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Bruh Man

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Posts posted by Bruh Man

  1. 1 hour ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Talking about NFL & anthem is a tough subject.   For those that feel immediate emotion against the kneeling, it's tough to get them to listen to reason or understand why the players are feeling.  All they see are spoiled, over-paid athletes refusing to honor military veterans.  They can't get past that.

    But even if the issue could help Cruz more, Beto has to take on the questions and issues.   Not all issues have one answer that makes everyone happy.   I do think he needs to acknowledge that he understands why people are upset with the kneeling.  Perhaps he can also have some ideas on how we can ALL move forward.

    Let's be real the overwhelming majority are upset because black people are bucking the system. They were never going to vote for Beto. If anything this will help with the brothas and sistas in Dallas and Houston.

  2. Kurt Warner re-tweeted it too. He's about to get the name recognition he's been needing. I'm sure Cruz will find a way to twist his words and make it into an ad. This topic seems to be the get out of jail card for republicans these days.

  3. 51 minutes ago, Born to Run said:

    Long post reporting from the hinterlands.

    I have family in the area, so I attended the Beto Town Halls in Port Lavaca and Edna yesterday.  The question and answer section felt like real democracy and was very inspiring.  The crowds were pretty diverse mix of old democrats, younger people, plant workers, a few trump voters, and independents.  So incredibly civil, honest, and respectful.  Watching the Question and Answer portions of his town halls online is worth it.  I had a lot of great conversations with small town folks, and that really humanized small town residents that I often pre-judge as trump rubes.  I feel Beto's strategy will work.  People feel ignored and forgotten. And they are sick of the negativity in politics. There are a lot of votes there.  As one of the local Democrat chairs told me: "there are plenty of registered voters here, they just haven't voted in 20 years."  And for good reason, there hasn't been a realistic chance of a dem winning in a long time.

    One plant worker stood up and explained how he lost his job at Alcoa when it closed the plant due to China's policies on aluminum.  He admitted, with a tinge of embarrassment,  that he and many of his friend took a chance on Trump because he promised to go after China.  The guy just wants his job back, and he's angry that China took it.  That simple.  I think this is the case all over the state.  And I can't blame him.  Never mind that Alcoa poisoned the entire bay with Mercury, or that its a Superfund site, or that the huge bauxite piles spew red dust over everyone's houses. Good riddance to some of these companies.   I know those jobs are likely never coming back. But i feel for him.  Beto was empathetic, explained that we need to engage China with the help of our allies in Europe, Canada and Mexico for it work. And we need to so carefully so we don't hurt others in the community like farmers.  That goes a long way in communities like Port Lavaca. And word gets around.

    Two 18 year old, first time voters drove down from Houston.  A couple parents pulled there kids from school to attend.  A couple progressive local millennials  trying to find how they can reach their single issue voter peers.

    Another guy had a question about tax credit exemptions for homeschooling.  Beto heard his point, and admitted he had not consider that angle to the issue, and wanted to think about it more and reach out to the guy later via email. 

    He is the Antithesis of Trump or Cruz.  Humble, honest, civil, funny, relatable, empathetic, genuine, and smooth without appearing slick.  On a question about ending our perpetual wars, he intimated that there is no sexy or happy answer and that it needs to be up to congress to use all resources and experiences to craft a strategy.  He asks the people what they care about and want, and learns from these town halls to improve as a candidate and representative. That's how it is supposed to work.  He hasn't taken PAC money in several years and zero on this campaign.  He is on the VA Committee in the House because its important and he cares about vets, while his peers rush to committee positions that will bring in that flood of PAC money from the Energy and Big Pharma sector.  And he said he would come back to the community as senator and be held accountable.  No pre-screening of questions, no hiding in safe spaces with only his supporters. No negativity towards Cruz or Trump.  He goes into the Reddest areas of the state because they are still Texans and shouldn't be ignored.

    Last bit, I went to ask him a question after the Edna Town Halls about Harvey relief, a staffer knocked over her Whataburger iced tea, and spilled it on the floor.  He paused, like he was hosting a party in his own kitchen, grabbed napkins and helped her clean it up.  Then he apologized for the interruption and finished answering the question.  It was the most natural and real thing.  His staffer emailed me more information later that night in case I needed better defined talking points.


    Born and raised Texan. I love living here and will probably die here. That being said I'll be totally disgusted with this state if we choose the weasel over this decent human being.

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  4. I can't remember but a friend said Wendy Davis had similar crowds/hype as Beto. Is that true or is this another level?

    I'm starting to think he has a chance now but he'll need some really foul stuff to come out on Trump between now and election day. Maybe a N-word tape or some shit with Russia.

  5. 21 hours ago, Blotto said:

    Caption on that photo...

    Senator Cruz, I've heard that you insist  president Trump wear a condom when you suck him off. Why won't you swallow his load like the good Lord intended?

    This post made me laugh too hard.

  6. 4 hours ago, Message Board User said:


    Pelosi is so toxic. They did the same thing to O'Connor in Ohio when he was caught saying something nice about her. She's a helluva fundraiser for the party but new leadership is needed.

  7. 1 hour ago, texifornia said:

    They do, but there's also a reason the're #80 in Callahan's rankings. Basically all those guys except Aniebonam are really good *for Maryland*. We should be able to out-talent them. Heck, we only lost by 10 last year when we did every player on our team that wasn't Holton Hill seemed to be operating at peak tard.

    Maryland fans expect their offense to be better this year still I'm not worried about our defense. They should be motivated after the shitshow last year. Can the offense consistently put up TD's not FG's on the road in a semi-hostile environment? IDK. 


    As far as talent goes, I'd take their rb's, Carter and Aniebonam on our team.   

  8. 25 minutes ago, Machinator said:

    Football team could help out too, by winning.

    when you're the state school of Texas where football is king and you have a huge student body and alumni base,  you shouldn't have to win for the fans to come out. we only get 5 or 6 home games a year, it's not like it's baseball. i'm a pretty recent grad, the apathy I saw from some peers was embarrassing. 

  9. 46 minutes ago, utee94 said:

    I believe they'll respond where/when he gets it right.

    Same with the fans/boosters/alums.  A lot of positive efforts here, and most importantly not lip service and empty gestures.  I doubt every single idea attempted will hit, but he's at least trying some new things that are targeted at the broadest part of the fan base.  Overall I'm expecting more hits than misses.

    there will be some kinks in the process during the first year of all these new changes. but by year 2 he'll have the whole fan experience running perfectly.

  10. 18 minutes ago, Lonestar88 said:


    Yeah, I've grown tired of all of the dead weight on this staff. Mehringer is every bit as awful of a recruiter as Giles is, there are just more good WRs to choose from than DL, so he can fuck up a bunch and still land a decent class. But he's whiffed just as much, if not more.

    At least Giles can coach and he's a letterman. This fucktard Mehringer is too cool to put up a proper Hook 'em.


    Make Samples the WR Coach or put him on the road like Carrington. Kid should be able to use his father's connections to get a kid from south Oak Cliff. 

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