like the exceptional things that our country has accomplished are the exception. Thoughts???

    • Like 1
  2. 15 minutes ago, Okie Lite in Zapata said:

    No I’m Eskimo brothers with your dad. 

    What does that have to do with Yurcich’s stats? 

    Haaaaah!!!! Threw the 1945 Championship out there???? Aggie is...as Aggie does.

  3. Family or not, they need to be called out, my mother was a 60's era hippy and very liberal. Over a 6 or 7 year period of overdosing on Fox News she turned into a person that I felt like I never knew. She was on her deathbed with stage 4 lung cancer,  and was still watching that shit. I told her I was ashamed of her and she died a couple of weeks later. I don't know if it was from the cancer or just being rotten from that shit. Sometimes you have to stand up to the people you love. No regrets.

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  4. 4 minutes ago, White Tiger said:

    So UT is now known as having salty defenses?  When did that happen?  Forget the UGA game last year.  That is fool's gold.  

    Watch a little of regular season OU vs Texas.... don't fool yourself bro, Longhorns can play some defense and this is coming from a Sooner fan.

    • Like 3
  5. 3 hours ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    I agree with this. I mean, it's not a defense for green shirt, but old blue shirt did put his dukes up. 

    Put up your dukes... Bet your boots...I'll be leaving just as fast as I can.....you know the rest....

    • Like 1
  6. 25 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:

    Stars and bars have killed fewer people in the history of the world than hammer and sickle have.  The Democrat Party is running towards radical leftism like 15 year old girls to a Taylor Swift concert.  The majority of this country sees this and whether Trump appeals to that majority or not he is still more appealing to the majority of this country than a political party that seems to want to wipe their shoes on anything that represents America.  

    The Democrat Party used to represent blue collar Americans-- the coal miner, the auto worker, the truck driver, the longshoreman, the common laborer, etc..  Now it has branded itself as the party that represents illegal immigration, eliminating the automobile and commercial trucking, and whining and moaning about everything that sucks about America while at the same time seeming to blame those same coal miners, auto workers, etc. as the cause of everything that sucks about America.  And you are wondering why they will not vote for you and calling these people low information voters and deplorable?  If you want to know why they are voting for Trump and not for you take a look in the mirror.  That is why they vote for Trump.

    Stars and Bars got their asses handed to them......

  7. 5 hours ago, Ghost of Shag said:

    I'll bite. 

    I'm a Trump voter, not a Trump supporter.  I look back on that vote as a personal failure, and won't be doing it again.  Though I'm conservative, I feel the damage being done to whatever unity we had in this country is of greater concern than some of the platforms I would hold to.  I didn't realize the extent, at the time, of the dumpster that is Trump's character.  I considered Hillary's character to be equally detestable, if less overt.  I was sick of the same old politicians running the show.  

    You can pencil me in with the racists, the rednecks, and assume I'm voting the same come 2020, as some of you are prone to do.  But I won't be, and I don't know who I'll be voting for.  It seems apparent that I'll be voting for a Democratic president for the first time in my life, and I'm not sure which one is most appealing as of yet.

    I rarely post on this board because it's full of hatred, assumption, and defining people on both sides with extremes.  But guys like Hugo are more right than you want to believe.  There are going to be a lot of people like me come 2020.

    How in the world did you not realize the the extent of Trump's character??? Not being a asshole,  but calling bullshit. A fucking blind man could see his character. Looks like trying to save face, but hey that's cool, all for it.

  8. Go over and browse Civil War Talk sometime, you see the Neo- Confederate's defend this go back to your own country all the time...and worse. It's damn discouraging that we have this type of thought in our modern times. My thoughts are these kind of people always have to have someone to look down apon to feel good about themselves......always.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    I've stated numerous times that we should take necessary steps to harden our elections systems.  Those posts are not as effective at triggering a bunch of posters, so they don't soak up as much bandwidth. 


    Which side of the fence is this bandwidth you speak of?

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