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Posts posted by Turkleton

  1. 1 minute ago, Biff Tannen said:

    Canada looking better and better.

    Those fucking inanimate objects. They just don't know how do handle themselves sometimes.

    I think Canada might be a great solution for 90% of this board. Let's discuss this more.....

  2. 16 hours ago, Michael Knight said:

    Oh my politics just gives me the vapors!

    Lets get something straight, calling Trump an unmitigated disaster is not politics because Donald Trump has no political philosophy.  Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, those are politicians and they actually have policy you can agree/disagree with Trump is a narcissistic sociopath who's only concern is stroking his own ego. You know why people in the south were so polite? Because ignoring shit like institutional racism was easier than confronting it. The loudest safe spacers are the former champions of the right back in the Obama days who suddenly find themselves incapable of defending the current administration. And rather than confronting their mistakes and criticizing our current environment its far easier to ignore those things and simply not talk about them. For their own mental well being and for those who simply want to keep up with current events in DT just create a new forum called "Current Republican Talking Points", so that Onboard, Slorch, Brat and their ilk can compare notes and smell their own farts in peace and comfort.  They will no longer need DT to seek refuge from the abyss that keeps trying to stare at them.

    Maybe I’m wrong, but I’ve always thought MK as an associate prof for sociology, or some useless crap like that, and never having a real job. No family or kids and lives in a small dingy apartment off of Guadalupe st.

    For some reason, this post helps that belief......

    • Like 5
    • Haha 1
  3. 8 hours ago, Mdhorn said:

    You're so old--still using the word commie to get a reaction even though the NRA and Trump have been caught in bed old.  Old, old, old, senile old.  Like Pandemic bait old.  Clue: the young don't care about the word commie old man.  Should be a fun watch though while I'm working from home, reading about stocks and oil implosions.   

    Heard a fascinating bit on the radio--the only thing an incumbent president can sell is more of what they're doing well: will people be better off with new leadership than they are now?  Going to be a difficult sell amidst stock and oil collapses, trillions more debt, an economic meltdown and a pandemic. But I read there are some real dumbf'ks buying, even while being asked to die for the rich.  Going to be an interesting watch indeed.   

    Come on you commies, wake the fuck up..... This is how you should post^^

  4. Look, I know you commies can’t stand facts and reality (racist, xenophobe and all those other phobias you dumbfucks claim), so I understand your hatred toward him. But sorry, he is here to provide facts to the indolents that your party just can’t provide and it will be for years……… Should be fun.

    • Haha 1
    • Fuck You 3
  5. 3 minutes ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

    is this slapdick really what the (Texas) GOP sees as their party's savior? This fucking hack? Tell me, in these 'years' you are touting, who exactly is the voter pulling the lever for this guy? that demographic is dying (and more quickly than ever thanks to covid). if people get the chance to vote via mail-in ballot in november, I don't see the GOP winning many races going forward, even if your district looks vaguely like a sickle.

    This is Perfect......

  6. 7 minutes ago, tchookem said:
    2 hours ago, Turkleton said:
    This is so fabulous.... This stud is going to torment you lefties (commies) for years to come. Should be fun to watch.

    Just tormenting the lefties, why not the righti... oh.



  7. 4 hours ago, BurdineBandit said:

    Finished last night. Fun, stupid ride. Everything surrounding Ben was stupid and pointless and regarded. Ruth falling in love with him and turning into his ride or die after 2 fuck sessions is regarded. Wyatt sleeping with the ugliest 70 year old in Missouri is regarded. Linney's face is regarded. 


    I'll be watching Season 4. 

    Pretty much this.... Enjoyed more than season 2

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