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Posts posted by Texzilla588

  1. I call bullshit on this one.  First off, no one from Mississippi is smart enough to master one language, much less multiple.  And they sure as shit wouldn’t be a bouncing from Spanish to Russian without learning French or Italian, and then to Japanese (Russian and Japanese are widely considered among the two most difficult to learn).  And if you were learning languages for career advancement you’d never learn Farsi or Japanese ahead of Mandarin.  
    It sounds like he has enough comprehension to perform party tricks and found an easy mark.  

    Well, back when we were in school was the 70’s. Japanese and Arabic were the hot languages to learn then. I lasted 3 semesters on Arabic myself, it made no sense to me. What do you mean no vowels? Should have taken Japanese.

    The others came from intense language schools for various postings I assume.
  2. Watching Tom's facial expressions is the only redeeming part of this season. His disdain for these chefs is palatable and for good reason. They have no creativity or advanced skills to pull of said creativity. Just bad luck of the draw. 

    It’s pretty obvious. I think what pisses him of is the creative ones are bad with organization and make dumb mistakes, or they’re pretentious assholes. Or totally locked into their narrow regional cuisine they have zero ability to make a grilled cheese.

    There is no Budha here; in fact the top four of most seasons would wipe the floor with these dummies.
    • Hook 'Em 3
  3. Well the island of the stupid needs to just sink into the sea. Outwhine. Outstupid. Outmoan.

    Another f’n ball of stupidity.

    I thought Marie was being an idiot but Liz blaming her for losing RPS was just stupid. Idol in the pocket. Dummies.

  4. It was renewed for season 2. I'm excited about that. 
    And yes, I drink almond milk daily. I know the difference between that and regular milk.  I do agree they were way too tired at that point, because he guessed dates before peanut butter?? Peanut butter is a pretty familiar flavor in a smoothie.  

    I thought that discerning the type milk on a smoothie with chocolate, peanut butter, and banana would be challenging.
  5. Street tacos generally mean you pay more for smaller portions of the same shit in regular tacos. Makes hipsters think they’re cool. I don’t think they call tacos sold in street and market stalls in Guadalajara “street tacos”.

    It’s a marketing term. Like thinking Torchys is really hip. Uhh it’s just a corporate owned chain restaurant like fucking Dickeys.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. Just because you can cook a brisket doesn't mean you can run a business.  You better have a book keeper hired and on staff.  I'm guessing they were doing their own books and it spiraled out of control. 

    Either that or there’s a family or friend bookkeeper that cooks the books, with or without their knowledge.

    We have two massive ego owners getting endless praise over their craft. They can easily get set up on a long con with all these loans from different sources. Easy marks for someone that knows how to do it.
  7. I liked the smoothie challenge but I thought the rules were too tough, that it was too late when they had real tired head for the maths, and they didn’t trust their palettes at that point. Would you have discerned almond milk? And because of the previous contest, the points earned didn’t really served the leaders to risk it.

    The show is essentially a multi episode pilot. I’m sure it will be improved a bit for the next one. It’s such a cheap show to produce as they get one season from a couple days preproduction and a full day of shooting so surely we get a renewal. I think it’s a clever show.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. I’m still hoping for Carlos Anthony to drown in a pot of broth while he irritates to his last breath. He is another Brian mularkey and FN wants to make him a star. He’s awful. I’d want to make time with Mika in back in the break room.

    I’m a big marcel fan. I thought he got fucked on Top Chef and think he has matured nicely and he’s evolved from his molecular gastronomy Wylie Duchaine rate. Hope he hangs tough.

    I like this show and only wish there was blind judging. All the chefs and judges know each other well.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  9. Everything about this reeks of Fontantot’s insecurity. He engineered the trade of Matt Ryan to Indy and bungled the transition with his parade of losers. The interviews with Belichik obviously shook him regardless of Bill’s promise to just coach.

    Blank had told fontanot he was not going thru more years of unknown qb roulette hence he got Cousins, a close approximation to Matt Ryan. I think he overthought it by going ahead and drafting his replacement, but he’s covering his ass. I don’t hate the player, just the pick. I would not have taken Penix at all as blanks other instruction was win now. He’s 81 and wants a ring. This waste of a pick adds distance to that. Pathetic and should be fired.

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  10. What a dumbass. Generational money at his feet, but “NO soup for you!”


    Word is the photographer got a broken jaw, which will be some level of felony to add on to his current charges. Implications for his bond, for his legal situation, for his financial problems, for his league punishment. He’s lucky he plays for chiefs as Andy is the definition of lenient parent. Idiot will likely be upside down to remainder of his rookie deal and he’s likely spent a shitton of his signing bonus. Dumbass hanging with same crew he wrecked with, in a club at 2:30am, beat a photog. Should be going to church Sundays, working with handicapped youth during the week, watching old movies with granny on Saturday.

    So I ask the surly legal eagles what do you tell your client? How do you deal with obvious boneheads?
    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. Only an idiot could watch that shitpile and not see all the obvious holes. But it’s about poor Eskimos! Climate change! Indigenous women disappearing! All valid issues but it doesn’t excuse this shit show.

  12. they had fellowships set up on jupiter.

    The prof who we believed was the CIA recruiter was known as the “intergalactic diplomat”. I interviewed with them and didn’t get far as it was too weird or I was too stoned. I interviewed with state and with navy intelligence. That was my big mistake. They would pay for my ma and PhD thru Georgetown, plus I’d go in as a lt JG. Teach at the war college and retire an admiral. The stupidity of youth. Shit man I’ll have to cut my hair and quit weed.
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