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Everything posted by MixtyMotions

  1. You're missing what I think is the issue: I think this FBI exercise is an "opportunity" for the anti-Kavanaugh forces to produce a confirming witness - somebody who saw Kavanaugh at the party with Ford, or saw him expose himself to Debbie. If the FBI goes through the list of "prospects" identified by Ford and Ramirez and there is no witness that can say one of those two things then we're done. And I think this article says there is no witness to the Ford party. All we're left with is the second question.
  2. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/sep/30/brett-kavanaugh-witnesses-stick-denials-fbi-invest/
  3. I understand that you'd like that. I don't think Kavanaugh's sponsors want that. They need to get 51 votes or move to a new nominee quickly. I believe they've had serious heart-to-hearts with the Senators in question and have structured a quick process which addresses their concerns. I think the sponsors would be idiots to embark on anything else. If F, C & M aren't on board with that it would be time to vote and then, presumably, move to a new nominee. I believe that the Dems are being given an opportunity to produce a witness to either (1) the existence of the Ford party, or (2) Kavanaugh exposing himself to Debbie. I believe that F, C & M have agreed that, absent any such witness or something explosive, they're a "yes". And I believe that there is no such witness. People who recount hearing the rumors won't count.
  4. Some of you are engaging in silly, wishful thinking. If the Dems (or anybody) are allowed to create an FBI process that chases rabbits or lasts a long time, the nomination is over. McConnell and Trump would not have initiated such a process and will prevent it. Flake, Collins and Murkowski will buy it or not. I strongly believe they've already agreed to the nature of the investigation which is: Interview the potential witnesses to assault. The idea is to find witnesses to assault, not witnesses to some other fact, like heavy drinking. You are dreaming if you think the GOP will allow an investigation which chases every little bit of dirt somebody has on Kavanaugh. There are two serious allegations of sexual misconduct. "Witnesses" to those incidents will be interviewed.
  5. MixtyMotions. That's what we do here. Give opinions on the issue.
  6. If the Yale classmate saw Kavanaugh expose himself to Debbie Ramirez, or has the name of somebody who did, then the FBI will be interested in talking to him. If he wants to talk about drinking habits then they won't.
  7. I believe that Flake, Murkowski and Collins will listen to witnesses who can say either: (1) Kavanaugh was at a party with Ford, Judge, PJ and a few others in the Summer of '82 or (2) they saw Kavanaugh expose himself to Debbie Ramirez while at a party at Yale. Stories about drinking won't cut it. My guess reading the goat's entrails.
  8. And she doesn't have only one eye. And the committee isn't a land. And the other Senators aren't blind. And ... I need to teach Metaphor 101.
  9. When I think of Klobuchar and the other members of the Dem caucus on the Senate Judiciary I am reminded of the old saying "In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is King." She should have Feinstein's job.
  10. Get ready: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/09/30/trumps-tax-returns-will-be-target-democrats-probe-if-win-house-in-midterms.html
  11. I get the impression that the FBI is asking Ford and Ramirez for witnesses who might corroborate their story and then will interview these witnesses. I also have the impression that they aren't interviewing people who have dirt which doesn't answer the question of whether Kavanaugh attended a party like the one Ford described or Kavanaugh exposed himself to Ramirez. The stuff I hear all seems to be dirt which doesn't answer one of the two core questions.
  12. There is a very specific reason. It's timing. Changing nominees would cost three months. So, like I said, if the Dems will put somebody else from the list on the Court NEXT WEEK I'm sure the GOP would take the deal.
  13. If anybody thinks this is about any things other than the composition of the Court and control of the Senate, they are wrong. I'm sure if either side were prepared to concede those issues they could get most any lesser issue. For example, the Dems don't want Kavanaugh. Want a nominee with no sexual assault issues? No problem. Agree to confirm Amy Coney Barrett with a voice vote tomorrow and Kavanaugh is history. And I'll assume Barrett has no sexual assault allegations. But then Barrett is widely viewed to be much more hostile to Roe/Casey than Kavanaugh. And she's younger.
  14. https://thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/409032-burden-on-avenatti-to-show-proof-or-face-consequences
  15. bt, You judge Kavanaugh by quoting Donald Trump?
  16. I think he's had a superior record as a judge. I think he's smart. Like Senator Sasse I don't think a judge's job is policy. I think he has tried to interpret law, and has done an excellent job of it. I don't think he is an ideologue. I think he's the best choice for Dems from the "List". I am reminded of Scalia's request to Obama. He said that he wanted somebody smart. He knew that he was going to get a Lefty. So he wanted a smart, intellectually honest Lefty. He said he wanted Elerna Kagan. We want Kagans and Kavanaughs, not Thomases and Sotomayors.
  17. As someone who'd like to see Kavanaugh confirmed, I think the more of Avenatti we see the better. And the more we hear from Ms Swetnick the better. Oh. I'd also like to hear more from Sheldon's boy in Rhode Island.
  18. That's funny. Even for a Republican. To paraphrase Larry the Cable Guy.
  19. I collect malapropisms, as you might guess from my username.
  20. I wonder how much of the FBI investigation will be performing tasks like checking out Judge's employment - tasks which the two multi-million dollar teams of Operation research" have already done but can't get on the record - and how much will be done performing tasks like interviewing Judge - tasks which only they can do. You have to believe that the hit teams have already contacted a few thousand people, some of whom talk. This is not to mention the hundreds who approached them.
  21. It seems like an easy decision to go along with Flake's proposal. Vote next Friday instead of Tuesday.
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