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Posts posted by threesheets

  1. 35 minutes ago, Dr. Beeper said:

    He’s plummeted in popularity. He’s a fucking cocky nerd Aggy. 


    1 hour ago, futureman said:

    sturm says aggy will beat bama in october. that fuckin guy...

    Are y'all talking about when he was fucking around with Graham cracker/my pig kid?

    Bob is the nerd?



  2. 6 hours ago, Jack Straw said:

    i was in the candy aisle at the convenience store the other day and thought to myself, I have never eaten one of these, nor have i ever considered it, nor have i ever seen another person eat one, purchase one, have one in their possession, or mention it as something good.  out of curiosity, i looked it up and it has been around for over 100 years.  i guess i now (sorta) know one person on planet earth who has ever eaten a zero bar.

    Watched @Soul Glo eat one yesterday as a matter of fact.  Road tripping back to Dallas.

  3. 10 minutes ago, UpperWestside said:

    Sure why not. I did not have cable or satellite TV as a kid due to living in the country in a small town in Texas. I saw Magic Johnson and the Showtime Lakers in 1987 and was hooked. To add humor to it CBS used to put the graphic up when they showed the score and it said LA LAKERS. I was so young and the only reference to the LA abbreviation I knew was Louisiana...LOL. I still have my Magic jersey from the 3rd grade and attended both of the victory parades in 2009 and 2010. I drove from Texas to there both times. I tried living in SoCal briefly. Beaches were awesome, but I need seasons so NYC it is.

    You motherfucker.  

    I've been a rabid Mavs fan since they came into existence, but during the showtime years I was a big Lakers fan/Celtics hater because my dad was a gambler and always bet on LA. Things were better when they won. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. Fair enough, and good for you @UpperWestside There are a lot of "I'm not a Lakers fan, I'ma wherever he at fan" motherfuckers out there. 

    Mind sharing how you came to be a Lakers fan? I'm in my 40s and only know one that actually grew up in SoCal.

  5. 1 hour ago, gsoda3 said:
    1 hour ago, Dr. Beeper said:
    Trade looks good now as both players are solid 2/3 guys averaging 37/12/4 and our picks are poised to both be low first rounders where you’re generally not gonna get anyone of either player’s caliber. If we can get 5 years of 20/10 ball from KP, we smoked their ass. 

    I wonder if we didn't make the trade if we could've signed kp that summer.

    He wasn't expiring was he? Had another year. 

  6. 19 hours ago, Jive Turkey said:


    i'm down one of these days.

    i also had my first ever Texas Twinkie from Hutchins this weekend.  holy shit.  those are incredible.

    They're on my death row menu. 


    12 hours ago, dcar00 said:

    another story from the 80's.  you could buy a half season. you would play 2 games against the East teams (1 home 1 away).  one half season ticket holder would get Philly/Dr. J and the other would get the Celtics/Bird. (side note: when jordan showed up  after his first year you got Bulls and Philly, other got Celtics and I think Pistons)

    we knew the people who had the other half season so in 86 we got both Philly and Celtics.  I was at UT but would drive up for these games during the year.

    1986 Bird dropped 50 points but Mavs won by one 116-115

    1986 Philly tied 120-120 and then this happened...

    these were some pretty loud crazy games.  NBA 80's basketball was the bomb.  Reunion would fucking rock when we were competitive against those teams for about a 5-6 year period.

    I was a huge Dr. J fan.  hated the Lakers.  didn't really have an opinion on Bird but rooted for the Celtics when playing the Lakers.

    Stellar defensive call there Dick.




  8. 9 hours ago, Catdaddyhorn said:

    I thought the play-in tournament was the the compromise on this want.  

    Guessing the ratings came in, so now they have to knee-jerk.  Nevermind the fact that you'll get something as compelling as Steph vs Lebron maybe once every ten years.

    But then again, the NBA is good at creating whatever outcome they like so wtf do I know.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 18 hours ago, LurkingHorn said:

    I really hope they try this. Kawhi is not going to be able to handle 100% on both ends. I suppose we wouldn’t be surprised anyway, but it’s weird to reveal your hand like this. 

    The biggest mismatch in this series (outside of Beverly trying to guard Luka) is on the sidelines.


    18 hours ago, conVINCEd said:

    This.  Absolute pandemonium.  I hugged people I didn’t know.


    14 hours ago, Vic Mackey said:
    18 hours ago, threesheets said:
    The crowd after Terry buried that 3 in Lebron's ass was the loudest shit I've heard my entire life. 

    Sure was! My buddy got that shot filmed on his phone. That was a wild night.


    Kiddo and I leaving that game, walking in front of some sucka ass bitch. We went on live with Channel 8 right after that.  Great night:



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  10. 3 hours ago, Vic Mackey said:
    9 hours ago, CBT said:
    Playoff games at the AAC are some of the loudest sporting events I've ever been to. 

    Yep. I never went to any at Reunion so can't compare but I was at game 1 and 5 of the 2011 WCF against OKC and then games 4 and 5 of the Finals against Miami. Those games were fucking rocking in the stands.

    The crowd after Terry buried that 3 in Lebron's ass was the loudest shit I've heard my entire life. 

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