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Posts posted by AbeFroman

  1. On 12/6/2018 at 3:30 PM, MaybeACoordinator said:

    Scott Miller, y'all. Seriously, he might be the best out there today.

    This is a song he wrote about a schoolfriend of his who took her own life with carbon monoxide in her garage, leaving several young kids behind. I think a set of twins of about eight. He's writing from the perspective of their dad. 

    He can also do funny and just plain cool. He can't help it that he's a fan of that other UT. He's also a working cattleman up in the Shenandoah Valley...They do have cows up there. He gives me shit about how Virginia really is the father of Texas and I can't really tell him to fuck off because it was the birthplace of both Sam Houston and Stephen F. Austin. So I just call him a Yankee. 


    Damn I had been wondering about Scott Miller.  Talked to him shortly in Dallas many years ago.  First heard him from Amtrak Crescent and then so forth.  We had a short laugh because I actually owned a Chevy Citation in high school.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:


    she just coolly owned the president. maneuvered him right to where she wanted him to go. "trump shutdown" and "i will proudly shut down the government."

    congrats, dude, it's no longer the obstructionist democrats to whom you can point. you have to look in the mirror.

    and then her and schumer's performance just outside the white house further drove the point home. they must have said "trump shutdown" a dozen times. they clearly had a plan and effected that plan. trump, like always, had no plan, deciding instead to play it by ear. he's WAY out of his depth.

    they are RIGHT OUTSIDE YOUR HOUSE CLOWNING YOU, dude. you fucking fool.

    That was a really slick move to stand right outside immediately and basically hold there own controlled press conference to reiterate their points.

  3. On 11/18/2018 at 8:49 AM, Bill Brasky said:

    here is something not really thoughtful: new york latina congresswoman barbie is a fucking idiot.   

    She seems about on the level as the one from Delaware, forgot her name, that publicly asked why monkeys weren't still evolving into humans today, you know like right in front of us.

  4. 50 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:

    Forget about Acosta. This cool with y’all defending the WH?



    19 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:


    I know there's a lot shit going on and my math skills aren't the best, but 2 + 2 is still 4.

    Sure seems obvious as hell he colluded with the AG's chief of staff to oust him and then go after Mueller.  And go public and blatantly deny and lie about it.   I know, Mr. Obvious here, but that's what is happening right in front of our face.

  5. 4 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

    He’s good at trying to get himself attention.  Again, remember when he had himself filmed yelling at a long distance at the President for no effect other than gaining some Twitter Resistance love? 

    I remember that and Acosta was acting like a complete twit.  He obviously measured that one out.

  6. 7 minutes ago, CowboyFred said:

    this is where I'm at.  I agree that Acosta's grandstanding and instigating when asking questions but that is not the issue/reason he lost his credentials.  If Trump is tired of him just don't turn to him and choose one of the other reporters in the room.

    If they would have said they felt he consistently disrupts press briefings or causes an unfair atmosphere for other reporters, something like that.  Don't know if I would necessarily agree, but I could see that.  But they made up a bullshit lie, and repeatedly keep pushing the lie.   It's hard to wrap your head around that.

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  7. 1 minute ago, GRHorn said:

    Just catching up. Are people here really upset about Acosta?  The guy has repeatedly acted like a douchebag.  I bet other members of press are fine with him being excluded. He wasted everyone’s time grandstanding and instigating when other reporters could be asking questions. 

    I'm not a fan of Acosta, he gets on my nerves, but the white house using an obviously doctored tape and an obvious false story as an excuse to ban him is beyond bullshit.  They lied straight to everyones face.

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