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Everything posted by Dropout

  1. There’s only one person even fighting for your vote. It’s not complicated.
  2. But Bernie is basically offering the people money in the form of healthcare and a higher education for votes! Can you believe it?
  3. And my passion. My passion leads to the dedication I show in what I do and stand for. It’s that passion in combination with my dedication that can move this country forward.
  4. Contradict this with Bloomberg refusing to call Xi a dictator in the largest openly Communist regime in the world. Or Trump sucking Uns balls. And we are supposed to give a fuck about Bernie's comments on Castro? Take the hypocritical double standard comments and blow em out the ass.
  5. Trevor Noah on the state of the race. Apparently Biden got arrested in South Africa trying to see Nelson Mandela?
  6. So our point here Eddie is that this happens. Republicans and Democrats find people’s problems and offer them solutions in return for money to support them. Billionaires own politicians. This is it.
  7. The winning strategy is the flawed strategy. Imagine that.
  8. Followed with a we don’t have that kind of money. Ok boomer.
  9. A good leader adequately silences critics with actual thought. I know it’s been awhile for you. Not a lack of comment guy. https://berniesanders.com/issues/how-does-bernie-pay-his-major-plans/
  10. It is dead. So we don’t give a fuck about your shit framing. Your way of thinking is done. Adapt or don’t idgaf.
  11. It is on the Internet. https://berniesanders.com/issues/how-does-bernie-pay-his-major-plans/ A little more expansive than Mexico is going to pay for it. I know it’s hard for your little pea brains to handle but give it a shot.
  12. Might as well start posting these in the nominee thread. Bernie Sanders is your nominee. Anyone show me one lie. Just one.
  13. Def b and c. I do not believe there will be major new costs to a significant percentage of the population. That is how unbalanced the scale is. America doesn’t worry about costs when we want to go to war and start some killing. I won’t allow costs to make me believe we can’t do good for people instead. Any costs to individuals that may actually feel it will be offset by the uplifting of an entire society by helping those that need it have access to things like healthcare and a higher education. That’s even if he can enact any of these proposals. He is the best shot though. Idk if that was an answer you were looking for. Ask away.
  14. Don’t get mud on my shoes bt.
  15. Hits close to home. Teardrop. Edit Would one contribute more to a society let alone their family as let’s say an aerospace engineer or throwing some boxes in a warehouse playing cards in between?
  16. I’m sure they’ll team up at some point. My first vote in my life was for Beto. I can live with that.
  17. Could def pull a few off Surly to fill his spot.
  18. We finally got the right guy to appeal to the demographic you dumb fuck. Not a metaphor.
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