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Everything posted by Dropout

  1. Biden should have been tested. Despite what the media would say he got off easy. It’s like going through the minors playing wiffle ball. Once Biden gets to the next level the opposing team is throwing a fastball right at his head with bad intentions. I hope he prepared all by his lonesome. I hope he has the capacity to articulately defend himself. The primary certainly didn’t prepare him for it.
  2. I felt that one Brad. You were one of the few from the other side that actually made an effort to have a dialogue with supporters of the Sanders campaign. It is not surprising to me then that you were one that actually casted a vote for that socialist. Things going on now are somewhat poetic. In a tragic sort of way. A pandemic sweeps the world and millions are left without a job and thus health insurance. All while our R president spends trillions of dollars to buy the economy and create a new socialist America. “How will we pay for it!?” Remember this Boomers? Of course you don’t. Too busy having your 401ks bailed out by the government. Once again socialism for the rich and rugged individualism for the poor. You should of went harder Bern. I’ll hold you accountable for not going scorched earth and burning the shit to the ground. It would have been well deserved. Bernie played nice with his friend Joe instead. Took Trump all of two seconds to comment on Biden’s brain. F
  3. Back to the basics. So we like being run by billionaires? Like their laws and vision for the country? Like that they take all the new money being made? We like that they buy and own our politicians? Bloomberg admitted it on live television. The easiest thing to turn the tide would be your vote against all that but let’s be mad about snake emojis and calling rat names. I’d rather our kids fight revolutions in the street. Builds character. In the last few days it’s been simplified in the most basic way imaginable for this timeline. Are you flav or chuck d?
  4. That’s Trae if I’m not mistaken. ABN could have been Bernie’s campaign slogan.
  5. Imagine being able to make that last joke and at the same time be offended by a guy in a pickle suit being loud. Enjoy Arkansas Aqua. Y’all were made for each other.
  6. Beautiful offense when the Mavs are clicking. In other news looks like Luka has a new logo.
  7. Al Sharpton weighing in as well. Win SC and shut this shit down Bern.
  8. Why would I think otherwise? https://today.yougov.com/topics/politics/articles-reports/2020/02/18/democrat-head-to-head-poll
  9. No Matt I keep trying to point out it’s not a real election. It’s just been covered up really well bc the one with the most delegates and votes has always gotten the nomination since it’s been implemented. That may not be the case this time around. Everyone is on record as being cool with that. I wouldn’t expect you to fight for your vote haven’t fought for anything else. You’re obviously very comfortable and that’s cool. Enjoy it. I am alarmed tho that so many are willing to set elections on fire in plain sight.
  10. Give me Kamala and call it a day
  11. Need some stat classes in here. It’s the will of the people in that he won the elections in almost every state.
  12. Bates how can supers support the plurality leader if they spoke before the vote in 16? A plurality leader should first demonstrate they are such. It is not the same. Agree to disagree.
  13. The supers spoke before the vote in 16. On the first ballot. Bernie pushed them to the second ballot. Incorrect as far as what I want. I want superdelegates to uphold the will of the people. I’d rather they be extinct.
  14. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Democratic_Party_presidential_primaries In 2016 Hilary did not hit the benchmark for a majority without superdelegates. In 2008 Neither candidate received enough delegates from the state primaries and caucuses to achieve a majority without superdelegate votes.
  15. Y’all keep trying to make this a runoff. It’s not. It’s superdelegates chosen by the DNC. The same ones who gave HRC a 500 600 delegate lead before a vote had even been cast.
  16. We will see how hard it is. Admit you don’t give a shit if elections across every state in this country are wiped out so some corporate democrat can swoop in. Those are the rules right? Hint not every rule is a good rule. God forbid we push to change an obvious bullshit one.
  17. Bernie is your party. Get used to it. The rules aren’t hurting him. We are rolling. We will win. Yes complaining votes should be upheld in America. The horror.
  18. It wouldn’t be a runoff. Runoffs involve another vote from the people in America right? Any poll head to head shows Bernie winning. In most cases handily. Superdelegates chosen by the DNC would intervene and very likely not represent the people of their states. The majority of which Bernie Sanders will have surely won. It would be unprecedented for the leader in delegates and votes to not be the nominee. Never happened.
  19. Pipe up? I started the thread years ago. You think I thought we would lose? I didn’t know it had to be stated the will of the people should stand. This is obvious in America is it not? It only became apparent when every candidate except Bernie said so on a debate stage. Still holding out hope for Biden? I mean wasting my time here if you can’t see the writing on the wall.
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