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Dark Horse

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Dark Horse

  1. Can you throw a thermometer in there to check the temp? If it’s a refrigerator and holding 35-40F, you could probably do without an Inkbird.


    There are calculators, such as this, or you can use this carb chart:




    The other piece of this puzzle is getting your system balanced, so you don’t end up with excessive foaming when you pour.


    Welcome to kegging, you will never bottle again.


  2. Hoppy wheat/session neipa brew day was one of the easiest I can remember. Whirlpool chilling with a hydra makes life easy.




    Did Imgur stop working? Loads ok on Tapa but not mobile. Imgbb.com seems to work ok.



  3. Why no RV's and tightie whities on the Heisenberg cans anymore?  Did somebody start a Fuck Vince Gilligan thread?

    They’re twitter/Instagram post seems to indicate that Sony may have given them a warning.
  4. How long have you had that PizzaCraft? Seems like it's well-reviewed on Amazon.

    Only since Christmas, but it definitely beats my electric oven. The only negative is I had recently invested in a baking steel and it doesn’t fit.

    I burned the first few crusts because I had the temp too high throughout. It takes a little trial and error in adjusting the temperature.
  5. I did really enjoy Rayon Vert, but as BC mentioned, they haven’t made it in years.

    I do think the large national craft brands are going to continue to struggle; too much local competition.

    I think this pretty much nails it:

    In 2017, 60 percent of the craft category’s total growth was from microbreweries and another 16 percent was from brewpubs, according to the Brewers Association. About 6,300 breweries are now operating across the country.

  6. There are a lot of avenues for infection in barrel aged beers. Brewers have to hope the alcohol content in the wood is high enough to be antimicrobial. That’s not always the case.

  7. I typically follow Kenji Lopez-Alt’s recommendations. He has a very methodical/scientific approach:




    I got a PizzaCraft oven as a gift that can get up to the 700F range. Definitely helps to get a crispy crust.


    I use bread flour for most styles and 00 flour for Neapolitan.


    Semolina is the best flour for dusting peels. I hate the way corn meal tastes on the bottom of pizzas.

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  8. I think SW actually stands for Shogun World

    You are correct


    "The reason we went with the shogun, Imperial Japanese motif for that world is in large part because of the beautiful relationship you had between the golden age Westerns and the golden age samurai films," said Nolan.


    Showrunners confirmed recently that Westworld‘s mysterious park is really named “Shogun World”, and that it has a key part to play.

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