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Posts posted by qwertyu1234

  1. I'm a huge Kubrick fan but have resisted watching 2001: A Space Oddity for a long time because it's long and I'm not a sci-fi person. It took me weeks to get through the whole thing, I guess I'm too stupid to get it but it's not for me.

  2. Can Ukraine win this war without troops from outside the country? Right now I don't know how they breakthrough with the numerical superiority of Russia, though of course I want to be wrong. Who knows what the future has in store but I think right now the front is going to remain static.

  3. Since a lot of great ones are already posted, two great Frusciante solos is one song:

    This one is not so much beautiful, but completely and abruptly (around 2:38 mark) changes a very forgettable song otherwise:



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