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Everything posted by BigVegasHorn26

  1. Still remembering that fine coaching from Texas.
  2. If you're not willing to show Dak as a threat to run early and often, you're wasting the decision to use him.
  3. Hail Mary TD. Onside kick. Hail Mary TD. Profit.
  4. Could there be a bigger contrast in safety play.
  5. Texans fans swirling around in here awfully feisty.
  6. I think you could argue Zeke single handedly cost us the game.
  7. They should start feeling out the market on Zeke now.
  8. Defense got some rest. Need that spark to wake up the idiots on offense.
  9. Maher's kicks are ugly. How did anyone watch that and think yeah, let's go with this guy.
  10. Defense needs a turnover. Spark something.
  11. 23 yards passing. That's Shawn Watson level bad.
  12. Hamm said something too. But not sure what he based his comment on.
  13. Maybe we agreed to throw this game in return for trade terms for ET.
  14. Gregory you stupid mother fucker. Cut his ass.
  15. No they didn't. They were just playing the Texans.
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