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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by DigglerontheHoof

  1. 44 minutes ago, sugar said:


    I don't remember. I wrote some excellent shit about Garrett Gilbert though, specifically how he was destined for One Flew Over The Cuckoos nest pillow ending because Mack Brown broke his brain.

    Strangely enough, MB did the same thing to David Ash.

    Heckuva job, Brownie.

    I hate Trump, he's an annoying cunt....just like you. 

  2. 16 hours ago, Loco said:

    that's one of my concerns, you don't just have to guard the property (and grounds) when kids are on campus, you have to keep it sterile 24/7.  Not only that, perimeter defenses need to be robust so a determined shooter doesn't hop a fence and go on a rampage.


    A lot of resources will be burned if you're serious about hardening the schools.

    If you're using the word "school" and "perimeter defense" in the same sentence, we're already fucked.  Turning schools into forts can't be the fucking answer.   If it is; we've already lost and Brisket is right....just a matter of time before we circle the toilet bowl of societies. 

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  3. On 5/10/2018 at 10:54 PM, Gil Bang said:

    cops were called to a San Diego high school today and tazed an "unruly" kid.  Cops couldn't handle a High Schooler without a taser.


    No further info yet, but my money's on the kid being black. 

    There's video out from a few years ago of a Texas cop tazing a 70 something year old lady for her bad attitude during a traffic stop....cops are racist pussies...moose out front shoulda told you. 

  4. CSB time.

    My date and I randomly had drinks and dinner w/ this couple and another couple about a month ago.  One of my best friends is a commercial real estate leasing agent and leases space for a couple/few of this dude's properties.  My date and I had plans to meet my friend and his wife at Social House, in Addison.  A couple of hours before our dinner, he called an asked if I'd mind if Laura and Mark joined us.  No clue to who they are/were, so whatever. 

    All in all, fairly unremarkable and fairly fun evening but I did pick up a couple of things:

    She's aggy so, this is what happens when folks w/ cheating in their veins marry.

    They are annoyingly Christian-acting...asked for everyone to join hands at pray when dinner arrived....at the fucking Social House...while we were getting smashed.  I declined. 

    They also played themselves off as this couple who had been together for years and have 8 kids together.  

    They were supposedly celebrating b/c they'd just sold one of their properties for millions of dollars in profit.

    He big-timed us all and picked up the check....so free night out. 


    That's all I got. 


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