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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by BLKNSTY

  1. Texans lose 2 First Rounders, 1 Second, Clowney, Martinus, Bademosi, Davenport and get back 1 3rd Round, 1 4th Round, Tunsil, Stills, Hyde, Barkevious Mingo (pass rusher), Jacob Martin (ILB)

    honestly, if we could have gotten a first for Clowney or only have given up one first rounder for Tunsil/Stills this would have been a home run. granted though, don’t see either the Seahawks or Dolphins doing that.

    So, this whole thing cost us a first round pick premium. BOB, get us to the AFC Championship and that’s basically just a second round pick we gave up. That’s a B+ grade if it pencils out.

    I know I’m jumping through some pretty big justification hoops, but fuck. I’m pretty excited. Tunsil is a unanimous top 3 LT going into the prime of his career and we’re pairing him with Hopkins and Watson.

    Is Melvin Gordon possible or is it just a pipe dream?

  2. I pray that one day all those who profess to be Christians will try to live by the example of love that Christ gave us. That applies especially to Donald Trump and his supporters who have shown that they have no intention of following the example of Christ, but it also applies to those who would characterize everyone who either does not share political beliefs with the Democratic Party or those who reluctantly pulled the lever for Trump in 2016 as the same as his ardent supporters. There seems to be no room for individual thought left in our society. Instead those who are not in lock step with the preferred party are labeled as heretics and a political inquisition is brewing in America. I am economically conservative, but socially a liberal that supports all of our constitutional rights, an ideology not uncommon in our country. Neither party actually represents this demographic, as there is no real conservative party. Nor is there a party that actually supports all of our constitutional rights. Both parties are irresponsible with our money (Republicans moreso), and both parties only support those rights which they think further their agenda. Yet if one has this view and expresses disdain for both parties, they are insulted by both and lumped in with the opposite party by the insulator. The right would call you a RINO, and the left would call you a Trump supporter. There is no room for those who actually follow their convictions and vote third party. They are automatically assumed to support the opponent and appropriately demonized. If you don't have any Machiavellian tendencies in you then you are the enemy. This attitude is what will destroy our nation. It will not be solely destroyed by the Republican Party or the Democratic Party. It will be destroyed by both parties working in concert despite their illusions of opposition. 
    Maybe we should actually look at what we have in common and try and go from there. Both sides of the spectrum love our country. Genuinely, they love it and want to see the best happen. Both sides want it to be a place where our children can grow up and all future generations can prosper. There is clearly a large body of disagreement on how to accomplish that, but claiming your opponent wishes to do the opposite is a sure recipe to ensure that it doesn't. 
    Now, don't get me wrong, there are terrible things happening right now that need to be called out and stopped, but this attitude of hate for everyone who disagrees with you is only going to further our demise.

    what a crock of fucking bullshit.

    some of us grew up in the Civil Rights Era and actually payed attention to the words of Dr. MLK.

    “For evil to succeed, all it needs is for good men to do nothing.”

    tell me how relying on y’alls fucking cowardice will solve this issue? if you don’t want to call people out for being pieces of shit, fine. then shut the fuck up and go about your daily ignorance.

    we’ve fought tooth and nail for every single inch we’ve got and it sure wasn’t done by appealing to your fucking delicate sensibilities you coward.

    if you ain’t part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.

    and the problem today is Trumpkins, the “left is forcing me to reluctantly vote for Trump” people, and cowards like who bathe in ignorance when white supremacy comes to town.

    so thanks, but no thanks. Trump is probably going to win 2020 tbh, but all that means is that I’ll keep fighting the good fight until 2024.

    but the moment I start thinking like you, the game is over and likely has been for awhile.
    • Like 3
  3. 1 hour ago, JBJ said:

    However, the only year in the State of the Cloak Room polls where right outweighed left was in 2016.  And the last one carried a 2:1 left-right ratio.  

    huh. I wonder what happened between fucking 2016 and now that caused an exodus from the right and the influx to the left.

    • Like 1
  4. 15 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    I bet their wives won't.

    quit it with this shit man. mid-western white women aren't fucking voting D.

    if they do, porcelain-skinned, pure as the driven snow daughters will be served up on rape platters to MS13, cartel bosses, and "thugs".

    or even worse, procreate with them.

  5. 1) stop promoting candidates that promise executive action on gun control. Kamala especially has harped on this. 
    2) nominate a candidate that doesn’t embrace the US foreign policy orthodoxy. It’s telling that basically the only time Surly and the political establishment applaud Trump is when he’s bombing Syria or otherwise taking aggressive stances in foreign policy.  (Bernie? Tulsi? Lol)
    3) address the border situation in a common sense way. Congrats you’ve gotten past the point where you act like it’s a “manufactured crisis”. Now how about less grandstanding about illegal immigration not being illegal or illegal immigrants should get more benefits than citizens already here. 
    Those are just a few things that popped in my head first, but I am merely one reluctant Trump voter. I think all 3 of those would apply to most though with varying importance for different people.

    lol this motherfucker actually thought it was a real question.

    we know your unbridled racism and gigantic fear complex would never let you vote D.

    next time you have the urge to post some dumb shit like this, just pull up pics of Emmitt Till and beat you’re dick like you normally do you inbred piece of shit.
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    • Haha 1
  6. 25 minutes ago, Bruh Man said:

    Houston exurbs any different?

    Here are the population breakdowns for DFW, according to Bloomberg:

       White — 48.3 percent

       Hispanic — 28.2 percent

       Black — 16.8 percent

       Asian — 6 percent

    By comparison, here are the population breakdowns for the Houston area, according to Bloomberg:

       White — 37.8 percent

       Hispanic — 36.3 percent

        Black — 16.8 percent

         Asian — 7.2 percent


    I mean, math says a minimum of ~25%.

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  7. He's already dead man walking; the moment passed fortunately or unfortnately depending on how you felt about him as the D candidate. Crazier things have happened in the past, but not with a field of 20. His big debate moment is to become the butt of a meme that makes Booker look good/has a sense of humor, if that tells you all you need to know.


    A) Romney won his 2018 Senate Race by 35%, the Keebler Elf will absolutely be back on that Bama dick ASAP. Beto will be around at the federal level as a a Dem for a very long time.


    B) Beto got the most votes in TX as a Dem by a considerable margin. This wasn’t the sneaker shoe lady going up against Perry. In my somewhat extensive travels, non-aggy non-GOP brainwashed Texans are fairly good judges of character. Homeboy won us fair and square. His willingness to just fucking get out there and listen In his 2018 absolutely materially impacted the number of town halls the candidates have done so far. Set the gold standard. Period, How he’s flushed out his policy positions since he announced his run and his well-hearted gaffes have only made me like him more. Since when the fuck has it been so en Vogue to shit on people when the apologize for making legislative errors on policy PROPOSALS while absolutely doing noting to compromise the core issue it’s addressing?




    If Biden/Bernie fall tomm, which I think one of them will, his chances are as good as anyone’s not named Warren.


    That’s 1/3 any way you slice it. That cop shit fucked Mayor P IMO so I can see Castro taken his numbers. Beto was solid tonight. Give me a shitty 30 second clip for him from tonight and I might let you buy me dinner.

    • Like 1
  8. Wait...wut??

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Prolly the Russians, Tulsi was absolutely the worst tonight.

    Amy, Inslee, and DeBlasio all came off as they knew what they were doing. Former NY Mayor, Senator, Governor.

    Tim Ryan and Delaney actually rang a bell with me too, incredibly real.
  9. My hope is that someone as smart as Warren or Castro would be able clown the fuck out of Trump in a debate. If you hit him where it hurts ($$$) Trump will be put on tilt, have a total meltdown and turn into even more of a gibbering idiot than usual. Whoever the Dem candidate end up being needs to completely pants him on the national stage, and I don't think it would be that hard to do.

    Before tonight, I thought only Warren could go toe-to-toe with Trump and just rip into him on how big of a fraud he is. I honestly think she would gas him up to to the point that he takes a menacing step towards her that effectively seals 2020 for the left. He kinda did that with Hilary so the precedent is there.

    Not Biden, not Beto, not Pete, not Bernie. Maybe Booker and Kamala.

    Some of it is lack of experience but some of it is maybe you’re born with it. Castro fucking had it.

    If you think about it, Castro, with the exception of Biden, has spent the most time at the executive branch of the federal level of this field. 6 years. He clearly learned a thing or two from Obama’s fuckups.

    Castro looked absolutely Presidential. I may be in love. Nothing Warren or Beto did soured me on them. People shat on Beto for apologizing for his views, he got hammered the most and did relatively the most.

    I actually really appreciated De Blaiso, Amy, Inslee, Ryan too. They all had their moments. Tim from an from Ohio is real as fuck, I loved it. black, white, brown, we fucked the middle class. Period. If Bernie can consider himself a Dem, I have absolutely no problem with Amy and the Centrists being welcome to the party.

    The no private insurance thing is terrible. Thats like one of the only things that makes people choose one job or the other. Denying private companies to provide private insurance to their employees IMO is like restricting who can get a fucking raise. Terrible.

    $100/month and you can join Medicare. $300 for a family. Clear consistent pricing, subsidize the rest through some type of something, I dk.

    I fully believe that 80% of our healthcare costs as a nation are attributable to like 10% of the population, preventative screenings should basically be walking level free (x times a year) for everyone, shit I might even be open to selling the data from those screenings (not attached to the name) to help offset costs.
    • Like 2
  10. SECTION 1325!

    haha this is, accurate to say the least.

    Julian absolutely took full advantage and fucked him on it, kudos to Julian, but I actually agree with Beto on this one. He took it full face and handled the face fucking as best as one can honestly.

    But I think Beto is right on this one. The two biggest surges to the border were a result of people thinking Obama was going to grant unaccompanied minors citizenship on arrival and Trump yelling from the rooftop that the time to cross the border is now cuz I’m about to shit that shit down.

    I could only imagine what would happen if we let the world know that we no longer had the ability to criminally prosecute anyone who crossed the border illegally. Discretion is one of the most important tools we have as a society, don’t fuck us like mandatory minimums did.

    As an idealist, I say repeal 1325. From a pragmatic perspective, now is not the right time.

    Priority no. 1 is legislatively and executively burning the policy that is family separation to the fucking ground.
  11. You should read the Texags thread on this. Sadly, most the comments are not a surprise.

    it’s not just TexasAgs fellas. OB is easily just as bad, arguably worse because I have to look at avatars of fucking Earl, VY, Colt, etc. while reading grammatically incorrect sentences lecturing us on black on black crime, how Democrats are the real racists, and the imminent MS13 invasion.
  12. 4 minutes ago, workswithseed said:

    I guess San Francisco is basically in the 1600s with shit on the streets. A large percentage of poor with typhoid, and bubonic plague going around.

    I think that was actually LA, but hey man I don't blame you - I imagine all the Sanctuary Cities look the same to you!

  13. damn, had I known the right would be so up in arms about the concentration camps on the border being referred to as concentration camps - concentration camps, concentration camps, concentration camps they are!  

    I'm going to start dropping that phrase with any trumpdickriders I come across in person to see how they react. Something tells me that they won't be so cavalier to correct me because deep down they know they actually are concentration camps but hey they're brown people and they deserved it! 

    • Like 2
  14. Looking at that fucking shameful picture closely. That asshole on the left with the shit-eating grin on his face. Look at that bullshit. Two men directly behind him were killed by hanging and he is fucking smiling. I can only hope that piece of shit was hit by a bus, survived it and was later killed in a woodchopper. Jesus our history has so many terrifyingly horrific events in it. 

    meh, for me it’s the white women. say what you want about while males, but testosterone is a hell of a drug.

    took me a second to realize that for every racist married white dude, there’s a white women behind him sucking his dick cause she doesn’t want her daughter getting dicked down by a brotha or MS13. I don’t know how much hate/fear/vitriol/racism is needed to overcome a woman’s instinct to nurture - but apparently it ain’t much for white women. and these fuckers vote.

    how a woman can vote for a dude that straight up advocates for the deaths of month-old kids that have been ripped away from their mother with his policies - I still can’t even comprehend it.

    I wholeheartedly believe the future is female (Warren/Beto is my preferred ticket and I thank god everyday that Warren is Native American and that Beto is Mexican), but white women will be America’s downfall.

    there’s a post somewhere that has Dotard on camera/tweeting that he has the support of the majority of female voters. someone corrected him by saying that the poll he referenced was just for white women.

    I think it was more of a Freudian-slip. He knows if he wins the majority of white women, 2020 is in the bag.

    hence our downfall.


  15. He's sort of the adult-aged Michael Jackson of politics without the talent.
    Or maybe it's just another manifestation of Idiot World.

    Trump, in every sense of the word, is the original Kardashian.

    A manifestation of no talent hacks yet somehow able to just infest a significant part of the population.
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  16. 3F7CF2D2-C795-4CDE-88FB-3D53E94396F3_zps19b4fczp.jpg

    Warren/Mayor Pete are basically the same person, I don’t know what you get with one that you don’t get with the other.

    You know what’s missing from this list of Warrens’ proposals?

    Immigration. And the fat fuck in office ran on one single thing - build that wall! I don’t see how anyone who’s from the NE or Midwest can even speak to immigration frankly.

    Give me Warren/Beto and have homeboy out there speaking Spanish, talking about how crime in El Paso is at an all time low, the local economy is booming and I’m the only person in Congress outside of the Castro brothers that knows what the fuck I’m even talking about.
  17. 26 minutes ago, 77horn said:

    Citizenship was asked for many years.  It was last ask in 1950.

    1940 Census form.

    Note that it ask other questions, such as education employment and how much money you made.


    In 1970, they even asked about your toilet

    This argument doesn't really hold much water IMO. We were literally an open-border country up until the late 80s/early 90s. I don't think we started construction on the physical border wall until Clinton in '94.


  18. Just ask GRHorn, Onboard, Eurohorn, and Tahoe how they can believe it.

    don’t forget about the Crusher, Anastasia, Pepper Brooks, EMAW, and PHDHorn aka Frankie.

    and my personal favorite, our own GRU asset - Zavala.
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