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Chips O'Toole

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Chips O'Toole

  1. I hate how much I like Below Deck.
    Same. It's really entertaining.

    My wife watches most of the housewives, southern charm whatever fake reality bravo shows and they are all pretty goddamn awful, but the people on Vanderpump are so next level retarded and self unaware that they must have been grown in a lab by TV execs. The shit that they say is nonstop idiot gold. It's still a horrible show, but I find myself laughing at it anytime I'm in the room when it's on.
  2. I always hated personality tests because this particular one was so worthless.

    A couple of years ago I had a few sessions with a counselor who pointed me to the Enneagram test which I skeptically filled out. It was surprisingly very insightful and accurate, and I have since recommended it to a few family members who have agreed that it is pretty accurate and sometimes eerily on-point.

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  3. Anyone want to go in on creating a competing site? We could also have our own Top 44 and I could write fake recruiting profiles. We could have Fat Kitch, Chet Brown, and Curt Bowels as our aliases.
    I am available to do a nightly periscope from Baskin Robbins.
    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, futureman said:

    I bet you shellfish fucks didn’t properly drain and clean your boats a couple years ago when all this was taking hold.  and now you show up and bitch about the utility company.  this has nothing to do with austin utilities and everything to do with lazy, entitled boaters. 


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  5. 30 minutes ago, futureman said:




    stone is ass, my dude.  he bailed from highland park for TAPPS because he didn’t want to sit the bench.  his dad massages the ratings services.  see his brother, lindell.  

    hard pass. 

    And he is a deadringer for James Franco. /reverseracistkatfid

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