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Posts posted by LurkingHorn

  1. 1 minute ago, BeardIP said:

    Better yet that was my prediction at 0% of the season being played, but sure, I could be wrong. The Rangers are in the World Series, teams can surprise you.

    But yesterdays game validated a lot of the bad that people predicted and assumed (horrible defense, bad bench players) and had a bright spot that was a best case scenario in Lively (so far, not to get too excited after one game, but he's been doing well all Fall).

    Williams also looks like a great fit and Luka and Kyrie clicked to close the game out. Kryie had a very poor shooting night and they still won by 3 possessions. This is a game they lose last year. 

  2. 5 hours ago, BeardIP said:

    Okay. sorry. I'll wait until our first bad loss then?

    It just is what it is-- we are not a good team, we will struggle, there will be fun wins against bad or young teams at times like last night (and even some teams against good teams, I'm sure) but on the whole this is going to be a frustrating season with bad defense and a dread of letting Luka down, once again.

    Nothing like making a projection after 1.2% of the season has been played. The lineup of Luka-Kyrie-Green-Williams-Lively looks very promising. Just need Kidd to not be a moron about what his best lineup is and I think it be a pretty fun season. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. THJ is fine. He will win us games when he gets hot. But hopefully we don’t have to be nearly as reliant on him every night. 

    Lively is a breath of fresh air even though he’s going to have some nights where he struggles. It’s nice to see a center who might actually challenge Luka for the team lead in rebounds. 

    Overall, good first night. Defense is still atrocious. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 7 hours ago, The Dog said:

    Balogun relegates Jozy to the bench right from the start. Jozy was never as good as Balogun is right now and he's getting better. An in form Jozy should make the roster at least. He had just finished his first season at Sunderland in the EPL. 

    I read this as being about the personnel.

    Berhalter is an albatross for even the most talented teams so I concede that point if he's included. ;)

    The players from 2014 who I think make the current roster are Altidore, Dempsey, Bradley, Beasley, and Howard. Howard and Dempsey definitely start. 

    Now compare that to the current roster and you have Adams, Pulisic, Balogun, Weah, McKinnie, Ream, and Robinson who start over anyone. Probably Reyna too. 

    Anyway glad Jozy kicked this hornet's nest because that 2014 team was pretty good but the ceiling on the current pool is much, much higher. Just need that spare in charge of them to get a clue.


    Fabian Johnson absolutely would make the current roster and probably be a better RB option than anyone we have. Jermaine Jones would also be on the roster and probably a starter depending on what hypothetical formation that team would play. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. The 2014 team was way more experienced and the current team would have no answer for Dempsey--he would be the best player on the field. Pretty sure the current backline would be shredded by the 2014 group. That being said, this current group has a higher ceiling going into 2026. A more apt comparison will be the 2026 vs 2014 team. 

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  6. 2 minutes ago, Ignatius said:

    So your analysis of the guy who led the league in hits and walks leads you to believe that the problem is that now he’s trying to ‘hit the shit out of the ball’? Instead of what, swinging slower?

    I don't care about his regular season stats at this point. Swing slower isn't the right term, but shortening up your swing can certainly help you make better contact and have a better chance to get on base than what he's doing right now. He's "swinging fast" but missing every time--which is why he's popping up so much. 

  7. I've been watching the series but not posting. I just don't understand Semien's approach at this point. You've been terrible all playoffs and you are the lead-off hitter. Stop trying to hit the shit out of the ball. His slump has made it way easier to pitch to Seager because there's never anybody on base. 

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  8. 4 minutes ago, D3zii said:

    I know we’re all talking bout a possible re-match with OU in Arlington but this team is going to have to come with it.  All of a sudden the end of our schedule isn’t as “easy” as some may have thought 

    @ Iowa State

    @ TCU


    These 3 games definitely give me a pause . 

    @ Houston (there Super Bowl) and possibly the biggest game in Houston in years 

    T-Tech yeah they look bad but I’m sure McGuire will have them up for us. 

    All of a sudden this schedule seems like a challenge. 

    The first 3 games you listed are definitely going to be much tougher than a lot of people are thinking—certainly a chance to lose those. I still think winning at Ames is going to be really hard to do because ISU is not the team we watched in nonconference. I’m not concerned about the last two you listed. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 8 minutes ago, MuellerHorn said:

    I would agree with you from a season outcome standpoint, but the overall trajectory of his time here looks pretty good even at 9-3. Now, I don't expect a 9-3 regular season, especially without one of those losses being to Alabama. My belief is that 10-2 is most likely, and hopefully it's enough to get to Dallas against (probably) OU-sucks in December.

    This is where I'm at as well. 10-2 was my expectation coming into the year and I don't think I've seen anything that changes my mind on that. Had we beat OU, 11-1 was very much my expectation, but I fully expect a WTF loss and the fanbase, including myself, is going to be pissed. But taking a step back, 10-2 in year 3 is a great trajectory and hopefully a chance at the conference title on the way out. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  10. So I'm a totally novice, but I did decide to at least watch some extended ISU-OU highlights. I wouldn't be surprised if OU scores more points on us than Bama. Their O-line is fine, not great, but fine, and I think Garbriel suits the system very well. I think they hit us on 2 or 3 big plays that are going to feel like a gut punch. 

    Their D-line looked pretty pedestrian to me. That means they are going to have to blitz to get pressure and I think we beat the blitz by running it straight up their ass.  I would be shocked if we didn't out-rush them this game. I think we're going to be uncomfortable for most of the game and then we score a TD to go up 10 in the 4th . 38-28 final. OU sucks. 

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  11. 12 minutes ago, cmontexas said:

    Trinty 28 Boswell 21

    Summary of the last 3 minutes game tied at 21:

    Boswell drives down to Trinity 30 1st and 10. Questionable 15 yard hand to the face penalty (on the wr away from the run) takes them from 2nd and 4 to 1st and 25 out of scoring position. Drive stalls

    Boswell punts downed at the 2.

    Ref moves ball to the 5 for some reason

    Trinity rips off a 45 yd run to midfield where THERE WAS DEFINITELY NO HOLDING

    3rd and long hit a deep pass. WR is tackled at the 2 and fumbles out of the end zone. Refs ignore the touchback

    Trinity scores. 28-21

    Boswell RB takes a screen 60 yards down to the Trinity 8 yard line. Flag. Game over

    I caught the stream of this in the 4th quarter. Did the WR fumble it out of the end zone? It looked like he fumbled it out of bounds but the angle was tough for me to see. Trinity apparently had 0 points at halftime. Crazy 2nd half. 

  12. 3 minutes ago, WBT said:

    First time Bama hasn't started 2-0 since 2003.

    It feels like about 15 years since we went undefeated nonconference.  We better beat Wyoming next week.

    We’ll worry about Wyoming tomorrow. Enjoy this shit. This doesn’t happen often. 

  13. 1 hour ago, The Dog said:

    I sure hope Leao is ok. That front line of Milan’s is bonkers. They are fun to watch.


    1 hour ago, dieucla98 said:

    I paid for paramount plus just to watch AC Milan without having to deal with sketch sites. Do not regret it one bit. They remind me of Dortmund - beautiful attack, questionable back, always exciting.


    1 hour ago, InkaUtexas said:

    I was thinking of doing the same. I was a big AC fan early in life and love the way they are playing. 


    Leao is such a good teammate for Pulisic to have. Takes so much of the defensive attention away and allows Pulisic to get in good spots to just drive at defenses—and that’s when he’s at his best. If they can stay healthy, they are going to have a great season. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  14. Can this please be the end of Long, Miazga, Roldan, and Morris? All of them were on the field in one of our worst moments since 2018. 

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  15. That’s the most Canada goal I’ve ever seen. They’ve had a big bag of nothing all half and then get one of the most fortunate penalties of the tournament. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
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