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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by nineliveslost

  1. Dont stop with inserting coins. The more you have falling at the same time the more likely a group will fall off the edge. Get a bunch of coins in advance and keep using coins and time it right. Usually right before the bar moves forward 

  2. 4 year old.... I would play the coin slot games, but you both slide coins in at the same time. Actually there are usually 3 slots. You put coins in 2 slots and let him use the third one. Should get a lot of tickets that way. Always cracks me up seeing people put one coin in at a time. Dumb


    I am referring to the games where you get the coins to fall off the edge by dropping in coins. 


    Last edit. Always time your 3 coins to drop at the same time and then quickly do another 3. Get a rhythm going and the coins will fall off the edge like crazy giving you a bunch of ticket at a time. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Vic Mackey said:




    at first I was disgusted by how dirty the place is, including the towel on the rack

    then I was really disgusted by how dirty her outfit is

    then I was WTF over the rope on the floor next to the tube in every pic

    finally was left confused over the bucket of cleaning supplies...that I assume arent used

     and who is taking the pics???

    100% interweb pic winner.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Rimbo said:

    Yes, and exactly 0 of the reasons have anything to do with objectively bad filmmaking. And whining about Luke is just that -- whining.

    The editing could have been better. Not just in terms of the apparent length of the Canto Bight scene, but also to bring together some of the characters' motivations so that it's more obvious why they did what they did.

    I'm not being a thorn in a dick. I genuinely loved the movie. I loved it even more the second time through. Reading this thread started giving me doubts ... and then I watched it again, and my doubts were resolved. And I'm pissed that a genuinely great movie is getting a bad rap from people who demonstrably do not know what the fuck they're talking about.

    In the end, you cannot make me not love this movie, or not enjoy watching it over and over again.

    ok. i am going to fight against my current drunken state and try to type articulate enough to have an adult debate. BUT ok i can accept for some reason this movie was cool to you, but here are my basic bitches in no particular order, 

    1. the humor was off almost in an uncomfortable way. the first 30 minutes were forced like no lube

    2. ughhh the entire flight of the princess and her enhanced powers

    3, the instant jedi powers. 

    4. the entire elimination of mystic around Snoke

    5. the entire gambling planet

    6. the entire "chase plot"

    7. the dumbing down of the Force

    Luke's final scene=dumb and poor writting

    fucking porgs

    force ghost cheaply done

    Poe and Finn. Finn should have died, just like Leia

    all the political undertones

    the fucking plot

    the fucking unnecessary plot diversions

    the cast away vibe with past characters

    the complete buttfucking of the evil empire or first order , whatever

    the craptastic pacing

    the pound your head against the wall failure in logic with the rebel thought process.

    every female character that was poorly developed , fuck they deserved better

    I...cant ..go ...on

    BUT just for you , I will watch this piece of shit movie again and try will all my being to give it a chance, 



    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Rimbo said:

    You stop being stupid first. Or at least stop hating TLJ for stupid reasons.

    I can think of good reasons to not like TLJ. Exactly 0 people in this thread have mentioned those reasons. Most have basically said, "I didn't like it, therefore it sucks." Which is idiotic. Banal. Dumbfuckery.

    oh fuck Rimbo, people have listed in detail in this thread how much of crap this movie was. You are just being a thorn in a dick for arguing the other side. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Rimbo said:

    You're conflating two completely different things. People do eagerly enjoy entertainment products that put themselves into echo chambers. See also, this thread.

    But no "SJW" or otherwise is going to tune into a Rose Star Wars series because it's "about a woman, and my political views compel me to watch this to "... I don't fucking know... by somehow boosting the Nielsens you're taking a stand or some dumb shit like that?

     It wasn't entertainment you fucktard , it was a piece of shit.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
    • Fuck You 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Rimbo said:

    Oh, for the love of Pete. People don't watch TV shows "for political reasons." You either enjoy it or you don't.

    Every time I revisit this thread, I am somehow repeatedly surprised how the stupidity of TLJ haters has seemed to increase. That's what happens when you live in an echo chamber and only know what people who already agree with you tell you, y'all.

    oh Jesus shut the fuck up

    • Fuck You 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, DoneWithit said:

    Idiots that think they know more Star Wars than George Lucas himself, think Star Wars is turning into SJW, and will go out of their way to find something wrong with the movie. You could also describe them as still living in their parents basement at the age of 40. 

    Bwhahahahahaha...wait. FFS

  9. 7 hours ago, Walden Ponderer said:

    Y'all must not be exercising, eating right, and giving in to every last damned thing she wants. Been married 27 years, and averaging 10 times a week the last few months. It's not rocket science -- she wants something dumb? Give her something dumb.

    Buuuuuuulllllshit. 120 times the last 3 months and after 27 years...what. the . fuck. ever. 10 times a week?!?!?! smh Must be 10 times punching the clown a week.


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