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Posts posted by qwertyu1234

  1. 4 hours ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    11 in a row, or whatever it is.  Kansas will be very good, and they will win the league again, despite the Big 12 being one of the top basketball conferences.

    I hate KU with every fiber of my being, but they've earned the dick licking at this point.

    14, and jhawk am i wrong in thinking there is only a very small chance that Desousa plays another minute at KU even though at this moment he's still eligible?

  2. 4 minutes ago, Vic Mackey said:

    Oakland, y'all feel good with this $100mill for Gruden and allowing Mack to leave? Lmao. Might be the best defensive player in the league right now.

    Mack and Donald are the only acceptable answer with the aggy as a distant 3rd.

  3. On 7/17/2018 at 12:58 AM, TKthunder2 said:

    East Texas isn’t horrible but it’s just an odd mix of people from old oil money families to the newer waves of relocated Louisiana natives from Hurricanes.  Many act and think they are in the Deep South and we have churches on every corner and they control far too much in local government.  Growing up there we would have to drive across town to get beer because and some random blue law zoning restriction and they successfully banned MTV from our cable.  Not to mention that most are hypocrites and love to talk about sinners and the evils of drinking and gambling on Sunday morning but spend their time getting hammered and losing their paychecks over in Shreveport on Friday (when it’s not THSFB season).  The women are generally gaudy with bad highlights, too tight clothing and the infamous ETBF (East Texas Box Face).  They love Smirnoff winecoolers and putting Malibu rum in their Sonic slushy while smoking Marbolo 27’s. The guys love to pretend that they are cowboys though very few actually do anything resembling farm/ranch work and wear boots, big belt buckles, with a trucker’s hat and carry unnecessary big pocket knives which they make a point to mention that it’s the largest legal length they can carry.  They drink basic light beer and dip more often than they smoke and drive around town in their lifted pick up trucks with modified exhaust that you can still hear long after they are out of sight.  Many never leave and a surpring number that go to school outside of East Texas still end up returning to spawn and repopulate the piney woods with a next generation of townies.  They get defensive if you call them small town but take an odd pride from being call hicks or redneck and most will cheer for which ever Texas based team’s bandwagon they can hop on and claim they’ve been lifelong fans despite no true ties other than living in the same state.  Many think aggy is a better school than Rice, because their and will openly wonder why kids choose to go to Michigan or Stanford when they can get the same quality of education in a wholesome healthy environment like a College Station.  I’m sure I could add more but I’ll stop here and hope I’ve answered your question.

    yes you answered it well

    pos rep (does anyone say that anymore here?)

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. The biggest gripe i have with him is the conservative play calling. In the rare big 12 game that is close, he won't go for it on 4th down when they're obviously not playing for a bowl berth or anything of significance. 

  5. 1,2,6b,3,4,6a,5

    David Chase originally intended the Sopranos to be only 4 seasons so the 5th had a lot of new characters and almost felt like starting from scratch.

    It's a show which is very re-watchable and you'll notice new things during the re-watch.


  6. 19 minutes ago, dingleberryswitzer said:

    It pains  me but I agree with this.  Love them or hate them you're tuning in to watch, either to see them win or see them lose. I'll secretly be rooting for Lakers though.  

    don't forget the celtics. Historically, it's those 2 and everybody else....both teams have more than double the titles as the 3rd best team (bulls i think)

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