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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Horn Dog

  1. 12 hours ago, NotActuallyALonghorn said:

    We should do that with voting. That way nobody wins the popular vote and the electors have a free for all. Totally constitutional.

    Last I checked taxes on guns and ammo are actually constitutionally allowed.  Are you saying that taxes on guns and ammo  are unconstitutional in the same way a vote tax is?  

    Obviously my proposal is tongue in cheek.  Again, the point is you don't have to directly go after the 2A to put significant restrictions on military style arms and ammo.  It can be done without a constitutional amendment and all that it entails.


  2. 2 minutes ago, NotActuallyALonghorn said:

    And people say that the Republicans are the party of the rich and powerful. Let's make it so that the poor cannot exercise their civil rights! The compassionate left...

    Okay how about this.  Tax of $1,000,000,000,000,0000,000,000

    better?  The point is you don’t have to overturn the 2A to essentially outlaw them.  

  3. 56 minutes ago, horncyclist said:

    I don't think it's necessary to repeal the second amendment to do the first one. You can do a lot of bans, magazine and ammo limits, licensing and buybacks under the second amendment.

    I agree.  Here is my proposal:

    1.  Shotgun, bb guns  and bolt action rifles- no change from current law

    2. Handgun.  Background check.  Tax of $10,000.  Also a note from a mental health expert certifying your mental capacity to own this weapon.  Same as required for taking an emotional support animal on a plane.  If holder shoots up a group of people, certifying Practioner loses license and subject to civil penalties if grossly negligent.

    3.  Semiautomatic rifles-  same as handgun and   Tax of $1,000,000.   Still legal though.

    4.  Bullet cartridge >5 bullets.  same as handguns.  Tax of 1,000,000.

    5.  Bullets for handguns and semiautomatic rifles.  Tax of $100 each.




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  4. If Crenshaw is serious, several things will need to go his way.  First, he will need  a booty of treasure and catch a good wind in his sails early.  Hopefully he builds a good plank of positions and doesn't just parrot the typical boring talking points.  A monocular -like focus on his goals and ability to hook a crowd will also be needed for a successful presidential rum.

    • Like 2
  5. 5 hours ago, Mo Horn said:

    Of all the things Dotard has done this Greenland thing has to be the most insane. Step back and look at it. The President of the United States states, out of the blue,  that he wants to buy a country, which is a territory of another country. This is summarily dismissed by the leadership of the country that oversees the country he wants to purchase. The President then publicly states that because the Prime Minister won't talk to him about selling the country, he's canceling a trip to that country that was supposed to happen in two weeks. Oh, and it's just a normal Tuesday. How in the ever living fuck is this ok?  How is the fact that Dotard is a fucking idiot, and needs significant mental therapy, not the lead story on every newscast around the world?  Amazing. 


  6. 12 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

    So why does he care if KJU gets a nuke or not? It's not the weapon that will kill millions of people it's the one who orders that it be fired. His bestie wouldn't ever do that, so just let him have his bomb.

    Well obviously it's for the same reason we allow guns on airplanes.  Those guns can't pull a trigger, only a person can, and since it's illegal to fire a gun on a plane, only a criminal would fire a gun on a plane!   Since criminals by definition don't follow the law, what sense would it make to outlaw firing a gun on a plane anyway??  You libtards just don't think to good.

    • Like 3
  7. 1 hour ago, horncyclist said:

    We're probably 2-3 years away from mass book burning on this present course. Holyfuck. Just remember this shit and do not ever take this party seriously again. They should be wiped from the place of the planet for what they've done.

    It's not just republicans,  it's the nature of our entire species all over the world and over our entire history.  As a species is driven almost purely by fear, anxiety and greed.  We are highly  illogical, can not be swayed by facts, and are programmed to turn our backs on truth if it threatens our identity and pre-existing beliefs.  We are willing to kill millions over superstition and fairy tales. We had a good run.

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    but bringing Greenland into the US could seriously be a big deal in the long run. Once much of that ice melts, it could be a mineral rich bonanza. Bring in trillions of wealth. Trumpland.

    Just out of curiosity, why exactly would Denmark, a country that actually believes in climate change and is fully aware of Greenland’s potentially value in a warmer future world, want to sell Greenland for pennies on the dollar?

  9. 1 hour ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

    I love the cliffside benches, you know, for when you want to contemplate the world after raping some children.


    Lots of philosophical questions to ponder like would we even exist as a species without child rape?

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, Ghost of LL said:

    Are you serious?

    You've never heard the phrase "Jew him down" when speaking of a negotiation?  Have you not read Shakespeare?

    The "greedy jew" is totally an anti-Semitic trope.

    This reminds me of the Chris Rock joke about blacks liking fried chicken and watermelon ...who doesn’t like fried chicken and watermelon?

    It IS all about the Benjamin’s .. with jews, whites, muslims, hispanics, asians, blacks, american indians, eskimos, etc.  If being money oriented is a racial slur then that is one broad ass slur.

  11. 2 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


    If there is one thing Cornyn won’t stand is someone using  nicknames to demean a fellow lawmaker!   #shameless added without firing even one irony neuron.

  12. 58 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Here in the real world, those people already have free healthcare.  It's called "a trip to the ER instead of a normal doctor's office visit".

    Because when they don't pay, and trust me, many don't, you, me, and everybody else reading this thread end up paying extra down the line.  The hospitals don't eat those costs, they pass them on.

    Truly amazing how conservatives can’t understand this concept.  I have explained this over and over to my conservative friends and they just can’t seem to understand.  Repeat after me...WE ALREADY HAVE UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE AND YOU ALREADY PAY FOR IT!  Its just inefficient as it possibly can be.

    Another concept they can’t understand-  You wanna CUT my healthcare premiums by 15k and RAISE my taxes 10k??  We can’t afford that!!

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