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Posts posted by retread

  1. 6 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Dude.  We never left.  You knew the Garden-Slug-in-Chief wasn't going to have any spine on this.

    Sandy Hook was ~7 years ago. There could be one mass shooting a week, and the Rs would do what they do after every massacre. Say some words, then nothing.

  2. 5 minutes ago, DixonHur said:

    One of my new favorite GOP memes is the idea that criticizing Israel = antisemitism.   

    Last I checked, Israel was a nation, not a religion. 

    Everything has to be a wedge issue to divide the American people.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Red Five said:

    Remember how shocking it was when Kanye said on camera “Bush hates black people”? Now we have a president that routinely says that a Congresswoman “hates all Jews”, and no one even blinks. /fake jews


    • Like 3
  4. Quote

    Yamiche Alcindor @Yamiche
    Trump: "It's not the gun that pulls the trigger. It's the person who pulls the trigger." He added: "Democrats would give up the Second Amendment and a lot of the people who put me where I am are strong believers in the Second Amendment and I am too."


  5. 58 minutes ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

    Phew, thought there was another mass shooting with this latest bump

    ::looking at watch:: about that time is it not? 

    Always dread seeing it bumped. We need a separate discussion thread.

  6. That needs to begin yesterday with everyone who has a voice of opposition telling it like it is. Ds in Congress and on the campaign trail, media, journalists, governors, mayors, dog catchers, etc.

  7. 6 hours ago, Jack Straw said:

     “There’s an awfully lot of good Republicans out there.  They’re decent people.”  - Biden 

    uh, no.  get this guy the fuck out of here immediately.  

    Every R accusation is a confession. For 30 years, RushFoxHannity spewed the idea that no D in Congress could be trusted when crafting legislation. D's passed ACA with multiple R amendments iirc.

    In 2019, you send a House bill to the Senate, and it dies a slow death in Turtle's inbox.

  8. Smart too.


    Police initially became aware of Reardon on July 11 when he posted a video on Instagram of a man shooting a semi-automatic rifle with sirens and screams in the background. He tagged the Jewish Community Center of Youngstown in the post.

    "That kicked off an intense investigation, a very rapidly evolving investigation, because of the way the world is," New Middletown Police Chief Vince D’Egidio told Youngstown ABC affiliate WYTV.


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