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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by 1978horn

  1. 3 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    I want to take my kids (8 and 6) to see this.  We have only seen Iron Man 1-3 and Wonder Woman as far as super hero movies go.  What others do we need to see first?

    I have no idea the difference between the different comic universes.  

    If you haven't seen the movies then you might enjoy it, but will be lost at points.  My 8 yr old girl went with us and she has seen only about 6 or 7 of the MCU movies and was pretty lost, but she is also 8.  There is a 15 minute youtube video out there that you can watch and hits a lot of the main points, but 15 minutes is nothing compared to the 30+ hours of movie that has led up to Infinity War.


  2. Took my son and some of his friends yesterday.  It was an amazing movie, I think this is now favorite Marvel movie.  My son and his friends were silent as the credits rolled until the post credit scene.  That is pretty unusual for a bunch of 12 year olds after a great movie.  They were trying to take it all in, but couldn't believe it at the same time.

  3. We are dual income and do camps when not on vacation during the summer.  The first summer blew me away at the price per week.  I thought we were going to save a ton of money that first summer with the first kid no longer in daycare.  I found we spent the about same amount per year with most of it during the summer months.  Most of the camps that we do are themed and different every week.  Sometimes they suck and sometimes they are awesome.  Most have some sort of field trip somewhere and a swim day or two as well.

    If you can find a friend with kids and and "pay" them it would be cheaper, but would they just sit around the house all day or get out and do things?  I just accepted that fact that I am going to spend at least $250 a week on camps per kid.  My oldest doesn't need camps anymore so that saves us, but I also don't want him sitting at home all day playing video games, so we schedule some for him and we send him solo on a plane to family members on the east coast for a couple weeks and he has a blast without us.

  4. Talked with my 12 year old about it last month when all the walkouts were happening.  Told him if he believes in something and knows the issue then I don't have a problem with it and will support him, even if I disagree with him on the issue. Told him that he also needs to be aware of the consequences and accept them fully(unexcused absence, 0 on a grade, suspension, etc...).  I did tell him that I will get pissed is if he does it and is fucking around and not taking it seriously.  He then looked at me and said "Yeah, because if you are fucking around then you make the issue trivial and observers don't think the issue is a big deal".  Guess I have done something right, or maybe that was his mom? (no pics)

  5. 54 minutes ago, ulukinatme said:

    My wife used to treat a woman with Guillain-Barré syndrome that was triggered by the flu shot.  Basically the shot triggered her auto-immune disease that she didn't know she had, her nervous system shut down /w complete paralysis and she was one of the extreme cases where the paralysis never recovered.  She spent the last several years of her life confined to her bed on a ventilator with 24/7 care as a result.

    Not an anti-vaxer, but there are some diseases I'm willing to take my chances with.


    I thought this was the funny pic thread

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  6. 46 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    They should never have "let" you in. Worse yet if they held up cars behind them while trying to be nice to one driver. 

    This is one of my biggest pet peeves.  Being nice to let a person cross two lanes of traffic is being an asshole to the 100 other drivers behind you.  Because you let one person cross while traffic should be flowing you just had a bunch of cars not pass through a light 15 yds back and traffic starts to back up.  I'm now furious just thinking about it.

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  7. My son finally got me to play this weekend, it is fun, but no kills for me and anytime I engaged someone I was quick work.  I enjoy watching him play more since he is better and it is fun working on strategy with him while he is playing.

  8. 9 hours ago, tjhooker said:

    I bought the Purple bed online. Liked how cool it slept was too firm. Returned for free at 90 days and bought a Layla bed and love it. Very soft. I'm a side sleeper so it is perfect. Also, a little cheaper than the Purple. Don't get me wrong. The purple bed was comfortable but too stiff. 

    How does it work for returning a whole damn mattress?  Does someone come to your house and pack it up?

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