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Posts posted by ButtFumble

  1. 3 hours ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

    Yeah I stay in the right lane too.  I go out to my place of Fitzhugh almost every weekend.  That road has gotten bad too, what with all the breweries, distilleries and bicycles.


    I lived off Fitzhugh on Pauls Valley in the early 90s and 290 was needing to be expanded then I can't imagine how it is now

    I was shocked last time I was back that way at the development including a light at Fitzhugh and a gas station on the corner when I was out there the closest thing was Cedar Valley Grocery and I never imagined a Home Depot in Dripping Springs

    Austin would have been a perfect place to run rail lines to the smaller towns around the area and then buy up land around Austin proper and prevent development on it so that people either live in the developed area and they make the infrastructure match it or they live in the smaller surrounding towns and ride the train into town

    instead like others said they sat back and thought that limiting road construction would stop development while telling everyone on earth that they should move to Austin (and then vote to limit development especially roads)

  2. 1 hour ago, Magus Oris said:

    Yeah, he might as well stop by Office Depot for some resume-quality printer paper. Keeping those jokers is scene 1 of his last act.


    yea with the one idiot you have to question his intelligence he was not "hit by a car" he stepped in front of a car that he was having a conflict with that was trying to leave the conflict and then he smashed the windshield right in front of the cops

    then with duffy he is clearly an even bigger idiot he had the rape accusation, the was booted for grades and now this incident

    if you ignore the rape accusation because he was not convicted ok fine (kind of weak but still), then you can try and make the claim that "lots of college kids have grade issues" and that is true for sure......but in this incident he should have had his head out of his ass, the cops were already there, he punched the wall right in front of them after they had been there for a long ass time and the worst part is he is a damn QB in college at a D1-A program and he is too stupid to grasp the concept of "don't punch hard shit with your hand"

    that dumb ass could have easily broken his hand or injured it enough to cost him playing time or practice time and he just does not have the self control to understand that he is already known for doing dumb shit, has already been booted one time from the team, his friend was arrested rightfully for being a fucking idiot and the cops have been on scene for 30 minutes

    but as a D1-A QB you are going to punch a wall in anger over your friends being idiots....he is lucky he did not break his hand because if he had football would most likely be over for him for good just because of lack of time on the field and Kliff might have even had the balls to boot him from the team because he would be useless for another season and kliff has fucked up enough with injured layers Vs players that played the prior season and who gets to start

    and then letting them all on the team so soon is just a joke their punishment consisted of nothing

  3. 8 hours ago, former alkie said:

    I’m not a Facebook lurker, but today a co-worker showed me a video of lady who shot a man in the head.

    I think it happened on Sunday in Houston.

    Happy Easter


    yea he was "leaking" pretty bad.......I will pass on posting the link

    but hey at least it was on facebook live for the jury and the (most likely brain dead) guys two kids to see in the future

  4. the fact that she had the doctors note at the ready shows she knew the rule and thought she was special so fuck her

    her doctor should have some type of "this doctor is a dumb fuck" note stuck in their permanent record because they were all willing to write the note, but of course they would be nowhere to be found if some shit happened in the ship or in one of the ports and probably would not have any legal liability either for writing the note the lawsuits would be against the big "rich" cruise company

  5. I have said before that the next big drug craze would be suppositories and it would be called "cramming"  

    I was only half joking, but at this point I think it will only be a few years

    I mean after all with butt chugging being a real thing I think butt chugging is a gateway to cramming

    hell at this point it might not even be a drug it might just be a bunch of young dumb shits gathered up at a party and shoving who knows what up each others asses

  6. how many times do you think that dumbfuck kevin has restarted the computer (server) for Shaggy thinking that will solve the issue

    next step I guess he will go to the server rack and look for where to unplug and replug in the modem to see if that helps.....after trying the reset button of course

    • Like 1
  7. 43 minutes ago, Dirk X West said:

    Kliff's had a lot of issues, but Mr. Duffey might just be the one to get him fired.  If Kliff boots him, then for 2nd straight season, he'll have to start a QB that isn't up to par (like Nic Shimonek) because Jett couldn't stay out of trouble, and Kliff can't anything less than a solid winning season.


    kliff will get kliff fired the QB issue is just icing on the shit cake that has been kliff so far

    1. coming in wanting to be coach GQ before winning a game

    2. not giving a shit about penalties until 3 or 4 games into the 3rd season when it was clear it was costing them wins and even then being dismissive of seriously addressing it

    3. pants off dance off, ice bucket challenge, ice cream socials, what is on kliffs ipod, uniform designing (that sucked) and other stupid bullshit that only sells when you win 8 or 9 games not when you are getting the shit kicked out of you on all sides of the ball and every aspect of the game and you are correcting none of it

    4. fucking off defense for 3 seasons

    5. fucking off special teams for every season most likely including next season

    6. refusing to hire an OC that was worth a shit and to even consider giving up the OC duties when it was clear all aspect of of "being a head coach" were sucking

    7. shit clock management and shit time out management

    8. running off QBs left and right

    9. running off other players left and right for no clear reason and never even getting some of them to ever show up to campus

    10. off the field player issues left and right

    11. having 30 receivers on the team and forgetting the O line, special teams/kicking and other positions

    so it was not just the inability to recruit a QB and the facts are with his record he probably would have managed to just have more QBs to run off if he had managed to recruit more or they would be leaving after doing stupid shit


    but he could have hit a home run with QB recruiting and managing to keep them and the other stupid shit going on with him and the team still would have prevented them from winning more than 6 or 7 games consistently if that

    and really success with QBs probably would have just emboldened his hard headed ass to keep letting the other stupid shit go on like it was......because the season with Mahomes made him think that with a serviceable QB and a defense that was still improving they could be even better this season while he kept doing most of the same stupid shit

    Nick was not really as bad as many think he was the facts are Mahomes made Tech fans forget that the "air raid" really does not need a super star QB it needs a QB that will execute the plays as called and that will not break out of the pocket trying to be Vince

    Mahones was not great for the "air raid" he was just "great" for Tech fans that were desperate to see something "exciting", but unfortunately his free styling got the shit knocked out of him and it does not play into the "take the 3 to 5 yards you are afforded" that the air raid demands

    Nick was just like all the other string of serviceable "air raid" QBs that Tech fans have fallen in love with in the past, but unfortunately for him coach Bro was still calling shit and he is still a totally shitty head coach with terrible special teams and clock management and horrid team discipline

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