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Certifiably Surly
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22236 Surly 1%

About DigglerontheHoof

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  1. You're a fucking NAZI. Got fuck yourself.
  2. We are absolutely headed the same way as 1930s nazi Germany. I don’t think there’s any way to stop it now.
  3. So Tesla’s stock price should get a 20% bump.
  4. Seems like they’d have at least as much cause as in the early 60s.
  5. User name
  6. Sorry, any moron who thought trump would be better for Muslims than Biden truly deserves to FO. And I’m here to enjoy every time it happens.
  7. Mine’s disappeared.
  8. I’d settle for beating House and Senate Republicans with a fucking cane. That would be a good start.
  9. Like all trumpkins, he’s a pussy.
  10. Well he’s a coward, so…
  11. They'll never take me alive.
  12. That the evil and stupid voted in. Blood in the streets isn’t far away.
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