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Posts posted by DigglerontheHoof

  1. 5 minutes ago, Red Five said:

    And what reasons has the Speaker of the House given for disagreeing with the jury’s decision so vehemently that he wants the fucking Supreme Court to intervene?


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  2. 17 minutes ago, SubliminalHorn said:

    Who gives a fuck about the cocktail party 

    I've been to it.  Hell, I was on the sideline for the second half.  It pales in comparison to TX/OU.  They split the crowd at the end zones instead of the 50 and the stadium is an NFL retread.  It's lame in comparison. 

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  3. On 5/16/2024 at 3:09 PM, DixonHur said:

    What is she even talking about?  Everyone knows what crime he's accused of committing.

    Is she just saying that he's committed so many crimes that he's not sure which one this is?  

    I thought all criminal convictions required a unanimous jury verdict. 

  4. 7 hours ago, DixonHur said:

    Yeah, you lost all credibility with line.  

    As for Lambo, I call bullshit on them seeing an ROI.  One, what investment are they making?  I understand they are getting a revenue boost from donors (IE the collective ) buying/ leasing cars for players, but how many non-university related cars did they sell based on player x driving one of their cars around Austin?

    In other words, that has nothing to do with said players name, image or likeness... Otherwise known as NIL.

    Jordan moved units for Nike because we wanted to be like Mike... That's an ROI that's easily calculated.  I can't imagine a scenario where some tech executive decides to buy a Lamborghini because he saw an 18 year old Longhorn football player driving one.

    It's all a sham.

    Stop the pedantic game of semantics.  These kids are professional athletes, not "student athletes", and it's time they were treated as such.  They need to become employees.

    The triplets gave away the ghost when one of them said the reason they picked Texas was because of the money.

    There's no loyalty anymore, which is fine, but quite pretending that nothing has changed.  It's all transactional and we'd be wise to recognize it.

    I recognize that you work in, or close to, Belmont but don't insult my intelligence by pretending you don't know where this is headed without guardrails being added.



    Fuck guardrails.  We are the motherfucking Joneses and we are finally able to leverage it.  And now you want to go and play Kumbaya with the poors?  Fuck all that shit. 

  5. 3 hours ago, Hornius Emeritus said:

    "This bum splitting turd (coprolite) was found in 1972 beneath the site of what was to become the York branch of Lloyds Bank and may be the largest example of fossilised human faeces ever found, measuring a whopping 20cm (8 in) long and 5cm (2 in) wide! Analysis of the stool has indicated that its producer subsisted largely on meat and bread whilst the presence of several hundred parasitic eggs suggests they were riddled with intestinal worms. In 1991, York Archaeological Trust employee and paleoscatologist, Dr Andrew Jones, made international news with his appraisal of the item for insurance purposes: "This is the most exciting piece of excrement I've ever seen... In its own way, it's as irreplaceable as the Crown Jewels". The layers that covered the coprolite were moist and peaty. They preserved not only the coprolite but also timber, textiles and leather. Put simply, this is a fossilized human turd. Possibly the largest and – bizarrely – most valuable poo on record. It dates back to approximately the 9th century and the person responsible is believed to be a Viking."

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