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Certifiably Surly
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About DigglerontheHoof

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  1. I'm waiting for him to claim his injury was worse than Reagan's.
  2. I bet he doesn't last past the DNC. He'll replace him w/ a female candidate. And I don't wear hats but would absolutely wear a "White Dudes for Harris" tshirt.
  3. I'm at the point where I think Tapper is secretly full-on maga.
  4. That was wild; would like to know the story behind it.
  5. The Falcons need to go back to the red helmets permanently and purge the Jerry Glanville days forever.
  6. Nice to win a bidding war. Hookem!
  7. The only good reason to go to that POS stadium is to yell "Poor Aggies" while we're kicking the shit out of them. I can get the same satisfaction yelling it at DKR.
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