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Posts posted by deter

  1. 27 minutes ago, bmbmd said:

    64 was a big birthday for me.  Turned out she would-birthday party, bottle of wine, etc.   Can't wait for 69-that number has always been a winner for me. 

    Was devine. Back surgery for one and knee replacement for another does cause some flexibility and logistical problems.

  2. 34 minutes ago, MrPhlegm said:

    yes. it amazes me that people will put that shit in their skin.

    I've had one since 4th grade. playing eraser tag. ran into a pencil sticking out of a seat bag. stuck in my right shin actually to the right of my right of my right shin in the meat. I pulled it out and it left a black dot. had it ever since.

    wore shorts working at disney with it visible. violation of costuming rules. lulz. eff you disney!

    Same tat here from 7th grade. Upper thigh.  Now I have three similar tats for the prostate radiation.  

  3. 24 minutes ago, Mole said:

    As mentioned by others, I suspect that much of the change has to do with nominal Christians no longer feeling social pressure to half-heartedly claim a faith, but as someone still affiliated with a church, the past year has been a bitter pill. I can understand people coming to different conclusions to political questions for which the best answer is really the least terrible answer, but I can't really wrap my mind around the depth of idolatry and self-worship that openly became mainstream Christian positions and at times seemed like official positions for some denominations.

    With COVID, Christians were handed a prime opportunity to act out the Gospel and lay down our lives for our communities in really simple ways, but at least in my Christian circle, way too many are acting out Left Behind fantasies instead. I'm not sure what post-COVID church life will look like for my family, but I suspect there will be some strained relationships within the church as everyone comes to terms with what has all happened. The problems have been brewing for a long time, but this past year has brought a lot into focus.

    Same for family and "friends".


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