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Posts posted by Party_Taco

  1. Lotsa hipsters think it’s an all time great. We invented the taco and shit, didn’t you hear?

    The truth is...I’ll put chili’s chips and salsa up against most anyone’s. Add a cold beer, and it’s a fine choice. Not a Michelin Star, but fuck - chips and salsa and a beer, and you’re bitching about it.

    Seriously... it’s just uber simple comfort food and you tards are bloviating about palate.

    I’d put the high end restaurants on my list up against anyone on this board, holding back those Michelin starred as a courtesy, and would absolutely dominate. Hell, I spent most of my summers in France as a kid, so we’d drop into L’Auberge on a Tuesday...

    No one here is trying to say that Chili’s is better than your favorite burger or Tex-mex joint, but it’s fairly consistent, deeply satisfying and very accessible.

    Calm the fuck down and focus your ire on Long John Silvers or something.
    • Like 2
  2. My at least partially plausible worst case: Russia has intentionally built a house of cards around Trump designed to collapse at a time of their choosing and will use the constitutional crisis and deadlock at the office of the Commander-in-chief to invade Ukraine. The rest of NATO stalls to debate whether or not they can back Russia down without the US and by the time it is all sorted out, Russia is too entrenched in Ukraine to do anything about it without risking MAD.

    I think a combination of yours plus 68’s is my worst case, though I do feel the Russian blood money penetration in both houses of Congress goes way deeper than many expect.
  3. Speaking of Greg, nothing seemingly came of him coming across the meeting in Central Park between the Stewie and Sandy Furness? Was that simply foreshadowing? Every other time Greg has stumbled into something it’s circled back to him getting wrapped up in associated events.

    Anyway, this show is solid. Certainly think some tuning is in order for Season 2, but I’ve enjoyed the ride thus far.

  4. Winter on Fire is one compelling piece of cinema. Highly recommended viewing, especially because it gives even greater context to Manafort’s misdeeds. 

    He’s a corrupt piece of shit with the blood of the Ukrainian people literally on his hands.

  5. 24 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Let's see, it takes about 20 minutes to go around the room so everyone can praise Trump, and then there's the snack break, followed by closing remarks ("NO COLLUSION!!!").

    Yeah, 30 minutes sounds good.

    30 minutes to weigh the second most critical issue of 2018 (just behind having a straight up traitor in the WH) seems about right for this administration.

  6. ... or at least they expect him to do so.


    Leaking the story and then denying is SO Trumpian it’s laughable. Cohen will still get a deal and this whole thing is going scorched earth.

  7. 11 minutes ago, deech said:

    What's really sad is how little this is going to move the needle at all.......


    Well, that’s clearly the expectation of Treason Inc. if they’re just gonna try to soften the impact of straight up collusion with a hostile foreign government for the purpose of winning an election by releasing the information themselves.

    Any normal elected official would be toast with even a whiff of evidence alluding to as much, but I really have no idea what to expect in 2018... outside of Mueller bringing the fucking hammer down with this, especially if it’s on tape or if Cohen is indeed a cooperating eye witness.

    Speaking of which, is Cohen in protective custody at this point? I’d be highly concerned about his ABILITY to testify when the time comes if I was bringing this case...

  8. 1 hour ago, triplehorn said:

    It's also significant that the House GOP push to impeach Rosenstein abruptly fizzled.  Jim Jordan indicated last Fri the move could happen as early as Monday.  Gowdy on Sunday said ain't happening.  Then in the last day Trump puppy Matt Gaetz reported they lacked the GOP votes to move to impeach.  I think lines are being drawn within the ranks.  One of the next shoes to drop will HAVE to be the Russia/NRA/RNC-GOP laundered campaign money.  Once Mueller breaches Congress with indictments along that plane, the whole slab breaks loose.

    That’s my line of thinking as well... and it is my sincere hope that those responsible in Congresss also pay for their crimes. 

    Justice must be served in the most painful manner possible so as to leave a lasting impression.

    If Trump, the NRA and the GOP don’t pay for their crimes we may never recover...

  9. Ted goes hard in the paint - He and Schiff have no time for this BS, but there should be a chorus of elected officials joining in song instead of a few soloists in the limelight.


    Overcoming this nonsense will take consistent, concerted effort from anyone in opposition to these “policies”.

    • Like 3
  10. Former WH official, on D'Souza pardon, says he doesn't think Trump is playing "the sort of three-dimensional chess people ascribe to decisions like this. More often than not he's just eating the pieces."


    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  11. You don't think if he slams the door on Kush right now before all the pieces are in place that Trump wouldn't immediately move to dismantle the investigation? One should not jeopardize a complex investigation to scoop up mid level fish. Kush will get his in good time, but you better be ready to shoot all the bullets when that happens, otherwise Team Trump will go into overdrive protection mode and make things very difficult. 

  12. In the midst of my 4th full run on the show, and now that I'm living in Baltimore it has more impact that ever. Seeing scenes shot in my neighborhood, and knowing that many others were just blocks away, creates a strange contrast from the interior of my loft apartment. 

    This is a city of striking contrasts, and I love that the show was incredibly successful at painting a true portrait of Baltimore. 

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