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Posts posted by deter

  1. 1978 Correct.  We had just been married a month and bought a house in Waco. Ice split a nice live oak tree in the front yard  in half.  In-laws in Dallas were without power for two weeks.  If memory is worth a crap, Joe Montana and Notre Dame beat UH in the ice Cotton Bowl.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 10 hours ago, slorch said:

    already said it....it's not the quantity.  It's when and how the fouls were called.  there's no onus to call it 50-50.

    Refs repeatedly bailed out WVU on questionable calls.



    The worst optic was the foul on the tt white tatoo man that unfortunately had an opponent draped all over him.

  3. 20 hours ago, Snake Diggity said:

    Just turned 41 so I know I’m a spring chicken compared to most in this thread, but my body has fallen apart over the last 10 months:

    Hair loss progressed rapidly; I’ll never go to a Barber again.  What’s cool is the added ear and back hair.

    Blood pressure and cholesterol slightly elevated.  Was given 6 months to get it under control or otherwise will have to get on meds.

    Early last year ran into severe chronic heartburn, which has led to a daily double dose of Nexium I evidently will never be able to stop.  Tried getting off of it after making diet changes and it came roaring back.

    I wake up sore every day; neck, legs, back, something.  Even if I don’t do shit.

    Eyesight is going.  Have been better than 20/20 up until a few years ago.  Can’t read street signs and menus.  Dreading getting checked and wearing glasses.

    I cannot drink more than 4 drinks without being hungover the next day.

    This month I have developed a chronic sore throat, but not a normal post nasal drip deal, it’s further down below my Adam’s apple.  Not sure if it’s from the heartburn, some new allergy, or what.

    Lastly, this week I got a giant hemorrhoid that has rendered me crippled.  I got a small one 20 years ago but otherwise never had one.

    I am at my ideal weight.  Don’t smoke.  Run 150 miles/yr.  3/4 of my grandparents lived to 85+ so I have longevity in my genes.  And I have young kids (2,5) who keep me active and give me reason to keep going.  But I have zero energy and if this is how the next 40 years is gonna go...well, fuck that.



    Get that reflux/sore throat checked.  Can lead to esophageal cancer.

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  4. 11 hours ago, 'stache said:

    Unless Tech craters that should be a signature win too. Plenty of opportunities in this league for good wins. Of course Baylor has the ‘rona again and out first game against them is postponed. Literally the same thing they did to us in football.


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