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Posts posted by retread

  1. If she died on Nov. 1, 2020, Turtle would confirm a new judge by election day. He would have no trouble holding a press conf. and giving you a history lesson as to why he did it, and he would sleep like a baby that night.

  2. 2 hours ago, 4th&Five said:


    Up at 1 AM tweeting. Gonna need more Adderall for G7 meetings in the morning. Pfft none of this interests him anyway.


    August 25

    9.30am: Working session

    1pm: Working lunch - The fight against inequality

    2pm: Presentation of the report by the G7 Gender Equality Advisory Council

    3pm: Working session - The G7 partnership with Africa

    7pm: Extended dinner with spouses


  3. It's so nice watching Abe and Trudeau arrive at the G7 and act like adults. Just waiting for the Curb music to start when DOTUS arrives.

    ETA: lol visible wince on Macron's face as Trump pulls up.

  4. I know that there's no explaining the actions of a mad man, but can someone refresh my memory as to why Trump started tariffs on China. I remember that it immediately followed Hope Hicks getting roughed up by the HPSCI, but were there any other events around that time that could explain it?

  5. It's so frustrating that everything has to skirt around the way things should actually work. We're not officially doing an inquiry, but essentially we're doing an inquiry. Just look at all the tough language in our court filings! 

    Journalists have to pry language from Ds to insinuate that an inquiry has started, without actually voting on an inquiry.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    America kinda voted her to power to check Trump.  

    Besides looking the other way on all the crimes, concentration camps, Trump’s domestic terrorism movement, and generally being a raving lunatic; Pelosi has done a bang up job of serving the American people in her position of leadership. 

    Leadership would be the Speaker saying that we are going to hold an impeachment inquiry. Then, our caucus can state their positions by voting on articles if they are merited.

  7. 5 minutes ago, DixonHur said:

    God bless Diamond and Silk.  They saw an opportunity to make money off old, dumb, rich white men and ran with it.  Capitalism at it's finest.

    They'll eventually have their own show on Fox.

  8. 13 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    If SCOTUS has an opening next year, Moscow Mitch will say that it's nothing like 2016 since Trump is not in his "lame duck" year. And if, God forbid, the same scenario happened with Trump in 2024, Moscow Mitch will make up another reason on why it's not the same as 2016.  Mitch will have zero shame in furthering the GOP agenda.

    Yep, He'll get up and give one of his putrid history lessons about why his hypocrisy is entirely justified.

  9. 24 minutes ago, Post Oak said:

    The Dems have 4 choices in addressing the gun problem.  

    If this isn't a helluva a sentence and a perfect example of where we are as a country.

    There is no sitting down in a room and hammering out a compromise. Our govt. is paralyzed by Turtle, Cheeto, and their lackeys.

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