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Posts posted by Longhorn_Fan68

  1. 3 hours ago, immamac said:

    Or say "no thanks" which is what the fuck up is. 

    We know the shit eaters who want extra broken glass on their plate exist. 

    We know people who like airplane rubber chicken exist. 

    We know people who don't like either exist. 

    It's why Hillary lost to Donald Trump the first time and it's why Biden may be in trouble this time. Unenthusiastic people stay home and don't vote. 

    you alright, dude? again, it's fucking June. chill the fuck out. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, immamac said:

    I think that it's a guise to continue keeping the American consumer acting irrationally. I don't care about the forgiveness itself but debt jubilee is one of the ways to attempt to gracefully deleverage a debt cycle. 

    We are hoping to limp this bitch to November before any major consumer liquidity crunch happens. 

    I think loan forgiveness makes a ton of sense in a vacuum. I also think bail outs make no sense in a vacuum. 

    Also to be clear I'm talking about what I see as the problems not my personal feelings. (I am pro loan forgiveness, but know a lot of people who are not who will begrudgingly vote for Biden or not vote at all) 

    The entire premise of my posts today has centered around extremism with disenfranchised independents and disengaged moderates which compose 60%+ of the voting populace. 

    It's a real issue and if you don't think so you are an extremist moron. So put your critical thinking cap back on and think about how you prevent Trump from being elected through energizing the 60% of people who don't give a fuck right now. 

    It's June, homey. There's little reason to get anyone engaged yet. We're still months out and the other side is continually and repeatedly tripping over their dicks. I will say this about Biden's admin - they seem to time things really well. I expect a YUGE election push in the next few months targeting exactly these people and telling them exactly why they should vote for him. Doing it now is a waste of time and money. Let the other side keep showing their flaws and watch Biden continue to rack up wins in anticipation of re-election. The one thing Biden HQ has shown me is they do time things well. We'll see if they do in the biggest test yet.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. Sitting at the bar before pool league and overhearing some folks talk. Just heard, "I was going to vote third party, but no way I can let a convicted felon win, so I guess I'm voting joe."

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