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Everything posted by MixtyMotions

  1. The point is that the therapist notes do not support the claim that Kavanaugh was the one who attacked her.
  2. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2018/09/19/brett-kavanaugh-hearing-dr-christine-blasey-ford-sexual-assault-column/1346536002/
  3. If you make it worth my time I'll find a link. Or maybe somebody else will. I didn't make it up.
  4. As I understand it her therapist's notes do not have names and describe four attackers, not two.
  5. The Dems don't want somebody to GET facts or testimony. They want somebody to GIVE testimony - not about what happened 36 years ago, but about the horrors of the way women are treated. They want a trial on sexual harassment, not on Kavanaugh. They want to give ten campaign speeches - speeches that make the case for them personally, not for Dr Ford. So, there's no chance they want to give their mic to somebody else unless it's an "expert witness" on sexual harassment.
  6. https://www.predictit.org/Market/4602/How-many-Yea-votes-will-Kavanaugh-receive-in-a-confirmation-vote-by-Oct-31 The betting line has moved $.13 since I looked mid- morning. Betting on confirmation costs $.56 to get $1.00. At one point it was something like $.25.
  7. Will there be a hearing? https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/brett-kavanaugh-accuser-christine-blasey-ford-testify/
  8. If I were a GOP Senator my public position would be like the nine "undecideds". I'd say: "These are serious allegations." "Dr. Ford needs to be heard." "I will decide after hearing the evidence." "I take sexual harassment claims seriously." To myself I'd say: "I should have expected a dirty stunt like this." "Can you believe it? No corroboration (re:Kavanaugh) except her husband. None." "Oh, I believe something happened to her. But she's been 'creating' facts for 36 years to deal with the trauma." "I feel sorry for her. She's being used by Dem special interests who play ugly." "I wonder if we can ever get the confirmation process back on track."
  9. What is your prediction? 1. Kavanaugh confirmed 2. Another nominee confirmed in a lame duck session 3. Another nominee confirmed in 2019 4. No nominee confirmed till 2021
  10. https://www.predictit.org/Market/4602/How-many-Yea-votes-will-Kavanaugh-receive-in-a-confirmation-vote-by-Oct-31
  11. I think every Senator knows how they will vote unless there is new info. A number, about nine including Collins and Manchin, need to appear undecided. They aren't. And McConnell and Schumer know how they will vote.
  12. McConnell's position would be an idiotic, quixotic suicide mission if he did not have the votes. But McConnell is a very smart guy. I have to believe he has quiet assurances from all in the caucus. The only other possibility is that he's been given no choice by the White House, and he's signalling to Collins et al that there is no easy way out. I don't see how any GOP Senator votes no. They don't have a real reason. There won't be a better nominee. The Dem machine will go after the next nominee with even most viciousness. And the GOP base will never, ever forgive any Senators voting no. Everything adds up to a confirmation.
  13. The vote is a three step process. The first vote is for the Judiciary Committee. Collins and Murkowski are not on the Committee. The whole drama has been when to hold that vote. The GOP and the Dems have objectives in addition to the confirmation. Gaining support for the midterms is a big part of the drama. The hearings are all about the midterms. I believe they have the votes to confirm. The process is being handled the way Collins wants. If she weren't on board they'd pull the plug.
  14. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/theres-a-bear-market-in-kavanaugh-confirmation-odds-2018-09-24
  15. Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski understand the ugliness. I don't think they'll tolerate the sliminess. I think all 51 GOP Senators are mad as hell about the Dem tactics.
  16. The next nominee would also be the object of unverifiable smears. It wouldn't be any better. It would actually be worse because the Dems would smell the chance of getting control of the Senate and blocking any nominee for two years. They'd pull all kinds of dirty tricks.
  17. I'm sure there are ten members of the Judiciary Committee making equally ridiculous demands, and eleven members telling them to pound sand.
  18. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/23/us/politics/kavanaugh-senate-calendar.html My, my, my, my, my, my, my.
  19. It's not tough for this Republican, or any I know personally. What do Republicans you know say?
  20. Please tell me that this sort of thing does not happen in the good ol' USA: https://www.cnn.com/2018/09/22/politics/mark-judge-books-details-keg-quest/index.html
  21. Let's be clear: The accuser did not accept the offer. The Judiciary Committee understands that, and sooner or later, they'll give up on the delays and vote. The accuser will not testify.
  22. https://www.actionnetwork.com/politics/brett-kavanaugh-confirmation-chances-odds-supreme-court-updated-scotus-trump-september-21-2018
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