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Posts posted by MixtyMotions

  1. 1 hour ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    I just hope he dies. 



    The last time we had an incompetent President die in office we ended up naming every street and airport after him.  And lots, and lots of legislation was enacted by his party in his name - legislation that would not have passed had he lived.

    Expect the Donald J Trump Memorial Immigration Bill if your wish comes true.

    • Fuck You 3
  2. 14 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Sack - by posting on here we all open ourselves up to attacks about opinions, beliefs, or whatever.  Some of it is fair criticism,  some questionable and some attacks out of line.  But we all know that happens.  

    Now you’re bringing your wife’s opinion into this discussion.  When other posters start calling her names, don’t forget that you brought her into this conversation.  No one else.  You won’t be able to hide behind some self righteous attitude that it’s wrong to attack spouses on here. That would be 100% on you.  

    I don't see a problem as long as the attack is on the idea instead of the person.

  3. 1 hour ago, yoladu said:

    Seriously. I am so sick of this line. Put up or shut up about paid protesters.


    Check out the jobs of the MOST FAMOUS PROTESTERS in this whole drama - the Flake elevator girls.




    Ana Maria Archila and Maria Gallagher were the two women who confronted Flake inside the elevator. Perhaps because they expressed such raw emotion, few media outlets dug into their political activism. Archila is an executive director of the Center for Popular Democracy; she had spent the previous week in Washington engaged in protests against Kavanaugh. Gallagher is a 23-year-old activist with the group. The center is a left-wing group heavily funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundations. Indeed, as of 2014, Open Society was one of the three largest donors to the group.

    Make no mistake. The Center for Popular Democracy is at the heart of the effort to stop Kavanaugh. A source forwarded to me an email sent from the organization: “Last week, you saw protestors interrupting the Kavanaugh hearings, trying to slow it down and show the Judiciary Committee how much they/we care. Those protests were organized by the Women’s March and the Center for Popular Democracy and other groups.”

    Archila has another role beyond her duties as co–executive director of the center. She is also a member of the national committee of the New York-based Working Families Party. The WFP was founded in 1998 by the leaders of ACORN, the now-disbanded and disgraced group of community organizers.



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  4. 3 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    If you’re going to blame Feinstein, you need to be able to explain what she should have done in her situation.

    I’m not saying she’s innocent but she was in a no win situation too with regards to keeping Dr. Ford’s confidentiality.

    Easy.  Had Ford interviewed in confidence by the FBI.  In early August.

  5. 32 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    The first thing anyone who was alive during the early 90s thinks about when they hear the name Clarence Thomas is Anita Hill.

    This will follow Brett Kavanaugh for the rest of his life.

    I agree.  But it'll never be on the same planet as "Monica Lewinsky", "stained blue dress", "Presidential DNA", "giving the Oval Office a good scrubbing", and "Oral Office".  As Jay Leno said, "THe Golden Age of Comedy is over", and "Comedy will never get better than blow jobs in the Oval Office."

  6. 9 minutes ago, sachick said:

    Maybe if the FBI questioned him, he would provide that name. 



    These people have all been swarmed over by the two mega operations (pro and con).  Everybody already knows their story.  There isn't somebody out there holding up their hand saying "I saw Brett put his penis in Debbie's face but nobody will talk to me."  Instead there are people saying (in so many words), "I've got some dirt on Brett which I've told to 12 Dem K-Street layers as well as countless (hundreds) of Yale liberals, but the GOP Senators don't need cover from my piss ant allegations so the FBI won't talk to me., even with all the K Street lawyers working hundreds of left-wing media sources."

  7. If the Democrats goal was to defeat Kavanaugh instead of a generic Federalist nominee they could have easily done that.  They didn't.

    I would bet the House that if Schumer had gone over the Trump/Federalist List of 25 or so nominees


    and designated a bunch who could gain quick confirmation, then they could have had one of those nominees. That was never the game.  Any argument that this was about Kavanaugh is patently bogus.



  8. 3 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    So the professor of Religious History at Princeton Theological Seminary who doxxed himself as being the previously anonymous person who heard about the penis waving incident at the time it happened doesn't count?  The one who is absolutely sure the two parties involved were Kavanaugh and Ramirez?  That's not credible evidence?

    Try to deflect a little harder.

    Correct.  He needs to supply the name of the person who told him about the penis waving incident.  Perhaps that person saw the penis.  Or perhaps they heard about it.  Heard about it doesn't fly.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Surprised that trump hasn’t reported that the fbi report exonerated kavanaugh.  He’s not one to let others report the news that he has access to first.

    I will guess that he's had 64 pleas not to antagonize Flake, Collins and Murkowski, and he'll bite his tongue for a few hours.

  10. It wasn't supposed to be an investigation.  It was a reopening of the background check to cover a few, potentially explosive pieces of info.  The three GOP Senators wanted the people (e.g. Judge) I listed checked out.  It was cover for swing vote Senators.

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  11. 58 minutes ago, horncyclist said:

    So wait, the FBI conducted an investigation and was not allowed to talk to the either the accused or the accuser? Give me a fucking break.

    The FBI was looking for anybody who had new info (saw) on whether Kavanaugh:

    1. was at the party described by Ford

    2. sexually assaulted Debbie Ramirez

    3. organized or participated in gang rapes

    They weren't looking for random new dirt on Kavanaugh.  Ford and Kavanaugh had already provided their potential witness lists.  (Kavanaugh had none.  Ford had Judge, Smyth and Kersey.)  Swetnick had not provided any.

    I have not heard of anybody other than Ford claiming  knowledge of an assault, or anybody somebody else says might have knowledge of an assault.  Have you?


    Look, if there is, for example, somebody at Yale who says "I saw Kavanaugh put his penis in Debbie's face" we should have heard from them.  If they say "I heard somebody who heard somebody who ..." then we don't.



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  12. 3 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    Dems won't go nuts if Joe Manchin or Heidi Heitkamp vote yes.

    They'll only go nuts if they vote yes and Collins and Murkowski vote no. But that won't happen. They're all probably going to vote as a block. Chuck Schumer isn't going to punish them for trying to get re-elected when the votes to confirm are there anyway.

    This is true of smart Dems Like Pelosi and Schumer) but not true of the nutcases like Kate Michelman.  The special interest people go nuts.  And it matters.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Patrick Bateman said:


    He'll vote to confirm.  The Dems will go nuts.  If the extremists are stupid (and I remember a long, long list of such stupidity like the GOP with Jeffords and Spector)  they will punish Manchin by changing his committee assignments, and he'll say "fuck you" and get a deal from the GOP to switch parties.

  14. 38 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    There’s a John McCain moment here for the Republican that wants it.  The whole country is watching and that is a huge opportunity to pass up for anyone intending a political future post Trump. 

    I think Manchin will seize the day.  And maybe the Dems will disown him and turn him into a Republican.

  15. 38 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    There’s a John McCain moment here for the Republican that wants it.  The whole country is watching and that is a huge opportunity to pass up for anyone intending a political future post Trump. 

    I think Manchin will seize the day.  And maybe the Dems will disown him and turn him into a Republican.

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