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Posts posted by krutov

  1. 2 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    I really think Mueller is going to keep an indictment of the president in his back pocket until Trump is no longer president.

    i really think if he had one in his back pocket he would be disbarred for misrepresenting to trump's lawyers that trump was not a target of the investigation.

  2. i am curious

    3 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    Could look like that.  What about hiring a foreign operative through a screen of law firms to obtain politically damaging information from representatives and other individuals aligned with a hostile foreign government?  Would that also count? 

    what about hiring foreign operatives to act out politically damaging information so that other hired foreign operative could observe and report on it?

  3. 1 hour ago, atomheartbevo said:

    I’m laughing that Republicans are spending so much time and effort defending a group of people that seemed to keep hanging out with Russians. 

    I can remember when it was the Dems who were the Russian-lovers. 

    cool.  i was laughing at some imbecile 82 pages into a thread full of half assed turgid fantasy projection (and 100+ page deep on shaggy) complaining that the other side is too credulous.

    i'll stop laughing when one of you douchebags does an honest list and review of all the half baked speculation and idiocy about trump just that has been taken seriously in this thread (we can do the trump thread later)


  4. 14 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    What she's too fucking stupid to realize is that the salty sailor is (1) lying about all of his "accomplishments" and (2) fucking her sister and giving her 4 different strains of the clap he picked up on shore leave in the Philippines.

    And to make it worse, the only "accomplishments" they're proud of are.....he's told all the mexicans and mooslems "fuck you!"  Wonderful.  Epic achievement.

    Oh, and I loved the fireman analogy.   How fucking stupid can you be?  Let's go with that -- if there were an actual burning building wiht Trump inside, the ONLY thing I can guarantee you is that he would shove EVERYONE aside so he could be the first out.  Fuck, he'd grab a handicapped gal out of her wheelchair and use her as a flame shield if he thought it would help.  Then, after the fact, he would of course (1) lie and say he was so brave and saved everyone inside, and (2) the fucking moron Trumpkins would believe every single word of it.  And if there were video to the contrary, they'd say "BENGHAZI!"

    i see hyphens, extended ellipses, block caps for emphasis, random cursing, gratuitous quotations and unnecessary numbering of subjunctive clauses.  even without the content, it's unhinged.  then look at the content: weird fantasy projection of anger and contempt onto others.

    what are you going to do if you are on the wrong side of history on this trump thing?  you seem to have bet your psyche.

  5. Just now, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Most of the white boys that do these mass shootings are suicidal.  They want to die.  Black people are far less suicidal than whites on the whole and I have my own theories on that as well.

    I also think hormonal/sexual frustration plays a part in it too which explains why these shooters are almost always males.

    not a lot of native american school shooters though, and they have the highest suicide rates of all.

    and if we're going to generalize about sexual frustration, there's plenty of that not happening across all ethnicities.

    it's cultural.  it has to do with how your standard issue american public high school social system works and what happens to low status white boys.  how many private school shootings have there been?  how about parochial schools?  how many at all boy or all girl schools?

    at most high schools in any given year there are a small cohort of kids who fit the profile for potenital school shooters.  if you want to avoid school shootings, engage hard with those kids.




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  6. 3 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    The username in the quoted text of his post should've been a dead giveaway. 

    ok i got it eventually.  either i missed that or he edited the quote in afterwards.  most likely my bad.

  7. 7 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Okay, so when you asked "what does that question have to do with my comment or the post i commented on?" the answer is nothing. Nothing whatsoever. He wasn't talking to you, he was talking to HtownHorn. It had nothing to do with your comment nor the post on which you were commenting. 

    Your wait is over. You can un-bunch your panties now. 

    right up to the image of my panties being bunched, that was a helpful post, so thanks.  it's not like i know every single one of you fuckers and your obscure histories.

  8. and fyi, my hot take is the mass shooting thing is cultural.  it's not guns.  it's angry white boys (with hispanic background optional), much like most of the posters in this thread. 

    you guys really ought to have more insight into why your high school social scene produces so many white male loner/losers who end up mass killing their classmates to make a statement.  it seems to me black guys don't do it, and girls don't do it.  both those groups have at least as good an access to guns as the shooters.








  9. 4 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Alrighty then.  Your own post contradicts itself, but thanks for the compliments.

    and there are you confidently drawing a totally unsupportable inference.  i'm going to miss that about you.

  10. 5 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Are you HtownHorn?

    not a sock.  just a long time shaggy lurker that is unlikely to lurk any longer so having some fun on the way out. 

    i have nothing whatever to do with the state of texas.


  11. 1 minute ago, jimmyjazz said:

    LOL.  HUGO was the one who rendered the Cloak Room unreadable for you?

    OK, Rush.

    i realize you feel left out, but you're just not at his level.  hugo is a leader and a doer who has transformed this place.  you're just another interwebs forum troll.  a foot solider in the race to the bottom.

    you gotta see it from my perspective.  you guys are a petri dish labelled "above average college educated white male americans discussing politics".  hugo is some kind of fungal spore that has contaminated my favourite plate and now all the specimens i used to enjoy observing are spinning around frantically bumping into each other and i can't make any useful observations.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Believe me, I know insane.  That post doesn't register.  

    you think america needs a revolution and bloodshed because a 71 year old populist with no political organization is potus and he says things that offend the dignity of his office?  what is the imminent threat here?  he can't even find an a-g to do his bidding and you think he's a threat to your republic? 

    he's the least dangerous potus you've had in a long time.  this too shall pass. 

    now the "resistance" otoh, is ripe for the hijacking by just the kind of person you claim to fear.



  13. 1 hour ago, Anastasis said:

    What this post presupposes, is that the American people shouldn't be given the choice between a shit sandwich and a douche nozzle, and told that they should have picked the douche nozzle. 


    Our political systems are broken. We need radical change. And probably blood in the streets. Buckle up, its just a matter of time. 

    remember when you weren't insane?

  14. 50 minutes ago, sugar said:

    I think the FBI is "the revolution". They're the best defense we got against tyranny. 

    And that's why Trump is at war with them. He is a tyrant. The FBI MUST win. And it's obvious to everyone they already deem him guilty. Because he is. Guiliani might not know he's guilty, but Trump does. He knows he's guilty. He's behaving exactly as Nixon did about this point in Watergate. What Trump is involved in is worse than Watergate.

    And after Trump goes down, the solution thereafter is women in charge.

    It worked for England and Germany. 


    there is no way this isn't satire.  awesome work.


  15. 2 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    Trump is aggy.


    nope.  trump is new york city. 

    you, on the other hand, are one of the most dislikable disingenous posters i have ever seen on a message board.  hugo at least has some charisma.  you're such an odiious little swot that the very fact you align yourself against trump makes reasonable people who read your posts reconsider their skepticism of trump.


    • Like 1
  16. 6 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

    Name the last time someone killed 10 kids at school with a Car, Knife or PVC pipe. 

    I will wait...

    what does that question have to do with my comment or the post i commented on?

    i'll wait.





  17. 57 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Maybe Texas should secede.  

    America would be a lot smarter without the aggy population.

    it's funny, i have no interest in football at all.  i started reading shaggy years ago because of the intelligence of posters here.   then i started browsing the cloak room and at first it was the same.  it was great to see a reasoned debate and understand how americans of both sides think.  for a while i was coming by all the time.

    then you came along.  now i come to this place hardly at all.  it's a mediocre echo chamber of hysterical trolling idiots led by you, the pied piper of paranoid delusional partisan hackery.  i keep coming back hoping the sane people have returned, but nope.   just you and sugar and dave dennison and a bunch of guys like brisket who have shit themselves with your assistance and now help you spread feces on the wall.

    which is to say you are the most aggie thing about surly horns.  and you've dragged everyone down with you.

  18. 51 minutes ago, sugar said:

    Always something else other than guns to blame.

    This is why the NRA is evil incarnate.


    how about rental vans?  and pressure cookers?  and pipes?


    can you place these on the evilness spectrum for me.

  19. 4 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    You should try MSNBC during the day, specifically Nicole Wallace at 3PM.

    She’s a Republican that worked in the GWB White House and usually has other conservatives on (not Trumpublicans).

    For the legal stuff, The Beat with Ari Melber at 5PM is good

    Chris Wallace and Joe Scarbrough blow goats

    Chuck Todd is a tool

    Maddow is hit or miss but when she hits, she really hits

    Lawrence O’Donnell is annoying AF


    when do you work?

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