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Posts posted by Hornmatic

  1. 6 minutes ago, Red Five said:

    A bunch of them got all up in arms about someone calling Ketchum "fat". I said "But he's also a terrible person, so calling him fat is like a compliment". That post was deleted. The others are still up.

    Haha, very reasonable and great post for this site. You should keep your sub and continue posting both places. 

  2. 1 hour ago, immamac said:

    the livestream is easy to get around it's the VOD's that I think most people are gonna have the issue with. We could simply set up something like this for OTF and be done with it and self-host https://cast.surlyhorns.com It's a bit more nuanced than just hacking around a certain way because we want it to be a subscription entitlement. 

    When will the forum be segmented into boards for Football, Recruiting, Other Sports, and Premium? Seems there’s enough content for at least those area interests right now. 

  3. 1 hour ago, NoName said:

    no kidding, he still has the stage presence of a fucking ficus tree and also is about that smart, since he can't get his mic that's on an arm out of the shot.


    also this is the first picture of scipio that i've ever seen and i'll be damned if he doesn't look exactly like i imagined - down to the library behind him


    Ian Boyd still looks like someone is just slightly off screen with a gun to his head every time he speaks


    i have no clue who LC is, dude isn't on their masthead and i can't figure out who he is on the first page of google results, but he at least was on more than 1 video call over the last 4 years and knows to have his camera not setup 3' from the wall


    for a quick comparison here is the OTF setup, which appears someone spent more than half a second of thought into how they would look on a call and how they would sound. what a concept when you do this for a living




    I think you care entirely too much about aesthetics, but as long as we’re having this conversation I think wearing a t-shirt looks horrible on camera. Just get anything with a collar. Tees are my one pet peeve. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Viper said:

    Didn't Nahlin hire Landon at IT? Did he get let go or just find out it was an unpaid contributor situation?



    Who is this guy? I check the IT YouTube shows regularly and haven’t seen him once. But my buddies always send me his videos with Inside Texas all over it. Seems like his stuff is a regurgitation of reports from the regular IT staff. 

  5. On 3/20/2024 at 10:37 AM, closetojumping said:

    I know we have discussed this stuff before, but some/a lot of the posters on the guru boards are special forms of stupid. I know Surly has its share of complete imbeciles, but wow. I haven't read 247, IT, or OB in forever and a day, so you forget about this stuff. On OTF now and some of it is unbelievable. 

    There's the one type of poster who views any opinion other than that coming from a $9.95er as completely ignorable while at the same time hanging on a $9.95er's every word. You can forget about this, but when seeing it unfold in real time, it's a stark reminder of the outsized kind of weight the paid guys carry. That's hard to do with someone weighing close to a metric ton, such as Ketchum, but it's real. There are thousands of readers who think that Ketchum/Boyd/Nahlin/Richardson/FCB/Bohls/Golden are providing them with real insights about the program or recruiting.

    Then you have the guys who truly are remarkable in that they appear to be adult humans surviving in society without any basic notion of reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. Whatever is overtly written or said by guys like Bobby or Gerry is only what can be concluded. Nothing else hinted at or vaguely touched on matters, no reading between the lines, just black and white simpleton silliness.

    Another type is the guy who thinks everyone needs to see and hear his every thought, usually in the form of a new thread. Tell them otherwise, and you're offending them and they'll start asking the moderators to intervene. These are the worst kind of posters. 

    Finally, there's the old guy who is new to the Internet and has no fucking clue how anything works. They're using their real names, they divulge a bunch of personal information, they think things like "I played sports in junior high, I know what I am talking about" and believe that with a straight face. These men wear their old iphones in a case on their hip. They have a keychain hanging from a belt loop with more than 10 keys on it for everyone to see. On weekends, they wear jorts with long white socks pulled up to their knees and their collared shirt is tucked into the jorts. These people are experts on the board who likely know more than even the gurus. They're constantly intervening to correct opinions and they're totally unironic in their intent to shape the board discussions to suit their outlook.

    Don’t forget those that are completely unable to stay on topic. There will be an in-depth article on the receiving corps and the second post will be, “so how is Billy Walton looking?”  Or “do you think we’ll snag another dt from the portal??”


    And Bobby/Gerry/CJ, bless their hearts, usually oblige with an answer even though they’ve undoubtedly covered the topic in another (likely recent) post under the appropriate header. 

    • Haha 2
  6. On 2/10/2024 at 7:26 PM, TankedBevo said:

    I choose to believe he's gained 20 lbs of solid muscle and he also shaved.10 off his forty time and now runs a 4.26. 

    Now if he could only save 15% on car insurance by switching to geico. 

  7. On 2/10/2024 at 5:45 PM, Hornlover said:

    I went on a weeklong cruise, where I purchased the Unlimited Booze package. I put on about 17 pounds in 8 days. Probably something to do with the 5 or 6 piña coladas every day for breakfast, binge drinking rum & cokes and beers for hours on end, and buffet eating like a starving hyena.

    It’s clear that you weren’t drinking enough pre-cruise. 

  8. 16 hours ago, YGIFS said:

    del Conte is supposed to address it tomorrow night, among other topics, at Hogg Auditorium at 6:30p.  

    Invite only? Thanks for the invite, I’ll be there. 

  9. 16 hours ago, The Ace of Aces said:

    Is there any set plan on replacing the ugly as fuck turf field? It’s an abomination for Texas baseball to have that carpet. 

    Yep, need to go back to the mean green astro turf. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 9 hours ago, Hookem2147 said:

    So, the scheduling geek in me likes to break it down into groups of games. To get to 38-40 wins (typically the bar to host), I think we need to do the following:

    Midweek games (11-2): Houston Christian, St. Johns, A&M, UIW, Air Force (x2), A&M Corpus, Abilene Christian, Texas State (x2), UTRGV, UTA, Sam Houston State

    Non-con series (9-3): San Diego (x3), Cal Poly (x3), LSU, Texas State, Vandy, Washington (x3)

    Home conference series (10-5): Baylor, BYU, TCU, Oklahoma State, Kansas

    Road conference series (9-6): Texas Tech, Kansas State, Houston, OU, UCF


    That gives us 39 wins right there and should do the job.

    For some reason it seems much harder when you put it like this. Not seeing much margin. 😬😂

  11. 8 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

    What I don’t get is how Glasscock gets a GM job elsewhere but the guy who replaces him as GM probably doesn’t have as strong overall skills. I get that Harris is important for a lot of recruiting, but the GM job is so much more. Why not just make Glasscock the GM?

    I felt we had everyone sitting in the right seat and now everybody is in a different role not suited for their skillset. 

  12. On 2/5/2024 at 11:45 AM, closetojumping said:

    We kind of touch on the issue of the impact of one recruiting class during various discussions on this board. I can't say that anyone is ever really convicted about the overall impact of a single class for a program.  That considered, I'll contend that the 2019 class for Texas played a helpful role in seeing Tom Herman pushed out the door slightly less than two years after that dipshit signed these guys. 

    Folks will often cite the 2018 and 2019 as both being highly ranked (3rd each cycle) and both being significant bombs in terms of results. I understand the sentiment because neither covered itself in glory, but the 2018 class was actually decent and, if reranked, probably winds up remaining in the top 10-15 range.

    We can argue personal opinions about the quality of the starting minutes from each player, but the top 9 players in the 2018 class all started an entire season or more for Texas. 3 of the top 9 were drafted. If Christian Jones is drafted, and it seems like he's probable in that regard, the 2018 class will have 6 NFL draftees. That doesn't include Cameron Dicker, who has a strong NFL career going at this point, or Cameron Rising, who Texas can't claim but will likely be drafted and was a solid evaluation, or Jamison, who played a lot in the back half of this season for the Carolina Panthers. Overall, that class yielded 18 full season or multi-season starters for Texas and landed 8 UT guys in the pros. 

    That's not a great class, but that cannot be called a bad class, either. 

    Now, 2019 was ranked on the same level as 2018. How did it do by comparison? 

    The 2019 class yielded 6 full time starters plus Roschon Johnson. Unfortunately, some of those starters were starters out of pure necessity.

    -Chris Adimora started a bunch in 2020 and was rarely ever a factor outside of that season.

    -Marcus Washington was a starter because multiple WR prospects around him went down to injury, transfer, or were even worse than he was.

    -Does Jacoby Jones get regular rotation time these days? I don't think so.

    That leaves Whittington, Gbenda, and the lowest ranked recruit in that class, Tvondre Sweat, as quality starters. Roschon Johnson was also big time in this class.

    So, you wind up with 2 NFL draftees (assuming Whitt is UFA) and 4 quality starter types out of a group of 24 signees. That is a truly pathetic class. 

    -Texas signed 3 OLs in the 2019 class and none of them ever factored into the depth chart at Texas. Javonne Shepherd truly sucked.

    Probably most importantly for Tom Herman is the way in which that class fell apart, which I think is a stronger indicator for killing a coach's tenure than just the talent quality in that class. I think is especially important going forward for programs because of the velocity in which a class can be disintegrated by the portal and NIL expectations/tampering. Consider this:

    -Multiple players, with whom early expectations were high, never contributed. Bru McCoy, the highest ranked player in the class, injured his pussy and never played a down. Degabriel Floyd, who Texas needed at LB early, never played a down due to medial issues. They needed Caleb Johnson to come in a make an impact, instead they ran him off during his first spring. Derian Brown had the head injury and his football career was over before it started. Peter Mpagi had the major heart problems that ended his career before it started. That's 5 guys out of 24 who never saw their first fall in a fucking uniform and pads. 21% of the class never existed except on paper. 

    -Tyler Owens, Jake Smith, Brayden Liebrock, and Kenyatta Watson were all highly rated (top 155 nationally or better) and all wound up being pure busts. 

    Between the OL recruits creating a massive long term hole, the transfers & medical retirements in semester 1, and the terrible evaluations at the top of the class, half the class was garbage from day one. Most of the others ended up not being better than replacement value, with only two real stars and two other solid college players. With only decent production from the 2017 and 2018 classes heading into the 2019 and 2020 seasons, the problems with the 2019 class simply compounded the problems within the program. Given that Herman ended up being widely despised by almost everybody, him being fired in early 2021 made sense.

    Whether it was Steve Sarkisian or anyone else, Herman especially, I'm not sure how anyone goes better than 7-5 in the 2021 season. Two transition classes (2017, 2021), two decent to solid classes (2018, 2020), and one enormous bomb of a class (2019) spelled trouble.


    Yeah, I could read one of these for pretty much any year. I’d also be interested in the bad takes that were questioned from the beginning.

    In some cases universally hailed prospects just bust, that’s life. But in other cases informed fans and recruitniks are waving flags in real time as bad offers and takes are made. 

    I distinctly remember a cadre of fans perhaps led by ctj, I can’t remember, screaming from the hilltops about our Tyrone Swoopes take when JT Barrett was available. That wasn’t a second guess, it was very much a first guess and the difference in the two careers is one that Stevie could have seen coming. 

    As an infrequent recruiting follower that info would be interesting to note. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. On 2/1/2024 at 9:43 AM, BurntOrange&White said:



    Bobby > Eric
    Gerry > Justin
    Babers > Drew - Babers is much better for YT format content as the former player role.
    Bob Shipley > Ian Boyd - For football theory role, well pretty much in any capacity.
    Blake > whatever host guy IT tried to roll out


    Lunch with Coach is a great thing during the season.

    Shipley would be better if he didn’t bite his tongue every time he was about to say something interesting. 

    Erwin is great. They should bring him on in the offseason to shoot the shit. 

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