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Gale Snoats

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Posts posted by Gale Snoats

  1. 14 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Yeah....that is approaching necessity level.  My interactions are either 1) intense workday, without break, or 2) my nuclear family.

    I'm getting exercise -- we're taking LONG walks each evening, and it actually feels really good.  And by and large, I've been eating much healthier (today's Popeye's lunch for the boy's birthday notwithstanding).  But the mental health....there's some strain.  We're working a lot, and doing okay so far, but clients are going to start feeling a cash crunch sometime soon, and when they have cashflow issues, they can be slow to pay, so that translates to our cash flow.  We'll see.  If we can begin to relax restrictions so that normal office work can resume in May, I think things will be okay.  Otherwise....we'll see.

    So....yeah....need some sort of real mental break.

    I'm a business litigation lawyer in Austin and right there with you on the work stuff.  We're as busy as we've ever been and I'm very proud of our associates and my partners for making the transition to WFH without losing really any productivity / hours.  My main concern is how long can clients continue to pay.  

  2. thanks to LL Lawyer's rec i had booze delivered to the house via grizly.com and it worked very well.  Grizly connects you to a local liquor store (south lamar for us) and then the store takes it from there -- immediately called me to verify order and had it on our doorstep in 30 minutes.  I think the surcharge was only $4 and you tip however much you want.  

  3. I have a 1/4 interest in a shack on Caney Creek in Sargent.  That town might take the trashy people gold medal in Texas.
    I once was at the Texaco/hardware store in town picking up some beer and a local meth head was told she was too intoxicated to buy one of their Hunts Brothers Pizzas (which had been sitting under a heat lamp for a couple days).  Seriously, too drunk/stoned to buy a gas station pizza?

    All this talk about surfside, Bryan beach, Quintana, Sargent reminds me of my childhood growing up in southern brazoria county. Great place to grow up if you love to have free reign and hunt and fish and don’t know any better. Moved to Austin to go to Texas when I was 17 and got civilized and it ruined me.
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  4. I'm a commercial litigation attorney in Austin with strong focus on construction.  The order issued by COA is poorly drafted and is creating a ton of confusion in the industry.  COA's intent is to shut down pretty much all residential and commercial construction but the order, as drafted, has holes that allow for exceptions to swallow the rule.  COA issued a 'clarification memo' earlier today but it isn't helping.  I've been on the phone with clients all morning who are scrambling trying to figure out what to do. 

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  5. Damn...my buddy runs Turf n Surf (restaurants in Lavaca Street Bars). His tacos are awesome and you need to go try them if you haven’t. His blackened ribeye and fish are very, very good. Look at his Yelp reviews.
    Anyhow...he’s having to borrow money to stay open because of SXSW cancellation. Please stop by and support him if you can. I promise you the food is that damn good.

    One of my favorite places in Austin. Their blackened seafood- shrimp and fish - is awesome. Everything on the menu is really good all very high quality ingredients skillfully prepared. Will def go by there and encourage others to. Love that new on on south Lamar
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  6. Saw a rare (around here anyway) Volvo S90.  Pretty stately looking land yacht.

    We’re in the market for a new car for my wife and are thinking about a Volvo wagon. Basically just needs to carry 2 kids and their shit and their friends around town. I have a big suv so don’t need a ton of space on this one. Any experience or thoughts on Volvo wagon reliability. She’s pretty utilitarian cars so don’t want something that requires out of the ordinary upkeep and maintenance. Is general rep regarding volvo safety true. Are they markedly safer than comparable wagons? Also thinking about taking a different route giving her my suv and getting an old wagoneer. If you pay for one of the nice refurbished ones from the plaices them up can they last a while and be pretty reliable?
  7. 9 hours ago, troph said:

    I don’t like the 3 layout (just me) but the S and the X are sleek and simple. That can look cheap but driving one doesn’t feel that way to me, it feels clean and uncluttered.


    I’ve had problems with the handles on my first generation S but they were under warranty. My X is 2016 and I just took delivery so we’ll have to see. But in the two years I owned the 2013 S that’s all the problems I had. You use the app on your phone and schedule a fix and they come to your office and replace the handle. The service is incredible. And I found the car to be reliable 6 years into it.


    And I’ve said this before but with only the touch screen the software updates can do just about anything to update the interface. That’s something I find appealing.


    No gas station stops and routines make it an incredible experience and no doubt others coming on the scene will push the electric experience further.



    Did you have any reluctance buying the used X?  We're in the market and going back and forth between a new 3 or a used X and the guy at the Tesla store in the Domain said he'd recommend a new 3 any day because of the technology / battery improvements made between 16 and present day.  I'm ignorant on the subject so any insight is appreciated.  

  8. 32 minutes ago, Johnny Chimpo said:

    Goggles - Smith IO, pretty much a stand by for quality and durability. 
    Gloves - black diamond or Hestra 

    thanks.  i might get some new pants too.  the pant prices vary wildly.  what is the difference between a $200 -- $250 pair of ski pants and a 4, 5, or even $600 pair?  that wide range doesn't make sense to me

  9. Need to get some new goggles, gloves, and outerwear and have delivered within a couple of days.  any recs for best place on online to get quality stuff delivered quickly?  any recs on goggles and glove brands?  amazon has a bunch of goggles for very cheap but that makes me worry about quality.  thanks!

  10. Heading down for the game today from Austin. We got tickets off of stubhub but don’t have any kind of parking pass. Any thoughts on parking? Are there pay lots close that don’t require a pass? Have pretty young kids so will pay whatever - just want to get as close as possible.

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  11. 29 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    You're right about curating, and quite successfully, a lifestyle brand.  But I have never heard of anyone, including myself, who sees/thinks "YETI" and associates it with the outdoors.  I mean yeah, the coolers are typically found outside of the walls of buildings.  But is not an outdoorsman/sportsman brand, IMO.  Fishing trips, backwoods camping, hiking, etc...these are not places I see Yeti products.  Tying up on the Highland Lakes, yes---YETI all the way.  But I never, ever see their product in the real outdoors.  Probably because it weighs so fucking much.  But as you said, more power to 'em...nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American Land Rover driver. 

    as per usual, you don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about.  it's really remarkable how consistently wrong (and not funny) your takes are on pretty much every subject upon which you opine.  their website has the below quote on their 'our story' page.  90% of their 'ambassadors' are hunting or fishing guides or some other kind of outdoor person.  every hunting / fishing guide in Texas is dripping with yeti shit (maybe diluted some now due to knockoffs) and it's a staple for all the frat boy / fake redneck / fly fishing types that fall into the patagonia millionaire category that these companies are targeting.  at least you don't name drop on the UT stuff as much as you used to.  but you're still a fucking beating and your next funny post will be your first.     



    Flip Pallot, Angler and YETI Fishing Ambassador

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  12. I was a 3L and we lived in a garage apartment on 26th across the street from the law school.  I was just getting out of bed when my roommate came running up the stairs yelling to turn on the tv.  We watched for a few minutes not really knowing what was going on yet and then headed across the street to class.  I can't exactly remember the sequence but I have a few very clear memories from either that day or the next few days.  I think it was that same day when the FBI or something like (several serious looking guys in sunglasses and dark suits) that came to the law school that day and lined everyone up and not letting anyone leave until we checked in with them with our name and ID.  I remember a day or two later sitting in a pretty large class and a classmate running in and yelling mid lecture that they'd found white powder in the library and that everyone needed to get the fuck out of the school.  We all grabbed our shit and hauled ass out of there but turns out the powder was from some construction guys drilling something in the floor the floor above.  Also a girl I had just started kind of dating lost one of her best friends who was in the WTC.

  13. 22 hours ago, Moby Ric said:

    I have been dealing with some ongoing ability to get some deep breaths in.  My doc sent me to the cardiologist to make sure I did not have an issue with the old ticker.  Had to do an echogram (sp) and a stress test.  Just got the call today that I am all good.  Thank God.  He had me taking baby aspirin and I can stop that now.  I guess we will move on to another specialist to figure out my olds.  The thinking is it is stress induced, but I am at that age where you need to rule out stuff.  For the record I don't smoke and never have.

    This started happening to me a few years ago and my gp diagnosed me with (I think) 'seasonal asthma'.  Basically the few times a year certain things are in the air i have a hard time getting a deep breath.  He gave me an inhaler (ibuterol?) and when it flairs up a couple of times a year i take a pull or two off that and am good.

  14. Saw Dead & Co at Wrigley a few weeks ago.  It rained all day but stopped about an hour before the show and just left a kind of glow of light mist in the air.  It was about 55 degrees.  Great show music wise and sitting in the outfield at Wrigley in that weather made it even better.  Can't wait to see list of shows for next year (I think only the Mexico shows are announced) and pick a cool spot (hoping for Fenway or the Hollywood Bowl or somewhere else cool in CA).

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  15. I had several years of flare ups before it got really, really serious. Live yogurt is your friend, keep the guts healthy and full of beneficial bacteria. That and staying well hydrated. A lot of what the lower GI does is absorb moisture from what's passing thru. Keep your shit moist, man.
    Mine got so bad that I developed a fistula - a hole in the wall of my guts where it came into contact with my bladder and ate a hole into the bladder. Shit was literally passing into my piss bag and I had chronic bladder infections and could fart out of my dick. The last trip to the hospital the infection ate thru my abdominal wall all the way to my skin and formed what was basically a boil. I was in the hospital delirious with fever when that thing ruptured and holy shit the smell was unlike anything you can imagine. You ever clean a wild animal on a warm day and get a whiff of that? X10.

    Goddamn! Thanks for the advice and sorry you went through that. Good lord.
  16. 56 minutes ago, El Diablo said:

    Yeah, about that... Started in my 40's. Eventually resulted in being hospitalized twice for a week each time in the span of 3 months. Lots and lots of antibiotics later I had a foot of my colon removed. Doc says avoid foods with sharp edges that don't digest easily like coarse grains and nuts. A history of being frequently dehydrated can exacerbate the progression of the disease conditions. Being an alkie probably did not help in my case.

    I'm 42 and just suffered through my first round of this a month or so ago.  Lost nearly 20 pounds in just a couple of weeks and was bed ridden with intense pain for 4 or 5 days. After nearly a month of low fibre nearly liquid diet doc now says it's time to switch to high fiber and exercise to try and increase colon health / decrease chances of it coming back.  Really hating the feeling of knowing it may come back any time.  Another fun byproduct -- I get to have my first colonoscopy next month after I heal up a bit more.  It's certainly scared the hell out of my and motivated me to have a better high fiber diet and exercise.  

  17. I don’t know, he owned the reason he ended up on the rocks where most would try and lay blame elsewhere. He’s pissed that the boat sat overnight when he was told the tow company (at least based on his version) was on the way out. I would be pissed to go from picture 1 to picture 2 if I was assured that the tow company was coming out immediately to try and salvage it. Realistically, they may have and couldn’t do anything with it at that point also. Who knows. Getting fined would also be a kick in the nuts when they brought your boat back in pieces as well, but it is what it is.
    Ultimately the whole thing would suck and is completely avoidable, but how many auto pilot stories do you see with boats on a beach, jetty, etc. this time of year. At least in South Florida, I see a story almost weekly if not sev real times a week. It happens too often when it’s easily preventable.

    I don’t have experience with boats big enough to need autopilot. How exactly does it work? Do you just set it and it keeps you going in the same direction or course and the danger is you set it then fall asleep and hit something?
  18. We had a great trip last weekend.  Arrived Friday around 11 am.  Stayed at Soho House in Fulton Market area.  Lunch at Little Goat Diner Friday then arch boat tour (very cool and well worth the time).  Dinner at Next Friday evening.  We did the multi course pre fixe and it was great.  Wine pairings were really nice too.  Saturday saw the Manet exhibit early then Duck Duck Goat for dim sum for lunch.  Hung out at hotel until we headed to Wrigley mid afternoon.  Dead & Co. at Wrigley Saturday night was awesome then to Lou Malnati's for pizza.  We thought the Fulton Market are was a lot of fun.  Great walking around people watching but a bit less touristy than down on Michigan etc.  Soho House has a great rooftop bar and pool area.  Can't wait to go back.     

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  19. Love my neighborhood.  I live at 11 E. Walton so you can pop in for some booze.  I’m biased but Gold Coast feels less touristy then river north which is a plus in my book.  

    Hey doc - any thoughts on soho house v park Hyatt v peninsula? Love soho house in other cities but not as familiar with Fulton market area. Fun area to explore? Any other hotel recs for long weekend for our first time to city? Thanks!
  20. 1 hour ago, Lobo said:

    Lambert's and Fixe are not near the Convention Center.  They are a quick Uber ride, but if the OP is serious about "near convention center", those recommendations are just wrong.  I like them both but they are not a fun walk in business attire in the summer. 

    He mentioned Fixe in the OP so I assumed he was ok with anything within that general distance.  My apologies.  

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