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Posts posted by Turkleton

  1. 1 minute ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Maybe the democrats should campaign on eliminating the military, roads, schools, libraries, and national parks.  You know, socialism. 

    Someone needs to go back and retake Government 101 

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  2. 5 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Well, he voted for Trump, so....


    Absolutely I did.... He was not my 1st, 2nd or 3rd choice, but the policies of the left are extremely destructive to Western and American culture.  The Dems have been completely hijacked by the far left and it won't be pretty for this board come 2020. Most of you far lefties think you actually have a chance, but unless Biden wins the nod, you "The Bigger the Government the Better" types have no chance. 

    Ghost was a great poster on the Shag, regardless how he voted. For him to fall into the far left narrative is sad. You, on the other hand, have always been a lefty apologist. Give me a fucking break on this "I'm a former Republican" bull shit....

    • Fuck You 16
  3. 9 hours ago, Ghost of LL said:

    I have to be fair to my Republican friends.  Yes, they may be overtly racist and abysmally misogynistic. But I honestly think that they oppose rape committed by black men.

    Et tu, Ghost. Didn't think you would go for the stupidity of the left. Oh well, keep beating that crazy drum and watch your nightmare happen again in 2020.  

    • Fuck You 9
  4. 7 hours ago, NotActuallyALonghorn said:

    At this point I think most true conservatives who actually care about other people have serious misgivings with regards to the GOP and it's current trajectory. While many (like myself) have disassociated themselves with the Republican party, there really isn't anywhere for them to go. There are probably many more who would leave in a heartbeat if there was a realistic alternative that had any semblance of embodying the principles of fiscal responsibility and limited government. Instead we have a Democratic party that keeps getting pushed further left (without really any acknowledgment that some conservative principles have merit, like limiting the powers of the executive branch which have become so eroded that we are in the situation we are in today) all the while saying that if you don't vote for them you are evil. The whole two party system has left us in a terrible place where a large portion of the country is left with making the choice between voting against their beliefs on either side of the spectrum.

    We've become stuck in a terrible negative feedback loop. It seems that both parties have decided that when it comes to negotiating it makes sense to move to the extreme so that any compromise will be further to their side. Except that when both parties move to the extreme compromise is impossible because you have to have some sort of common ground to work with. Let's talk extremes. Pretend that Democrats want to outlaw all private gun ownership and Republicans want it to be legal to buy machine guns and antiaircraft missiles without any kind of paperwork or governmental interference. What kind of compromise is there between the two? Certainly nothing that either side will agree to. So we've been left with expanding the power of the executive branch, which hasn't worked out too well for us lately. 

    So how can we fix this system? I legitimately want an answer, because neither party seems to care about the interests or opinions of large majority of Americans. Instead they go about polarizing themselves to the detriment of us all.

    This is a good post, but you are putting it on a very far left board. You want get acceptance here....

  5. 5 hours ago, Zombie said:

    I ask this seriously. When I was kid, GHWB was President. My parents were fairly liberal Democrats, but they said he was a good man who meant well. It could be argued that despite all the terrible shit GWB did, he also meant well. Likewise, McCain was a proponent of some bad shit, but he probably wasn't much worse than hawkish Democrats at the same time. But Trump and his voters are a whole different animal. No matter how racist, misogynist, xenophobic, and dishonest Trump is, they don't seem to care. It appears, at this moment in time, that Republicans have a total absence of decency and morality.

    It really fucking disturbs me because when I was growing up I knew Republicans who I thought were decent people but just disagreed about what was a reasonable tax rate or other relatively innocuous policy disagreements. But now, every Republican I meet that supports Trump strikes me as an evil piece of shit and, I'm ashamed to admit, I fantasize about them dying a painful death for their evil and treason against Democracy and America. I'm just drunkenly writing my stream of consciousness, but I'm really disturbed by right wingers and I think we're in for some dark times because of their evilness. Maybe I'm being melodramatic. I hope so. 

    User name checks out!

    • Haha 1
  6. 27 minutes ago, Larry T. Spider said:

    I'm was recently given documents showing that both Amy and I are descended from people who owned slaves. Aong with other possessions listed in their property log were two human beings, Rose and Eliza.


    A paternal great-great-great grandfather of mine, Andrew Cowan Jasper, owned these two women in the 1850s. There are also records showing that a maternal great-great-great grandfather, Frederick Williams, most likely owned slaves in the 1860s (“most likely,” because we are not certain that the Frederick Williams who is my ancestor and the Frederick Williams who owned slaves are the same person, but there’s enough circumstantial data to lead me to conclude that it’s likely).

    Records also showed that Amy had an ancestor who owned slaves and another who was a member of the Confederate Army.

    Something that we’ve been thinking about and talking about in town hall meetings and out on the campaign — the legacy of slavery in the United States — now has a much more personal connection.

    Ownership of other human beings conferred advantages not just to Andrew Jasper and Frederick Williams, but to Jasper’s and Williams’ descendants as well. They were able to build wealth on the backs and off the sweat of others, wealth that they would then be able to pass down to their children and their children’s children. In some way, and in some form, that advantage would pass through to me and my children.

    That those enslaved Americans owned by my ancestors were denied their freedom, denied the ability to amass wealth, denied full civil rights in America after slavery also had long term repercussions for them and their descendants.

    The way that fortune was passed through the generations from Andrew to me, misfortune was passed through the generations from Rose and Eliza to their descendants who are alive today. Rose and Eliza were denied their freedom and the benefits that their labor produced; they and their children were then denied their civil rights after the end of Reconstruction; and their descendants endured open terrorism, economic exclusion and racism in the form of Jim Crow, lynchings, convict leasing, voter suppression, red lining, predatory lending, and mass incarceration. Everything their descendants have accomplished in their lives is despite having all of these odds stacked against them.

    In the aggregate, slavery, its legacy and the ensuing forms of institutionalized racism have produced an America with stark differences in opportunities and outcomes, depending on race.

    For example, there is 10 times the wealth in white American than there is in black America. Black men are six times more likely to be incarcerated than white men. The disparity in infant mortality between black families and white families is greater today than it was in 1850. Whether it’s the economy, healthcare, education, criminal justice or even in the inherent biases revealed by technology, there really are two Americas.

    I benefit from a system that my ancestors built to favor themselves at the expense of others. That only increases the urgency I feel to help change this country so that it works for those who have been locked-out of — or locked-up in — this system.

    As a person, as a candidate for the office of the Presidency, I will do everything I can to deliver on this responsibility.

    In addition to making significant changes to education policy (immediately address $23 billion in underfunding for minority-majority public schools), economic policy (ensuring equal pay, deploying capital to minority- and women-owned businesses, $25 billion in government procurement to these same businesses), healthcare (universal healthcare and home health visits to women of color to reverse trend in maternal and infant mortality) and criminal justice (police accountability, ending the drug war, and expunging arrest records for nonviolent drug crimes), I will continue to support reparations, beginning with an important national conversation on slavery and racial injustice.

    We all need to know our own story as it relates to the national story, much as I am learning mine. It is only then, I believe, that we can take the necessary steps to repair the damage done and stop visiting this injustice on the generations that follow ours.

    - Beto

    I'm thinking that Robert might be mentally ill. He really needs to seek help.

    • Fuck You 1
  7. 17 hours ago, bad_teammate said:

    This is going to be A Thing.

    - Conservatives concern-trolling at Peteheads about how socially regressive minorities are (because conservatives are racists and love an opportunity to shit on them).
    - White liberals (who are basically just as racist as conservatives) trying to obliquely imply the same thing as a reason for Pete's failure to connect.

    Black culture writ large is no more hostile towards queer identities than white culture.

    Facts are facts. Minorities  don't get it. He's done....

  8. 5 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Where's the replacements for the olds in the GOP as they die off?  Look at some of the core elements of what makes those older GOP voters who they are - many of those things aren't around anymore, and the younger generations are going to be facing a lot more stress/financial insecurity as they get older.  

    The GOP can't play to that fear and anger like they can to the older generation, because the younger generations are watching Turtle, Trump, etc. fuck over the country and fuck over the lower classes and not giving a rat's ass about the younger generations.  Shit, McConnell openly laughs about stuff that fucks over younger people, and younger people are taking notice.

    Hell, if the younger generations would get off their asses and get into the voting booth next year, the GOP would be finished right then.

    Nov 2020 will not go well for this board.

    • Haha 1
  9. 21 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    The  Republican Party was started mainly by rich northern elites who opposed southern black slavery.

    While opposing slavery is of course a noble goal, it should be noted that the people who opposed it did not economically benefit from it. And in fact, it could be argued that slavery affected their balance sheet negatively due to competition, wages, etc, etc. 

    Over time the party has modified its stances on a number of issues but it has never not been ruled by rich elites, even if a lot of them moved south to California, Texas and Florida. The rest of the republicans like slorch are merely sheeple who are to be manipulated based on whatever they figure out triggers them. Whether it be brown, immigrants, gays, abortions, or whatever. 

    Trump coming along has changed the calculus because he’s explicitly saying what the owners have long been implicitly saying, that hey white people, you’re losing your country. It used to be the blacks but now it’s become the Browns. But problems arise when you say that explicitly. 

    To make a long story short, we may be witnessing the end of the Republican Party.   It’s numbers among the young are atrocious and unlike the baby boomers, it’s not changing over time. Once the party loses its utilization among the elites, it’s dead. And they’ll then start something new. 

    This is classic. You people really do live in a different universe. 

    • Haha 1
  10. 4 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

    no, they don’t.

    but a bunch of trumpkins watched the first debate and got all giddy when fox and the ny post assured them that the dems were in trouble when they focused on socialized healthcare. 

    since trump is all they know, they think you win elections through bullying and fearmongering, not by discussing issues. 

    fact is enough people have already made up their minds. election’s over. he spent the last 3 years ensuring issues and policy no longer matter. 

    The debates were great! Clarity is the key with the dems and the debates showed how far they have gone. Landslide in 2020 and it won't be close.

  11. 10 minutes ago, tantric superman said:

    Good arguments.  Doesn't persuade me, but not sure why you are saying that the reparations argument is degrading or that "these guys are fuck sticks", but you've never been[ a particularly persuasive poster so will just chalk it up to wrongheadedness.

    But you have? LOL. I knew you would opine because of your POS savior was in that video. You need to put your thinking cap on why it is degrading and insulting....

  12. 28 minutes ago, DixonHur said:

    Giving free money to corporations so they can buy back their stock moves the price higher, both by creating the illusion of demand, and by increasing scarcity.

    Trump's economy is a house of cards and it won't be pretty when it comes tumbling down.


    When you say "Giving free money to corporations" do you actually mean not taken money away from corporations?

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