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Kel Varnsen

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Everything posted by Kel Varnsen

  1. Didn't you hear she played tackle football and scared the boys
  2. Teagan needs to stomp around and talk shit I guess
  3. This beginning to feel like a 12 inning marathon
  4. Never heard so much praise for not swinging a bat
  5. I've always believed in winning the game in front of you not strategizing about future games. It more often than not bites you in the ass.
  6. Love it. OU making all kinds of mistakes.
  7. Gasso with the White level 3rd base coaching
  8. We have a tough choice today. Do we want to FL to take OU to 2 games pushing ours back further and possibly leading to Cannady not having to pitch 2 today. I'm torn.
  9. Gasso looks like she has dry wooden teeth
  10. That was borderline Highlights how good Mac did
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