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Posts posted by RockyMountainHighHorn

  1. 2 hours ago, Elmer_Fudd said:

    SIAP, but Jeff Howe at 247 says next Thursday (Aug. 2nd) is when the team reports and the following day (Friday, Aug. 3rd) is the first day of practice.

    Isn't this the end of when people usually decide to transfer? 

  2. As Godzilla was what I watched when I was a kid, I have to say I am pretty excited for this. Especially after whatever I watched on netiflix that was titled Godzilla 2 in anime. Anyway, can't exactly tell if the monsters are helping save the world or not but it seems different than the shoot missles at Godzilla and have it not work. And anything is better than... well that one Godzilla movie, the unspeakable one (did have a great soundtrack though). 

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  3. 6 hours ago, Rex Kramer said:

    It was so egregiously dumb that I conclude there was something wrong with him and actually feel really sorry for a French dude. Everyone who has met him subsequent to ‘99 probably is like, “Oh, you’re THAT guy.”

    True, or maybe he just changed his name to mhil pickelson 

  4. 6 hours ago, irishtexan said:

    Not that is makes a shit, but 247 did a feature on the 20 top returning players in the Big 12 and there wasn't a single Horn among them.


    Hope these dudes come out with a chip on their shoulder and something to prove. 

    I was just reading that and was surprised to say the least. Kansas state and Iowa state must have some playmakers. 

  5. 15 minutes ago, Chips O'Toole said:

    My wife is riding this crazy train as well. I honestly don't know what the fuck to think re:owltheory, but watching it a few years ago I didn't think he did it.




    I know it sounds crazy but after a little research, it seems pretty accurate and possible. Or there is an extra scene that explains it on Netflix. 

  6. Yesterday I went to the library to get some of the books. They didn't have 1 and 2 so I got 4. I am hoping that by watching the seasons on tv that this will flow right into four. The post earlier in the thread about which book is what season looks pretty spot on. 

  7. 1 hour ago, 'stache said:

    The governor refuses to stand for the national anthem and has a fake army color guard.

    Is that similar or different than the talking plastic cup on tv that you poop in?

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