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Posts posted by drifter379

  1. Season 2 episode 2 of “dating around”. Cripes

    I’m never going to watch this show so I went straight to that episode. I watched him meet the first two women and was done.
    But it’s good to see Crispin Glover still getting work.
  2. Don’t know if any of y’all know or have heard of James Hand, but he passed away last night.   From the Waco area, sounds like a poor man’s Hank/Possum love child. Was good friends of a lot of country legends (Willie, Kris, others).  Never made it as big as them, but was a super nice dude that chased the music his entire adult life.   Was bigger in Europe than here, but loved in small local holes that he’d show up to.  

    Slim is on my Mount Rushmore of country artist. I’ll never understand why he wasn’t one of the biggest of all time other than real Honky Tonk doesn’t sell any more.

    I have two framed pics of him on a wall in my house.

    He had his issues and personal demons but he was the real deal. Also one of the most humble men I’ve ever known in my life and it was genuine. I’ve seen him well up with tears when someone one would tell him how much they loved his music.

    I am heart broken that he is gone but take comfort in knowing he has finally found peace.
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  3. Had a fucking Peterbilt up my ass during rush hour today. These fucking fucksticks don’t give a fuck about the No goddamn trucks in the left lane rule. Slow ass bitches tying up traffic. Stupid fucking assholes.
    The goddamn rock haulers downtown at the Capitol are fucking psychos. I’ve already called in at least 2.
    I’ve got cameras, you stupid fucks.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    So which is it? They are in the way or up your ass?
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