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  1. So assuming Klopp is gone, who are the other ones we want them to meet with? So generic.
  2. I still have a hard time reconciling this. Have we ever seen split polling like this before? Maybe we have and I just don't remember, but no way that many people are going to split ticket, right?
  3. Man...40%? Let's say Harris picks Kelly which secures AZ and also carries PA and MI (both with popular Dem Governors). That is already 270 without even thinking about WI or GA. I just have a hard time seeing Trump's path if he does not win PA. Here's what I think is the floor for Harris right now:
  4. This guy shouldn't have even been playing in Copa America and GGG decided to start him multiple matches. That's an astonishing lack of leadership. Sometimes you have to do what's best for the player even if they don't like it. It's way more important to have Adams healthy and playing for 2026 and now he's looking at yet another lengthy period on the sideline. I don't think he should be called in for any matches until he proves he's healthy enough to play for his club.
  5. I don't buy the Henry rumor at all. Sounds like Henry just trying to get his name out there. They are going to need to make this hire in the next couple of weeks, right? They need to hire someone before the Euro leagues start up again or they could potentially lose good candidates to clubs. Additionally, the next friendly is not that far off. The new guy is going to have to come in and completely evaluate the player pool. Tick tock.
  6. Man...I would honestly prefer Dolo over Viera. Viera hasn't lasted more than a couple of years at any stop. That's kind of a red flag for me.
  7. This is true which is also why it’s so perplexing the Brooks couldn’t even get a sniff under Berhalter. I will bet Brooks is back in the picture after this. Not that he’s going to be great, but he will at least be better completion than someone like CCV.
  8. Why the hell has this not been announced yet? Amateur hour.
  9. Wow I guess I was just stuck thinking of them having Bale, Vela, and Chiellini. Awesome that he’s getting results and adapting to roster construction changes.
  10. I'll admit I have not watched a lot of MLS, but what could we expect from a 'Dolo-coached team? I see LAFC is in first at the moment, but not sure if that's due to them having an expensive roster or not.
  11. Where? I want to believe.
  12. This is almost exactly how it's going to play out. Except I doubt the last part because the women are actually going to be good since they have a good coach.
  13. This. Pretty sure there were already reports of this weeks ago.
  14. Agreed. The locker room needs a strong leadership presence from the coach with this current group--not a buddy...
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