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Posts posted by Hookem10

  1. 53 minutes ago, Laxtonto said:

    So with Norton on board and UT still out there looking at others, what exactly is the depth chart/rotation going to be at DT? With Morre and Burke, it is unlikely anyone we bring in will get significant play as a SDE. So are we trying to move Colbron to second string behind Norton and whoever else they get? Is Colburn most likely one of the starters and we are looking to rotate 4 a ton?

    Who’s cabron, cabron

  2. 5 hours ago, Bevo said:

    First, I'm going to get up and chase the wife around the house. She is pretty good between the tackles, but cries like a little girl when she is taken to the turf. So, I plan on losing that fight. Then, I think I'll make some migas. I love that shit on game day. Next, I'm going to grab a beer and hang-out by the pool and grab a little barbeque. Then, I'll go to the game fat drunk and happy and hopefully hang out upstairs in the air-conditioned lounge if it is open. I'll grab a few more drinks and get the wife liquered up. We will probably leave sometime around the end of the third quarter. And if I don't get too buzzed and tired from the heat, I'll chase the wife around again where I think I will win on the second go round. I'll then fall asleep and dream of the upcoming season. Good times.

    Can I be like you when I grow up 

    • Haha 2
  3. 8 hours ago, closetojumping said:

    I don’t know if all of that is correct, but I can say that most of us have at least shown the basic ability to determine the right moments in which we should use to/too/two. Maybe work to get there first, then talk some shit? Might work out better for you. 

    Lmao- I must be too dumb to know I was even talking shit. More like a funny observation about this board and ppl bitchin about schedules. 

  4. On 3/4/2024 at 2:25 PM, Al_4_ISU said:

    Northwestern regularly had good seasons in the past 15 years and can't get any traction in Chicago.  Minnesota has had some decent teams recently, albeit playing a terrible Big 10 West schedule.  It doesn't matter if Michigan is bad, it's a big deal in the Detroit area.  It doesn't matter if Texas or Aggy sucks, it's a big deal anywhere in Texas.

    I think Minnesota does it as a way to differentiate themselves from their neighbors.  Because Iowa and the Dakotas don't have pro sports, big timing college sports is a way for them to say "we're more important than that and don't have time to waste on such trivial pursuits".  Minnesotans love nothing more than feeling superior to their neighbors.  With Chicago I think it has more to do with NW being a private school and so there aren't a ton of alumni living in town and developing a connection with the city wasn't fostered 50 years ago and it's just never taken off.  Illinois is far enough way to just be out of that world altogether.

    I think in the northeast it's a matter of people having incredibly small worlds.  Anything outside the metro they live in almost doesn't exist.  Syracuse is just too far from NYC.  Even Rutgers is, and that's in Jersey so they aren't going to attach to it.  BC?  Not sure there.  Might be the private thing again.

    I think there are unique factors in all of these situations that contribute more than their the on-field successes.  A lot of college fanhood comes from attachments to the institution or places the teams represent.

    aggy is never a big deal......except the meat pimp 


    • Haha 1
  5. 5 hours ago, utee94 said:

    First and only school to leave the SEC would be A&M.  Nobody else in the SEC cares what Texas does.  Nobody else in the SEC lives in fear 24/7 of Texas.

    Which is great-- I'm really looking forward to playing a bunch of competitive schools in competitive games when it's not complete jihad for their infantile fan base. 

    At least for a few years - but if Texas starts beating these teams on the reg - jihad games will begin and let’s hope so 

  6. 1 hour ago, CAHorn said:

    So let see if I have this correct. 

    1. Saban signs Julian Sayin. Number 2 QB in the class of 2024.

    2. Saban retires.

    3. Alabama hires  Kalen DeBoer from UW.

    4. DeBoer brings his OFC.QB coach Ryan Grubb with him.

    5. They decide Sayin isn't their type of QB and essentially run him off to Ohio State in about two weeks.

    6. Grubb decides to go back to Seattle and become the Seahawks' OFC.

    7. Alabama doesn't have a five star QB they did a month ago, doesn't have an OFC, doesn't have a QB coach.

    8. Good job on the transition Kalen. 

    I felt Grubb never wanted to go to Alabama unless he had to. He got out asap I feel. Alabama gonna make a run at chip Kelly lmao 

  7. 1 hour ago, closetojumping said:

    I don't know what to tell you guys who keep bringing up the bogeymen of the 80's or even the recent bag game. The game is no longer the same. It's not just more fierce. It's changed. OU can wish their way into cheating with an extra million on the side whatever dumb reason you guys imagine in this example. If that means they're pushing $5M through a roster instead of $4M, while Texas is X times that total, why do we give a fuck? and how is that harming us? 

    Is it some unwillingness from a bunch of you to understand what's happening? Texas is the bogeyman, the one who knocks, the entity with the biggest chip stack, the person you get scared of seeing enter the chat, the name you don't say three times in a row, etc. We're no longer in there with the bad guys. The bad guys are now locked in here with us, on our terms. You can stop being scared of LSU, Bama, and Oklahoma. They'll still sign good classes and win guys we wanted, but Texas is going to get what Texas wants and needs. 

    You got me pumped up - any brick walls around here 

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